[Cm-roma] traduzioni

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Autore: arnaldowsky@inwind.it
Oggetto: [Cm-roma] traduzioni
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allego il documento tradotto in spagnolo(messicano), e qualche correzione=
 a quello in inglese, secondo me va rivisto, il mio amico messiacano mi h=
a fatto questa tradzione in messicano dall'inglese ma due o tre volte ha =
trovato il documento incomprensibile, se qualcuno ha le competenze per me=
tterlo in un inglese o americano "standard " gli dia un occhiata.
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1\keepn\widctlpar\outlinelevel0\adjustright \b\fs22\lang1040\cgrid {\fs28=
\lang2058 Marcha Masiva Internacional- Roma 28,29 y 30 de mayo 2004
 }\pard\plain \widctlpar\adjustright \fs20\lang1040\cgrid {
\par }\pard\=
plain \s1\keepn\widctlpar\outlinelevel0\adjustright \b\fs22\lang1040\cgri=
d {\lang2058 Un ciclismo renacentista
\par }\pard\plain \widctlpar\adjus=
tright \fs20\lang1040\cgrid {\f18\lang2058 
\par }\pard \qj\widctlpar\ad=
justright {\fs22\lang2058 Hechando una mirada en nuestras ciudades, viend=
o como ellas estan modificando nuestro estilo de vida, enfrent\'e1ndose d=
iariamente a problemas medioambientales, es evidente q
ue la era motoris=
ada esta por colapsar.
\par }\pard\plain \s16\qj\widctlpar\adjust=
right \fs22\lang2058\cgrid Los ciclistas urbanos estamos capacitados para=
 ver el surgimiento de un nuevo renacimiento. Cada vez m\'e1s gente esta =
considerando que por los ultimos 30 a\'f1os a existido un tab\'fa
: usar=
 su propia fuerza para moverse a ellos mismos. Estan descubriendo que se =
puede llegar m\'e1s r\'e1
pido y con mayor facilidad  sin usar el auto. =
Autos y motocicletas nos han logrado hipnotizar para convencernos de que =
no es posible caminar mas de 200 metros y que el ciclismo es un pasatiemp=
o para los fines de semana y los dias de descanso.
\par \pard\plain \qj\=
widctlpar\adjustright \fs20\lang1040\cgrid {\fs22\lang2058 
\par }\pard\=
plain \s16\qj\widctlpar\adjustright \fs22\lang2058\cgrid Dos guerras petr=
oleras en los \'faltimos 10 a\'f1os, y cada vez m\'e1s vida sedentaria, r=
educido costo para el  ejercicio y la inabilidad para moverse m\'e1s f\'e=
cilmente de una parte de la ciudad a otra , han provocado en cada vez =
m\'e1s gente en el mundo el buscar otra alternativa al autom\'f3vil.
r \pard\plain \qj\widctlpar\adjustright \fs20\lang1040\cgrid {\fs22\lang2=
\par }\pard\plain \s15\qj\widctlpar\adjustright \fs22\lang1040\cgri=
d {\lang2058 Hemos empezado a navegar nuestras ciudades con bicicletas un=
a vez m\'e1s. Habia sido abandonada, no querida, usada solo como juguete,=
 ocultada por el gran marketing de las compa
\'f1ias automotrices y petr=
oleras por eso no las veiamos. El recorrer 3,5, 20 km em bicicleta  era (=
y a\'fan es para algunos) una locura. Nuestros cuerpos no podian con eso,=
 entonces tratamos de lidiar con eso, y estabamos capacitados para realiz=
ar m\'e1
s r\'e1pido nuestros trayectos, para estacionarnos no cerca de =
casa sino EN la casa. Comenzamos a disfrutar el ir por la ciudad, redescu=
briendo los lugares escondidos,  que solamente ve\'ed
amos de reojo por =
las ruedas, empezamos a sonar la campana para hacernos notar a la gente c=
aminante frente a nosotros. Empezamos a ver el cielo en las ma\'f1anas pa=
ra saber que pasar\'e1
 con el clima, regresando a la vida  la pesadilla=
 del aire acondicioonado.  Sin riesgo de matar a todo aquel que cruza enf=
rente de nosotros, comenamos a usar la bicileta 
para ir a la escuela, e=
l trabajo, universidad, ir a las compras, salir con amigos, salir de marc=
ha y\'85nos encanta.   
\par }\pard\plain \widctlpar\adjustright \fs20\l=
ang1040\cgrid {\fs22\lang2058 
\par }\pard\plain \s1\keepn\widctlpar\out=
linelevel0\adjustright \b\fs22\lang1040\cgrid {\lang2058 Una ciudad para =
\par }\pard\plain \widctlpar\adjustright \fs20\lang1040\cgr=
id {\fs22\lang2058 
\par Es una opci\'f3n de la gente com\'fan, mientras=
 nos encontremos consiguiendo conseciones de las autoridades y buscando s=
oluciones urbanas y confrontando la expansi\'f3n de transportes privados =
que usan y malgastan los recursos energ\'e9ticos.  
