[RSF] haiti

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Szerző: pilar_castel@inwind.it
Tárgy: [RSF] haiti
che haiti sia una piccola prova generale( come se ne avessero bisogno ) p=
er entrare in Venezuela? E poi Cuba ( Castro non vivr=E0 in eterno)? In s=
intesi: da quando =E8 stato eletto Aristide haiti =E8 stata sottoposta a =
sanzioni da parte USA e Francia, i 'ribelli' sono stati finanziati da que=
st'utimi, Aristide =E8 stato rapito e deportato dopo che aveva dichiarato=
che avrebbe lasciato haiti solo da morto.Metre il mondo si prepara alla =
manifestazione contro la guerra e la sopraffazione....(paci, pilar) <BR><=
BR><BR>un messaggio dagli stati uniti <BR><BR><BR>forwarding a message fr=
om john <BR><BR>Date: Mon, 1 Mar 2004 12:56:05 -0500 (GMT-05:00) <BR>From=
: "John Catalinotto" <JOHNOTTOCAT@???>Add to Address Book <BR>T=
o: 1502europe-coordination@??? <BR>Subject: [global ant=
i-war] U.S. kidnapped Aristide; Oppose <BR>Bush's Coup in Haiti <BR><BR>F=
or your information, TWO ITEMS REGARDING THE COUP IN HAITI: <BR>1. Aristi=
de says he was kidnapped. He did not resign. (from <BR>democracynow) <BR>=
2. Statement from ANSWER--will bring up Haiti at March 20 <BR>demonstrati=
on. <BR><BR>JCatalinotto <BR><BR>http://www.democracynow.org/ <BR><BR><BR=

