[Badgirlz-list] antiféminism within the anarchist movement..…

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Autor: Errata
Temat: [Badgirlz-list] antiféminism within the anarchist movement...


Introduction : chronologie des événements (fr).

Anarchie ou Patriarchie ? (fr + eng)

Libéralisme libertaire et anarchaféminisme :
quelques éléments de réflexion. (fr + eng)

Festen à la Gryffe. (Sam) (fr)

Je préfère le fouet à vos chimères... (Corinne
Monnet) (fr)

De la mâlerie à La Gryffe. (léo thiers-vidal) (fr)


File “La Gryffe”: antiféminism within the anarchist

Celebrating the fifth anniversary of the exclusion of
3 women and 2 men from the anarchist bookshop La
Gryffe (Lyon, France) for "questioning anarchist
sexism", you'll find some texts written at that period
denouncing anti-feminism, sexism and masculinism
within the anarchist movement. In the introduction
you'll find a brief chronology of the events: from the
feminist action during the anarchist days in may 1998,
to the creation of procedures of exception, to the
application of measures of repression, till the
expulsion of these five persons.

The text "Anarchy or patriarchy" written by the
Collective of women, feminists and lesbians of the
feminist action during the anarchist days, allows to
understand the reasons of this action and it's
analysis by the collective. The text "Anarchist
liberalism and anarcha-feminism" proposes an analysis
of the specific sexism of the dominant members of La
Gryffe, while the texts of Corinne, Sam and léo allow
to understand from the inside how anarchist
masculinism acts against those questioning it.

AND, *five years later*, anarchist masculinism is
still very active. This is the answer of a man
responsible of a-infos-france, an anarchist electronic
distribution list, who refuses to distribute the
*announcement of on line publication* of these texts
re La Gryffe:

« Concerning you message, I’ll not edit it (!) for
several reasons. The 20 years anniversary of the
anarchist bookshop La Gryffe has left some very bad
souvenirs for a lot of activists. And I don’t think
that the best way to rediscuss this moment consists in
referring to that file. Or one should complete it with
other points of view. When I say other points of view,
I do not think of anarcho-sexist texts. After this
story, people have wanted to restrain discussion and
present points of view, to radical feminists on the
one side and anarchists (all sexists) on the other.
But reality is more complex and a lot of texts which
have circulated afterwards reflect these multiple
points of view. If unacceptable things have happened
at that anniversary (and consequently) by anarchists
against feminists, other things - not very shining -
have also happened, and which imply other grids of
analysis, complementary or not. For me this file is
partial and biased. Of course, I surely do not have an
objective point of view (but yes, objectivity does not
exist) as I participated to the 20 years anniversary
and I have an extremely unpleasant souvenir of the
discussions I had with [snip]

Beyond this message, I strongly hope that you’ll
continue to send texts to a-infos.

Anarchist and anti-patriarchal greetings »

Dossier "La Gryffe": del antifeminismo en los círculos

Con ocasión del quinto aniversario de la exclusión de
tres mujeres y dos hombres de la librería libertaria
La Gryffe de Lyon, Francia, por "cuestionar el sexismo
libertario" podeis encontrar algunos textos escritos
en ese momento denunciando el antifeminismo, el
sexismo y el masculinismo de los círculos libertarios.

En la introducción encontrareis una descripción
cronológica de los acontecimientos: desde la acción
féminista durante las jornadas libertarias de mayo de
1998 hasta las medidas que llevaron a la expulsión de
estas cinco personas.

El texto "Anarquía o Patriarquía" escrito por el
"Colectivo de mujeres, feministas y lesbianas" de
actión feminista con ocasión de las jornadas
libertarias permite comprender las razones de esta
acción y el análisis del colectivo.

El texto "Liberalismo libertario y anarcofeminismo"
propone un análisis del sexismo específico de los
miembros dominantes de la Gryffe, mientras que los
textos de Corinne, Sam et léo permiten comprender
desde dentro como el masculinismo libertario actua
contra ellas y ellos que lo cuestionan.

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