[Consumo critico - Milano Social Forum][Fwd: ESF, COP9, Risi…

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Auteur: consumo-critico-msf@inventati.org
Sujet: [Consumo critico - Milano Social Forum][Fwd: ESF, COP9, Risingtide London]
>X-Original-To: lacop9seitu@???
>Date: Mon, 27 Oct 2003 15:51:25 +0100 (CET)
>Subject: [Fwd: ESF, COP9, Risingtide London]
>From: <paolo@???>
>---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
>Subject: ESF, COP9, Risingtide London
>From:    christina@???
>Date:    Mon, October 27, 2003 1:08 am
>To:      cos=ECvicinicos=EClontani <paolo@???>
>Cc:      7170@???

>DEar Paolo & Tito,
>Paolo - Tito is part of London Risingtide & Diversity Radio
>Tito - see bottom of email for latest report from Paolo on organising for
>COP9. I hope the email does not cut off before it gets that far - let me
>know if there is a problem and I'll email it to you again.
>Finally, can you write me a short text explaining what you think Diversity
> Radio can contribute to COP9 - I think its best if you write it in your
>own words.
>Both of you! See below for plans which Carbon Trade Watch are
>brainstorming. I also include an intro text written to explain the
>collaborations we are looking for in Milan with Italian based groups.
>ESF - we are all going to be there. I am going to be there on the 12th &
>13th November. When is the meeting on COP9 going to be? Lets meet!
>lots of love,
>I am sending you a summary of our plans for Milan - see below. We have
>similar plans for Amsterdam before & during COP9. The plans for Milan
>are currently only *plans* because we want to base our work during COP9
>on collaborations with Italian groups. We are very interested to
>understand more about plans of other groups for Milan.
>About us...
>Our interest is to expose neo-liberal environmentalism & make connections
>between: environmental & social networks; Southern & Northern Europe
>activist networks; the general public, activist & NGO networks. We have
>new research on pollution trading in greenhouse gases - put in the
>context of wider processes of privatization & social change. We are
>discussing titles for the programme now, for example "The Privatisation
>of the Environment" or "Stories of Power - Energy, Control & Resistance".
>We only want to show videos & do events that accessible to the public in
>Milan -
> so they need to be in Italian. Can you work with us on translating,
>subtitling videos & finding people to interpret for workshops? We will
>also need help with logistics of publicity as well as finding video
>projectors, video players, etc - all the technical stuff needed to put
>these plans into practice. Are you interested to collaborate with us on
>any of this work?
>We also want to understand the spaces available in Milan. When do you
>think is it most effective to show work in the Sesto Convergence Center?
>We would like to have an independent base in central Milan. We want to
>understand which spaces in Milan are the most accessible to the most
>diverse public - can you advise?
>Looking forward to hearing from you soon,
>Christina xxxx
>Ideas for free COP9 Public Programme - to be confirmed:
>Exhibition concept for Milan:
>The Silenced Voices of the Eucalyptus Plantations in Brasil - Stories of
>rural communities & biodiversity under threat from plantation
>corporations, the World Bank & the emerging pollution trading economy.
>Two longer term projects will be launched here:
>InfoTour scheduled for 2004.
>Publication written jointly by FASE-ES (Brasil) & Carbon Trade Watch (NL)
>on Eucalyptus Plantations in Brasil.
>*Photographic exhibition of large black and white photographs, accompanied
>by placards from transcribed and translated audio interviews with the
>people in the photographs. The exhibition includes the voices of workers,
>indigenous communities, afrobrasilian communities, campasinos, MST
>occupiers and other communities resisting the ever-growing expanse of
>destructive eucalyptus plantations. The idea is to have the people tell
>their own stories and express their own views on the environmental and
>social impacts of eucalyptus monoculture.
>* Audio interviews interwoven with Brazilian music will be played over
>speakers during the exhibition.
>*A Video Movie Program will map the bigger picture.
>*Online Resources.
>*The video GREEN GOLD tells the story of Sajida Khan, a South African
>woman with a hazardous dumpsite on her doorstep. Her neighbours are dying
>one by one, while the dump leaks gases and toxins into her air, water and
>earth. Meanwhile, the World Bank calls the dump a "world class example of
>an environmental project." How can this be? This dramatic gap between the
>local community and the World Bank is because of the new Carbon Emissions
>Trading scheme in the Kyoto Protocol. Due to the UN=92s climate talks, the
>toxic dumpsite can now be called a =91clean green project.=92
>*The video CROSSING THE DESERT is made by the Alert Against the Green
>Desert Movement showing the Eucalyptus Plantation industry in Brasil.
>The expression Green Desert comes from a prediction, launched at the end
>of the 60s, when pulp and plantation companies invaded the North of
>Espirito Santo and South of Bahia, Brasil, causing environmental impacts
>and changing lives of thousands of inhabitants of that region. CROSSING
>THE GREEN DESERT shows statements that denounce a development process
>that did not respect the culture or the territory of indigenous peoples,
>afrobrasilian =91quilombo=92 communities and peasants, making impossible
>their way of life and destructing the rivers & the atlantic forest and
>what remains is a big green desert.
>*RISING TIDE video showing: vox-pop statements from diverse people on =91wh=

> climate change is important to them=92; & climate change related actions.
>*New video montage on floods in MOZAMBIQUE and political-economic context.
>*Videos on Narmada Dam (in English).
>*Video on OCP pipeline in Ecuador (in Italian).
>*Video on Camisea gas pipeline in Peru (in Spanish).
>*The Privatisation of the Environment: Water. The video ORANGE FARM WATER
> CRISIS shows water privatisation in the form of pre-paid water meters in
>South Africa. The video exists thanks to the activists of the ORANGE
>FARM WATER CRISIS COMMITTEE & video activists from around the world many
>of whom were in Johannesburg for the World Summit of Sustainable
>Development in 2002. *The Privatisation of the Environment: The World
>Summit on Sustainable Development. Video by South Africa Indymedia on
>the Summit & social movement protest.
>People interested to contribute to following workshop ideas are welcome.
>Ideas for further workshops are welcome.
>1.        Dams & Pollution Trading.
>2.        Democratic Renewables.
>3.        The Law.
>4.        Contribution by Sinkswatch.
>5.        Contribution by CDMwatch.
>6.        Property & Pollution Trading.
>7.        Indigenous People, climate change & offset culture.
>8.        The World Bank.
>9.        Extractive Industries.
>10.        Eucalyptus Plantations in Brasil.
>11.        The World Summit on Sustainable Development and Social
>Movements. 12.        Revisioning Climate Indymedia.
>13.        Environmental Justice & Pollution Trading.
>14.        Women, Trade & Climate Change.
>15.        Kyoto & the WTO.

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