[Cm-roma] [Cm-roma] Prodi e la settimana europea sulla mobli…

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Autor: Danillo MOLLICONE
Assumptes vells: [Cm-roma] Minimal Mass Sud-Est
Assumpte: [Cm-roma] [Cm-roma] Prodi e la settimana europea sulla moblità
Per vostra curiosità allego il messaggio che Prodi ha inviato a tutti i
suoi dipendenti (me compreso) sul tema della mobilità...
La bicicletta é nominata come mezzo alternativo sostenibile ed auspicabile..
buona lettura

Dear Colleagues,

Next Tuesday sees the start of the annual European Mobility Week. It
will be inaugurated at 9.30 on Tuesday 16 September by Neil Kinnock and
Margot Wallström at the entrance to the Charlemagne building.

This year Mobility Week is taking place in more than 525 communities in
23 countries. Launched by the Commission last year after the success of
European Car-Free Day, it seeks to raise awareness of the positive
effects that different mobility choices by individuals can have on the
urban environment and on human health, and to stimulate changes in

Individual mobility still relies far too much on the car. Cars produce
emissions that pollute the air and contribute to global warming. They
cause noise, stench, stress, congestion, accidents and ill health.
Dozens of pieces of EU legislation are aimed at mitigating their
effects, because they seriously impair our health, environment and
quality of life. Indeed, one of the major goals of EU sustainable
development strategy is a shift from road to rail, water and public
passenger transport. But there is more that we can do in addition to
producing good legislation.

The fact that the 10 000 Commission parking places in Brussels are
occupied every single day shows that 50% of us come to work by car. In
some cases, this may be the only solution: children have to be taken to
school, there are no efficient public transport options, and so on. But
in other cases, it would be feasible, and healthy, to switch to more
sustainable ways of commuting. For example, walking and cycling have
tremendous health benefits by reducing the risk of many of the illnesses
common in today’s society, such as heart disease, weight problems,
hypertension and osteoporosis.

The Mobility website at www.cc.cec/mobility will help Commission staff
switch to sustainable commuting. It gives information on the Brussels
public transport system, car-pooling and the health benefits of
different modes of transport. During Mobility Week, which ends with
European Car-Free Day on 22 September, there will also be “Smart Moves
Points” in five Commission buildings where you can get further
information, check your fitness level and learn more about different
ways of commuting.

In addition, during Mobility Week we shall be challenging the 36
Directorates-General. The DG with the highest percentage of sustainable
commuters that week will win. All staff are asked to record
electronically how they come to work at www.cc.cec/mobility. And please
note that if you do not respond, we shall assume you came to work by car
– alone!

We should all make a special effort to support sustainable commuting.
Let’s set an example here in our host city of Brussels in order to
encourage sustainable mobility throughout the rest of Europe. Together,
we can make a real difference.

Romano PRODI