[Badgirlz-list] Demonstration Against Iraq Occupation

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Autor: Errata
Datum: 2004-02-17 17:57 -000
Neue Treads: [Cm-roma] Cycling Sisters
Betreff: [Badgirlz-list] Demonstration Against Iraq Occupation
> Subject:    Demonstration Against Iraq Occupation,
March 20, 2004.
> On March 20, 2004 a demonstration will be held in

Brussels protesting
> the occupation in Iraq. The demonstration will

begin at 2:00 p.m.
> will be held at the North Train Station. We do not

know how long it
> will last. It will be a day of world-wide protest,

sponsored by
> International Answer, a collective group of

> pro-Palestinian, Marxist, and left wing political

> These demonstrations will be held in multiple major

cities to
> with the anniversary of the beginning of the Iraq

war. No violence
> planned or expected. No disruptions to military

operations is
> expected. Last year approximately 10,000 people

participated in the
> Brussels demonstration against the war on February

15, 2003. This
> year officials expect the number of protesters to be

between 2,000
> 5,000 participants.

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