\par Hay que =
estar listos para apreciar la belleza y la riqueza de nuestras calles NO =
solamente el volumen de autos que circulan por ellas. Los espacios urbano=
s  llenos de vivacidad y alegr\'eda son los que tienen que limitar la can=
tidad de veh\'ed
culos motorizados. Un espacio abierto, libre y seguro e=
s aquel que mantiene los autos fuera y no el que sacrifica gente, ni\'f1o=
s y animales para la comodidad de los autos.
\par }\pard\plain \s=
1\keepn\widctlpar\outlinelevel0\adjustright \b\fs22\lang1040\cgrid {\lang=
2058 \'bfPorqu\'e9 una Marcha Masiva?
\par }\pard\plain \widctlpar\adjus=
tright \fs20\lang1040\cgrid {\fs22\lang2058 
\par Hace un par de a\'f1os=
 en Italia, y cerca de una d\'e9cada por ahi en alg\'fan lugar, los cicli=
stas urbanos se han ido juntando regularmente \endash el \'faltimo vierne=
s de cada mes en Roma- y viajando a trav\'e9s de sus ciudades e
n un int=
ento por comunicar y transmitir su mensaje:
\par {\pntext\pard\pl=
ain\fs22\lang2058\cgrid \hich\af0\dbch\af0\loch\f0 -\tab}}\pard \fi-360\l=
i360\widctlpar\jclisttab\tx360{\*\pn \pnlvlblt\ilvl0\ls1\pnrnot0\pnindent=
360\pnhang{\pntxtb -}}\ls1\adjustright {\fs22\lang2058 
Que es posible e=
l usar la bicicleta como forma de transporte
\par {\pntext\pard\plain\fs=
22\lang2058\cgrid \hich\af0\dbch\af0\loch\f0 -\tab}}\pard \fi-360\li360\w=
idctlpar\jclisttab\tx360{\*\pn \pnlvlblt\ilvl0\ls1\pnrnot0\pnindent360\pn=
hang{\pntxtb -}}\ls1\adjustright {\fs22\lang2058 Que las bicicletas no bl=
oquean el t
\'e1afico, pero tienen los mismos derechos de usar las calle=
\par {\pntext\pard\plain\fs22\lang2058\cgrid \hich\af0\dbch\af0\loch\=
f0 -\tab}}\pard \fi-360\li360\widctlpar\jclisttab\tx360{\*\pn \pnlvlblt\i=
lvl0\ls1\pnrnot0\pnindent360\pnhang{\pntxtb -}}\ls1\adjustright {\fs22\la=
Para dar un aviso al administrador de la ciudad para otorgar sol=
uciones para proteger y facilitar el uso de bicicletas en vez de autos y =
otros ruidosos,apestosos y contaminantes veh\'edculos. 
\par }\pard \wid=
ctlpar\adjustright {\fs22\lang2058 
\par }\pard\plain \s1\keepn\widctlpa=
r\outlinelevel0\adjustright \b\fs22\lang1040\cgrid {\lang2058 En Roma, al=
 final de mayo, no bloquearemos el tr\'e1fico, nosotros seremos el tr\'e1=
\par }\pard\plain \widctlpar\adjustright \fs20\lang1040\cgrid {\fs2=
\par Para informacion; www.tmcrew.org/cm}{\lang2058  
\par =
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Critical Mass Internazionale \'96 Roma 28, 29 e 30 maggio 2004}{\author =
Ishmael}{\operator luighi}{\creatim\yr2004\mo4\dy9\hr17\min39}{\revtim\yr=
{\*\company Pequod}{\nofcharsws0}{\vern89}}\paperw11907\pa=
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epn\widctlpar\outlinelevel0\adjustright \b\f15\fs28\lang1040\cgrid {\f0\l=
International Critical Mass\endash Rome 28th, 29th, 30th May 2=
\par }\pard\plain \widctlpar\adjustright \f4\lang1040\cgrid {\b\f0\f=
\par }\pard\plain \s2\keepn\widctlpar\outlinelevel1\adjust=
right \b\f15\lang1040\cgrid {\f0\fs22\lang2057 A cycling renaissance
r }\pard\plain \widctlpar\adjustright \f4\lang1040\cgrid {\fs22
\par }{=
\f0\fs22\lang2057 Looking around in our cities, seeing how they are modif=
ying our lifestyles, confronting daily environmental emergencies, it is e=
vident that the motorised era is collapsing.