' 'TELL THE WORLD IT IS A COUP' <BR><BR>Multiple sources that just spoke =
with Haitian President Jean-Bertrand <BR>Aristide told Democracy Now! tha=
t Aristide says he was "kidnapped" and <BR>taken <BR>by force to the Cent=
ral African Republic. Congressmember Maxine Waters <BR>said <BR>she recei=
ved a call from Aristide at 9am EST. "He's surrounded by <BR>military. <B=
R>It's like he is in jail, he said. He says he was kidnapped," said <BR>W=
aters. <BR>She said he had been threatened by what he called US diplomats=
. <BR>According to <BR>Waters, the diplomats reportedly told the Haitian =
president that if he <BR>did <BR>not leave Haiti, paramilitary leader Guy=
Philippe would storm the <BR>palace and <BR>Aristide would be killed. Ac=
cording to Waters, Aristide was told by the <BR>US <BR>that they were wit=
hdrawing Aristide's US security. <BR>TransAfrica founder and close Aristi=
de family friend Randall Robinson <BR>also <BR>received a call from the H=
aitian president early this morning and <BR>confirmed <BR>Waters account.=
Robinson said that Aristide "emphatically" denied that <BR>he <BR>had re=
signed. "He did not resign," he said. "He was abducted by the <BR>United =
<BR>States in the commission of a coup." Robinson says he spoke to Aristi=
de <BR>on a <BR>cell phone that was smuggled to the Haitian president. <B=
R><BR>Developing... <BR><BR>http://www.democracynow.org/ <BR><BR><BR>----=
-Forwarded Message----- <BR>From: "A.N.S.W.E.R." <ANSWER@???>=
<BR>Sent: Mar 1, 2004 12:34 AM <BR>To: ANSWER.general@??? <B=
R>Subject: [ANSWER] Oppose Bush's Coup in Haiti <BR><BR>OPPOSE BUSH'S COU=
P IN HAITI <BR><BR>The A.N.S.W.E.R. (Act Now to Stop War & End Racism) <B=
R>Coalition condemns the U.S.-led coup carried out today <BR>against the =
elected president of Haiti, Jean-Bertrand <BR>Aristide, as well as the U.=
S. occupation of that country. <BR>U.S. marines have entered Haiti tonigh=
t (February 29). <BR><BR>Whether President Aristide was actually kidnappe=
d by U.S. <BR>forces, as some sources have reported, or was just <BR>pres=
ented with 'an offer he couldn't refuse,' there is no <BR>question that W=
ashington played the decisive role in this <BR>regime change. The coup in=
Haiti is reminiscent of similar <BR>deadly CIA operations in Iran, Guate=
mala, the Congo, Chile <BR>and numerous other countries in the last half-=
century. <BR><BR>The removal of President Aristide follows more than a <B=
R>century of U.S. intervention in Haiti, and years of <BR>destabilization=
designed to bring about the destruction of <BR>the Aristide government. =
This negation of Haiti's <BR>democracy and sovereignty by the U.S. comes =
as the country <BR>is marking its 200th anniversary of independence which=
<BR>followed the heroic revolt against slavery and the <BR>creation of t=
he first free Black republic in the Western <BR>Hemisphere. <BR><BR>Since=
the election of Aristide to a second term in late <BR>2000 with 92% of t=
he vote, Washington has maintained <BR>economic sanctions against the poo=
rest country in the <BR>Western Hemisphere. Sanctions have had the intend=
ed effect <BR>of wearing down the people and popular support for the <BR>=
Aristide government by denying food, medicine and other <BR>necessities o=
f life to the population. Haiti's poverty <BR>today is a direct result of=
centuries of slavery and <BR>exploitation for the benefit of corporate i=
nterests in <BR>France and the U.S. <BR><BR>In addition, the U.S. has ext=
ended financial and political <BR>support to the so-called "Democratic Co=
nvergence," the <BR>right-wing opposition. According to a story in today'=
s <BR>Miami Herald, State Department spokesman Richard Boucher <BR>said t=
oday that the U.S. "facilitated" Aristide's <BR>departure. Ira Kurzban, a=
n Aristide spokesman in Miami, <BR>said he believed "U.S. intelligence ag=
encies were involved <BR>in the ouster. ... This was a major operation by=
the <BR>intelligence agencies of the U.S." <BR><BR>Congressperson Charle=
s Rangel, a member of the <BR>Congressional Black Caucus, said that the U=
.S. government <BR>is "just as much as part of this coup d'etat as the <B=
R>rebels, looters or anyone else." (ABC's "This Week," Feb. <BR>29, 2004)=
<BR><BR>According to Reuters, U.S. civil rights leader Jesse <BR>Jackson=
called Aristide's resignation an <BR>"American-assisted coup," and U.S. =
Rep. Maxine Waters, a <BR>California Democrat, demanded to know where the=
Haitian <BR>leader was being taken one day after he told her "he would <=
BR>rather die than leave." "When I last talked to him <BR>(Aristide) yest=
erday, he was not going to leave. He said <BR>he would rather die than le=
ave. And then I wake up this <BR>morning and I find out that my governmen=
t has landed at <BR>his home with Marines. How did they get him to leave?=
What <BR>did they do? And where is he?" Waters said in an interview <BR>=
with CNN. <BR><BR>The Bush Administration has arrogantly and illegally <B=
R>embarked on a policy of "regime change" in Afghanistan, <BR>Iraq, Haiti=
and elsewhere. On March 20, the first <BR>anniversary of the start of th=
e unprovoked war of <BR>aggression against Iraq, people around the world =
will take <BR>to the streets in massive numbers. We will demand: Bring <B=
R>the Troops Home Now and End Occupation from Iraq to <BR>Palestine and E=
verywhere. We will also be marching to <BR>oppose the criminal role of th=
e Bush administration in <BR>ousting the first democratically elected gov=
ernment in <BR>Haiti's history. <BR><BR>* * * * * * * * * * <BR><BR>PLANS=
March 1, 5 pm, Powell & Market <BR>*New York City - Tuesday, March 2, 4:3=
0 to 6 pm, Times <BR>Square to the UN <BR><BR>* * * * * * * * * * <BR><BR=
>To read the background statement on Haiti issued by the <BR>A.N.S.W.E.R.=

Coalition on February 11, go to <BR>http://www.internationalanswer.org/n=
ews/update/021104haiti.html <BR><BR>On Friday, February 27, a press confe=
rence on the U.S. <BR>role in the Haitian crisis was held in Washington D=
C. For <BR>a report, photographs and the UPI article, go to <BR>http://ww=
w.internationalanswer.org/news/update/022804haiti.html <BR><BR>----------=
----------------- <BR><BR>Email circulated by: <BR>A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition=
<BR>Act Now to Stop War & End Racism <BR><BR>FOR MORE INFORMATION: <BR>h=
ttp://www.InternationalANSWER.org <BR>info@??? <BR>Wa=
shington 202-544-3389 <BR>New York 212-633-6646 <BR>Los Angeles 213-487-2=
368 <BR>San Francisco 415-821-6545 <BR><BR>Sign up to receive updates (lo=
w volume): <BR>http://www.internationalanswer.org/subscribelist.html <BR>=
<BR>To make a tax-deductible donation, go to <BR>http://www.international=
answer.org/donate.html <BR>______________________________________________=
_ <BR>ANSWER.general mailing list <BR><BR>Anyone can subscribe. <BR>Send =
an email request to: <BR>mailto:ANSWER.general-request@organizerweb.com?s=
ubject=3Dsubscribe <BR><BR>-- <BR>Paola Manduca