[NuovoLaboratorio] Stop Caterpillar

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Autore: Elisabetta Filippi
Oggetto: [NuovoLaboratorio] Stop Caterpillar
Ricevo ed inoltro. Firmate anche voi la petizione contro i bulldozer della
Elisabetta Filippi

PLEASE SIGN the Petition to free the 5 Consientious Objectors:

-- original message --

Dear Friend,

One year ago on March 16, a Caterpillar bulldozer crushed
American peace activist Rachel Corrie to death, as she stood
between it and a Palestinian home. Join with Jewish Voice for
Peace and Progressive Portal in commemorating the one year
anniversary of her death by taking action, and calling on the
Caterpillar Corporation to stop selling bulldozers to the
Israeli Army.

Send a letter through Progressive Portal, calling on Caterpillar
dealerships to hold the company responsible for its practices,
by going to:

Since 1967, Caterpillar equipment has been used to destroy over
9,000 Palestinian homes, leaving over 50,000 people homeless.
Now, for the first time in history, an American corporation is
being forced to address its relationship with the Israeli
occupation in a shareholder resolution, filed in the Caterpillar
Corporation by Sisters of Loretto and the Sisters of Mercy and
initiated by Jewish Voice for Peace. The resolution calls on the
company to investigate the uses of its equipment to violate
human rights, and it will be voted on at the April 14
Caterpillar Shareholder Meeting in Chicago. See the text of the
resolution by going to:

If you know people who own shares in Caterpillar, pass along our
message, and tell them to vote YES! on Proposal 5.


The success of our campaign to hold Caterpillar responsible for
its violations of human rights depends on you. Take one moment
to send this message to friends and colleagues. Pass the word!
YES! on Proposal 5.


If you received this message from a friend, you can sign up for
Jewish Voice for Peace at:


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