[Cerchio] AI global campaign to stop violence against women


著者: Tuula Haapiainen
題目: [Cerchio] AI global campaign to stop violence against women
caro Maurizio, mi sembra un eccellente chiusura a questa giornata,
specialmente perché fatta con una sensibilità maschile! La presa di distanza
da parte di un uomo, dalla violenza degli altri uomini contro le donne, è un
atto politico.

Ti ringrazio!
un abbraccio
----- Original Message -----
From: <djm@???>
To: <cerchio@???>
Sent: Tuesday, March 09, 2004 1:03 AM
Subject: [Cerchio] AI global campaign to stop violence against women

> Non sono certo solito mandare in lista i release di questa organizzazione,

> visto quello che l'8 di marzo rappresenta -- e che è stato celebrato per

> da Tuula carissima -- sembra accettabile fare un ulteriore contributo.
> M
> ___________________________________________________
> News Release Issued by the International Secretariat of Amnesty

> AI Index: ACT 77/021/2004
> March 2004
> Amnesty International launches global campaign to stop violence against

women -
> A cancer and human rights atrocity
> Violence against women is a cancer eating away the core of every society,

> every country of the world, Irene Khan, Secretary General of Amnesty
> International, said today at the launch of the organisation's global

campaign to
> stop violence against women.
> Whether in times of peace or war, women are subjected to atrocities simply
> because they are women. Millions of women are beaten, raped, murdered,
> assaulted, mutilated and even denied the right to ever exist. At least one

> three women in the world will suffer serious violence in their lifetime.
> Unveiling its worldwide Stop Violence Against Women Campaign, Amnesty
> International called for urgent action by every man and woman to end this
> outrageous scandal.
> "This is not something that just happens over there, it happens here. It

is not
> something that only happens to other people, it happens to you, your

friends and
> your family. Until all of us, men as well as women, say 'no, I will not

let this
> happen', it will not stop," said Irene Khan.
> "Violence against women is a human rights atrocity. Human rights are more

> sets of laws and obligations, they embody a promise that, in equality, we

> all entitled to the same rights. Violence against women is the cavernous

> between that promise and the will of governments, local authorities,

> business and community leaders to fulfil it."
> Amnesty International's report It's in our hands - Stop Violence against

> reveals the multiple causes of violence from armed conflict to family

> and harmful traditional practices that seek to control women's sexuality.
> "Violence threatens women in multiple forms during conflict. From the

> child soldiers who are routinely raped by their own troops and the

> women and girls who are mutilated, raped and murdered as a weapon of war,

to the
> escalation in violence within the family as troops return home - armed

> is having a devastating and desperate impact on women that goes far beyond

> inherent violence of war."
> Also highlighting the global problem of violence in the home and

> Amnesty International points to every country in the world for failing to
> protect women in their own homes.
> "Behind closed doors and in secret, women are subjected to violence by

> partners and close relatives, too ashamed and afraid to report it and so

> taken seriously when they do."
> Even where legislation exists to prevent and punish such violence, the
> authorities routinely fail to implement it and in some areas, parallel

> of authority such as community and religious leaders actually allow it to
> persist, Amnesty International added.
> "From the battlefield to the bedroom, women are at risk," Irene Khan said.

> are the first to feel the lack of poor social services, the first to be

> education and health care. The effects of economic globalization are

> more and more women trapped in poverty on the margins of society. Poverty

> women more exposed to violence, less able to escape it. It severely

> women's ability to organize and fight for change. In this, as in so many

> ways, governments are failing to address the real 'terror' of our world

> millions of women face every day."
> Amnesty International paid tribute to women's organisations around the

world for
> the enormous strides that have been made to counter violence and achieve

> and equality over the last few decades.
> "There is much to be optimistic about the future as real solutions to the
> problem do exist and have been demonstrated to work. We will join with

> organizations to lobby for change," said Irene Khan.
> "As a human rights organisation we will mobilise our members and

> around the world. We will engage men as well as women. Men must play a

> part if we are to end violence against women."
> During the campaign, Amnesty International will:
> - Call on all people, men and women, to raise their hands to end violence
> against women.
> - Work for a world in which all cultures, traditions, political and

> systems regard violence against women as abhorrent.
> - Demand accountability and fight impunity for violence against women

whether in
> peace time or during conflict.
> - Seek the abolition of laws that discriminate against women, and the

> and effective implementation of laws and other measures to protect women

> violence.
> - Hold states individually and collectively accountable under

international and
> domestic laws to prevent, investigate, punish and redress all acts of

> against women whether in peacetime or during conflict.
> - Secure effective action to stop violence against women at the community

> from local government or religious, traditional and informal authorities.
> - Campaign to end impunity for combatants who commit violence against

> "Violence against women is not normal, legal nor acceptable and should

never be
> tolerated or justified. It can and must be stopped," Irene Khan concluded.
> "It is in our hands to make a difference and to bring human rights home."
> Visit the Stop violence against website
> http://amnesty-news.c.topica.com/maab0Tdaa4Vnsbb0hcYb/
> Read the report: It's in our hands - Stop violence against women
> http://amnesty-news.c.topica.com/maab0Tdaa4Vntbb0hcYb/
> View all AI documents on Women
> http://amnesty-news.c.topica.com/maab0Tdaa4Vnubb0hcYb/

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