[Badgirlz-list] Women, Raves and Drug Use

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da: http://www.dancesafe.org/documents/druginfo/safetyissues.php


Women, Raves and Drug Use

Women, Raves and Drug Use
There are many stereotypes of women who use drugs. A woman might be
considered hard and "macho," sexually promiscuous, or silly and easily
manipulated. Generally speaking, men tend to be more upfront about their
drug use among their peers than women, who may want to avoid being judged.
Some women find that it is difficult to talk about issues around drug use
because it is hard to meet other women whom they can relate to and talk
honestly with.
Below are just some of the issues that a woman who chooses to use drugs
might encounter. If there is an issue that you would like more information
on or that we haven't covered, please email us at women@???.


All of us have, at some point in our lives, probably felt bad about the way
we look, no matter what our individual size or shape. Issues about weight,
especially, (whether we think we are too skinny or too fat) have probably
affected most of us.

Some women report that using ecstasy and going dancing on the weekends
helps them lose weight, or stay thin. This may be true, due in part to
strenuous exercise combined with a temporary loss of appetite. While
dancing is a great form of exercise, and Ecstasy can be great fun, using
ecstasy every weekend in order to lose weight is likely to make you look
tired and burned out, not thin and healthy.

If you are using drugs recreationally it is important to help your body
replenish itself.

Get lots of rest. If you are going out on the weekends, recharge your body
and mind with enough sleep during the week.
Eat regularly and try to balance your diet. Cut down on junk foods and
drink sufficient water while you are partying and during the week.
Exercise regularly. It will keep you in shape for all night dancing and
make you feel more energetic naturally.
Taking Ecstasy and not drinking enough non-alcoholic fluids can be
extremely dangerous. Remember these rules to avoid heatstroke and dehydration:

Take regular rests throughout the night.
Wear lightweight clothes (no hat).
Sip small amounts of water/sports drinks regularly. Drinking too much all
at once can be dangerous.

Many women struggle with issues of self-esteem in their daily lives. They
may be overly critical of themselves and feel that others also perceive
them as "not good enough." Some women have found that when they are using
drugs they feel better about themselves. They may experience themselves as
attractive, confident and sexy. This can become a problem if you become
"addicted" to the good feelings and therefore become dependent on the drug
to make you feel better.

If you are struggling with issues of self-esteem and drug use, you may want
to consider counseling or finding a safe place where you can express your
feelings. Remember that the awesome girl that you experience while you are
high is still there in the mirror when you are sober!


Some women who use drugs find that their periods become heavier or
irregular. They may even stop. Often this is because a woman's weight has
dropped below a level that is individual to her.

Weight loss occurs due to several factors that are affected by drug use:

An increase in physical activity.
Increased body temperature, which makes you sweat more.
A decrease in appetite and irregular or unbalanced diet.
If your periods do stop you can still get pregnant. If you are sexually
active, use contraception. Condoms are most effective in preventing
sexually transmitted diseases AND pregnancy.

Some important tips to remember if you are going to use drugs while on your

Drink plenty of water. This will combat dangerous dehydration as well as
help reduce the bloated feeling that can accompany water retention. Pee as
often as you feel necessary!
If you are having a painful period don't use drugs to mask the discomfort.
You will probably end up feeling worse in the long run. Go a little bit
easier with yourself than you normally might.
Remember wherever you are going may not have a sanitary dispenser. If you
are on your period or think you may be close, bring enough tampons/pads to
make it through the night.


A great deal of research has been done into the effects on the fetus of a
drug-using woman. There are many drugs that may not be harmful to a woman
but that can harm her unborn child. There are drugs that are not "safe" for
mother or baby.

Many drug-using women have had a trouble free pregnancy and given birth to
a perfectly healthy baby. However, if you do use drugs you increase the
chance of experiencing complications during pregnancy and/or with the
healthy development of your baby.

If you are pregnant or suspect that you may be pregnant it is important
that you talk to your doctor or medical professional as soon as possible.
It is important that you tell your doctor about ALL the drugs you are
currently using. This includes alcohol, cigarettes, caffeine, and
prescription medications.

If you do not feel comfortable talking to your doctor about illegal drug
use it is imperative that you find a safe setting to discuss these issues.
You should have as much information as possible regarding your own health
and your baby's health during pregnancy.

If you are concerned because you used drugs before you discovered you were
pregnant you should also speak to a medical professional. Most women
discover their pregnancies early in the first trimester and as your doctor
will probably tell you, if you stop using drugs as soon as you find out
there will be little risk to your baby.

"I found out that I was pregnant two days after getting back from this huge
out-of-state party. I had used E and pot and was worried about how that may
have affected my baby. I talked to four different doctors/midwives during
my pregnancy and they all reassured me that there was nothing to worry
about as long as I was no longer using."