\par We urban cyclis=
ts are able to see the dawning of a new renaissance. All the time more pe=
ople are considering that which for the last 30 years has been a taboo: u=
sing their own strength to move themselves about. They are rediscovering =
that they can get ab
out quicker and with more easy without relying on u=
sing the car. Cars, motorbikes and mopeds have hypnotised us into the con=
viction that we can't walk more than 200 metres and that cycling is a hob=
by for the weekends and holidays only.
\par Two petrol wars in =0D
the last 10 years, an ever more sedentary lifestyle, rising costs of exer=
cise and, above all, the inability to move easily from one part of the ci=
ty to another have made more and more people around the world search for =
an alternative to the car.
\par We have
started to navigate ou=
r cities using bicycles once more. There it was, abandoned, unloved, used=
only as a toy, obscured by the marketing hype of the car and petrol indu=
stries so that we couldn't see it. To cover 3, 5, 20 km in the city on a =
bike was (and
till is for some) madness. Our bodies couldn't cope wi=
th that! Then we tried, our bodies coped and we were able to speed up our=
travel times, parking not NEAR the house but IN the house. We started to=
enjoy cruising around our city, rediscovering the hidd
n places that=
we only glimpsed from behind the wheel, ringing our bells to let the pas=
sers-by know we were there as we slipped, silently and fume free, past th=
em. We've relearnt to check the skies in the morning to see what will hap=
pen with the weather, r
turning to live outside the nightmare of air =
conditioning. Not risking killing everyone who dares to cross in front of=
us. We've started to use the bicycle to go to school, work, University, =
to do the shopping, meet friends and go out at night and....we l
ike it =
a lot.
\par }\pard\plain \s2\keepn\widctlpar\outlinelevel1\adjust=
right \b\f15\lang1040\cgrid {\f0\fs22\lang2057 A city to redesign
\par }=
\pard\plain \widctlpar\adjustright \f4\lang1040\cgrid {\f0\fs22\lang2057 =

\par Ours is a choice from the bottom - while we find ourselves battlin=
g for concessions from the authorities and searching for solutions to urb=
an issues and confronting the ever expanding use of private means of tran=
sport that
waste energy resources. Meanwhile utterly inadequate solutio=
ns for tackling traffic jams and the fumes that afflict both big and smal=
l city centres continue to be proposed. Let\rquote
s face the reality o=
f it, there will not be enough parking or space on the roads to take more=
traffic as we head towards saturation point.
\par Let\rquote s =
be able to appreciate the beauty and richness of our streets NOT just the=
volume of cars that funnel through them. Urban spaces that burst with li=
fe and vivacity are those able to limit t
he amount of motorised vehicle=
s. An open, free, safe space is one that keeps cars out not one that sacr=
ifices people, children and animals to the car god.
\par }\pard\p=
lain \s2\keepn\widctlpar\outlinelevel1\adjustright \b\f15\lang1040\cgrid =
{\f0\fs22\lang2057 Why a National Critical Mass?
\par }\pard\plain \widc=
tlpar\adjustright \f4\lang1040\cgrid {\fs22
\par }\pard \sa240\widctlpa=
r\adjustright {\f0\fs22\lang2057 From a couple of years ago in Italy, and=
a decade somewhere, urban cyclists have been meeting regularly \endash =
the last Friday of every month in Rome \endash
and traversing their ci=
ties in an attempt to communicate and transmit their messages:
\par {\pn=
text\pard\plain\fs22\lang2057\cgrid \hich\af0\dbch\af0\loch\f0 -\tab}}\pa=
rd \fi-706\li706\sa40\widctlpar{\*\pn \pnlvlblt\ilvl0\ls2\pnrnot0\pninden=
t360\pnhang{\pntxtb -}}\ls2\adjustright {\f0\fs22\lang2057
that it is p=
ossible to use bicycles as a means of urban transport
\par }\pard \fi-70=
6\li706\sa40\widctlpar\adjustright {\f0\fs22\lang2057 -\tab that bicycles=
do not block the traffic but are traffic with equal rights to use the st=
\par }\pard \fi-645\li705\widctlpar\adjustright {\f0\fs22\lang2057=
-\tab to give a wake up call to the city administrators that kick into t=
ouch the solutions that safeguard and facilitate the use of bicycles inst=
ead of cars and other noisy, stinking, pollutin
g vehicles.
\par }\pard=
\plain \s15\widctlpar\adjustright \b\f15\fs28\lang1040\cgrid {\f0\fs22\la=
\par In Rome, at the end of May, we won\rquote t be block=
ing the traffic WE\rquote LL BE the traffic.
\par }\pard\plain \widctlp=
ar\adjustright \f4\lang1040\cgrid {\f0\fs22\lang2057
\par For further i=
nformation: www.tmcrew.org/cm
\par }}