[Badgirlz-list] darkdaughta.com...a nebulous and rebellious …

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Autore: tenacious1
Data: 2004-04-20 18:23 -000
Oggetto: [Badgirlz-list] darkdaughta.com...a nebulous and rebellious universe once gestating, now unfolding...
Welcome to darkdaughta.com <http://www.darkdaughta.com/> , the website
for t.j. bryan aka tenacious.

I am a fiery, dedicated and prolific writer/multimedia artist/workshop
facilitator/far seer/speaker/militant mama working on exposing, defining
and/or defying the links between race, queerness, gender, class, desire,
freelance community worker's rights, mamawork, anti-oppression and other
issues of relevance in my life, relationships and work.

this is a space of questioning and anti-oppression. it is as
queer-focused, anti-racist, trans+, woman-powered, mama friendly,
multi-layered, dominance questioning and emotionally grounded as i could
manage given the entrenched hierarchies and hegemonies within which i

in the world of darkdaughta you will find up-to-date information on:
*    more info about the workshops/gatherings/discussions i'll be
hosting/facilitating in the coming months in the toronto area including:
badass: <http://www.darkdaughta.com/badass.html>  an anti-mother’s day
gathering, in her own words
<http://www.darkdaughta.com/inherownwords.html> : an 8 part discussion
series featuring my published works, more about the good girlfriend
<http://www.darkdaughta.com/goodgirlfriend.html>   gatherings: for
wimmin of all/any gendered locations/sexualities who date/sex/partner
with men, loving
<http://www.darkdaughta.com/lovingdarklylovingmore.html>  darkly, loving
more: people of colour of all/any gendered locations and sexualities
consciously exploring relationship options and additional
anti-oppression <http://www.darkdaughta.com/workshop.html>  workshop
facilitation information.
*    my various attempts at multimedia
<http://www.darkdaughta.com/creation.html>  creation 
*    extensive biographical and
<http://www.darkdaughta.com/creatrix.html>  past project information 
*    how to invite me to your school/class grassroots
<http://www.darkdaughta.com/inthaschool.html>  arts/poetic/writing
*    about the talk- and anti-oppression- based counseling
<http://www.darkdaughta.com/transformational.html>  experience i will be
*    info about where  <http://www.darkdaughta.com/mentor.html> i
learned the not-so-gentle art of shit disturbation 
*    my dark <http://www.darkdaughta.com/blogger.html>  web log
entries for up-to-date in-roads into what i've been thinking, writing
and emailing. this week at dark blogger: how
<http://www.darkdaughta.com/blogger.html> i became a black lesbian porn
*    on what this radical <http://www.darkdaughta.com/mama.html>
mama does to give her childrearing some kick as she makes milky,
subversive breeder revolution 
*    on  <http://www.darkdaughta.com/diaspora.html>  race, desire,
erotophobia, sexual colonization and sex positivity 
*    then there's my baybee... left-k
<http://www.darkdaughta.com/leftk.html>  which is a $1,000.00 grant i
will be offering yearly to one politically radical, dark, queer youth 
*    my answer to all the websites with f.a.q.s [frequently asked
questions]... fuqs [frequently un-asked questions]
*    if you want to register for any of the workshops i'm offering,
find out when next i'll be speaking, if you’d like me to facilitate a
discussion or workshop for your organization or group or if you wanna
comment about darkdaughta.com just hit me back!
*    Coming soon: more drawings, more images, more writings, more
workshops, more gatherings and, as soon as I’ve finished getting all the
bios back...frenz of darkdaughta, which is where I’ll be doing a roll
call of other folks doing questioning, creative work who may or may not
have websites online at this point in time.

you can just hit delta <http://www.darkdaughta.com/delta.html> . for
those of you who understand about the interconnected nature of
oppression, consider darkdaughta as my personal solution to
fragmentation and hierarchies of oppression. as you move into the space
you may eventually realize that this darkdaughta is linked all ovah. so,
if you simply utilize the side bar headings to navigate through this
site, you will miss a whole other layer of reasoning and memoire-style
recollection, not to mention the various writings i've laced the site
with. delta offers an overview of the winding, web-like path that is my
middle passage leading back through time and forward again. sankofa.
delta will grow and stretch as my comprehension of myself expands. so,
don't get attached to her present incarnation as she will definitely
morph as i do.

also, if you/your group have a website, consider adding darkdaughta
<http://www.darkdaughta.com/> .com to your links page.

if you’ve received this transmission and would like to be removed from
my mailing list please unsubscribe
<mailto:darkdaughta@yahoo.ca?subject=unsubscribe> .

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