If you feel that you want to stop using but are afraid you can't, there are
many programs that offer help and support to dependant drug users. The
sooner you stop using the less risk you run of harming your baby.


If you are nursing a baby it is especially important to be aware of
whatever you ingest, as much of it travels through your bloodstream into
your milk. Some substances such as caffeine do enter your bloodstream but
appear in breast milk in such low levels that you would have to consume
very large amounts for it to affect your baby.

A balanced diet and lots of rest are vital to maintaining your health and
providing your child with the right vitamins and nutrients. It is possible
that using drugs may interfere with this. Some women choose to wait until
they are no longer nursing to resume drug use. Some women choose to express
breast milk while under the influence of a drug and discard the "affected"
milk. This can be tricky to judge however, as it is difficult to know how
long a particular drug remains in your bloodstream.

If you have questions about breastfeeding contact: La Leche League


There is no evidence to suggest that illegal drugs interferes with the
Pill, although it is not known how contaminants used to cut drugs may
affect the Pill. However, a drug using lifestyle may reduce the
effectiveness of the pill as it is important to take it every day at the
same time for consistency. This does not mean you should stop taking the
pill on the days you are going to use drugs. If you do so, you will not be
protected against pregnancy. Remember too, if you vomit or have diarrhea
the pill may not work.

Whatever form of contraception you are using it is vital to also use
condoms. Only condoms will help protect you against HIV, hepatitis and
other sexually transmitted diseases.

Some women have reported that they are unable to become naturally
lubricated after taking some drugs. This may cause friction and discomfort.
You can make sex safer by using water based lube such as KY Jelly or
Astroglide every time you use a condom. Do not use oil based lubes such as
Vaseline or baby oil as these can damage a condom, making it ineffective.

Be prepared. Don't assume your partner will provide the condoms. Even if
you are not planning on having sex you never know what might happen at the
end of the night! Don't let your mood affect your good judgement about
protecting against pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.

Some women say that drugs can heighten the pleasurable feelings of touching
and kissing. Some women find it difficult to orgasm while under the
influence of a drug.

You may feel like having sex more than you normally would. People may seem
more attractive or interesting while under the influence of a drug.
Remember that once the drug has worn off the attraction may also.

Taking drugs may also lead to a loss of inhibitions. You may act more
confident than usual and find yourself in situations that wouldn't normally
arise. If you would consider yourself a shy person normally but find
yourself making out in the corner with someone you just met after taking
drugs, try to think about how you are going to feel about your actions.
Basically, try not to do anything tonight that you'll regret or be
embarrassed about tomorrow.

"When I first hung out with my boyfriend we were both on E. We were having
a great time and really enjoying each other's company. At the end of the
night when he came back to my house, I decided I didn't want to have sex
with him (even though I was really into him!). I didn't want to wake up the
next morning and wonder if it was just because we were high. When we
finally did have sex (sober) it was great because we already felt so close."


Respect is highly valued in the dance community. However, like everywhere
else in the world, there are people out there who want to take advantage of
situations and they can be potentially dangerous. Many women have had the
experience of having to deal with someone trying to hit on them at parties,
making them feel uncomfortable, or sometimes worse.

Remember respect applies to yourself as well as to other people. Don't feel
shy about telling someone to back off if they are crossing your personal
boundaries or making you feel uncomfortable. Trust your intuition. And
don't worry if they say you are "ruining their vibe." They are probably
ruining yours!

Many parties and events occur in isolated areas that are difficult to get
to. There are several decisions you can make before you go out that can
help keep you safe at the end of the night:

Try and set a ride up beforehand and agree on a meeting place and time.
A ride offered may seem great but would you normally get in the car with a
stranger? If you don't know the person, don't risk it.
If you do want to go with someone you don't know, try to take a friend
along so you won't be alone if things get weird.
Share a cab and get dropped off first.
For info on self-defense, sexual harassment, or support after an assault:


There are many situations that women who use drugs might find themselves in
that men who use drugs might not. It is important not to devalue yourself
if someone is treating you differently because you are a woman. The more
you respect yourself, the more you will demand respect from those around
you. The more you act with self-respect, the more you will force people to
change their thinking about women who use drugs.

"When I hang out with my male friends who smoke pot, I either get treated
as a 'dude' or as a 'girl' who needs to get taken care of. I just want to
get treated normally. I was smoking with a group of male friends and I got
up to go the bathroom and they all stood up! I was like 'I can go to the
bathroom by myself. I always do!'"

You don't have to try and "keep up" with your male friends and match their
drug taking. Women and men can take the same amount of the same drug and
feel totally different. This is because women's bodies are generally
smaller than men's and the effects of drugs may feel stronger.

If you are using drugs with a group, don't feel pressure to use what others
do. Keep your own pace. You use drugs to feel good and it is important to
remain in control of what you are doing.