[NuovoLaboratorio] Campagna ISM

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Autor: Giovanna Caviglione
Assumpte: [NuovoLaboratorio] Campagna ISM
invio la traduzione entro le 12.00
giovanna caviglione

Il giorno 29-08-2003 18:19, Elisabetta Filippi,
elisabettafilippi1@??? ha scritto:

> Ciao. Qualcuno pu=F2 tradurmi il documento che segue in inglese? Grazie per
> l'aiuto.
> Quest'autunno in Palestina ci sar=E0 la "campagna di raccolta delle olive
> 2003" dell'ISM. Come lo scorso anno i volontari aiuteranno i contadini ne=

> raccolta. I campi si trovano in collina e spesso nei pressi di insediamen=

> di coloni che non esitano a sparare contro i palestinesi. L'aiuto degli
> internazionali =E8 indispensabile per limitare la violenza di coloni ed
> esercito.
> Occupation by Insisting on Life
> Since October 2000, hundreds of thousands of Palestinian trees have been
> bulldozed, uprooted or set ablaze by Israeli soldiers and settlers - xxxx=

> of these olive trees. Olive trees are a symbol of the life of the
> Palestinian, and their destruction by Israeli forces is an attempt to
> de-root the Palestinians from their land.
> Throughout the West Bank and Gaza, Palestinian land has been and continue=

> to be confiscated by the Israeli government. Since May of 2002, the Israe=

> government has been building a massive apartheid wall, which has thus far
> flattened and/or isolated hundreds of thousands of dunams of Palestinian
> farmland and destroyed tens of thousands of olive trees; Illegal Israeli
> colonies are built on occupied Palestinian land; more land is confiscated=

> build roads that encircle Palestinian villages but are not for use by
> Palestinians; Palestinians are locked up in their towns and villages as
> Israeli soldiers stand guard; Palestinians are not allowed to access thei=

> own property; crops go bad and Palestinian survival on their land is
> threatened.
> The economic impact of Israeli policies on the olive sector has been mass=

> - over XX million dollars lost to damage in the past three years, and
> millions more to Israel's barring farmers from their land. And these
> policies are designed to have impact not just now, but for years to come =

> olive trees produce for generations.
> During last year=92s one month Olive Harvest Campaign, 200 civilians from a=

> over the world joined us in the Occupied Palestinian Territories as a fro=

> to this policy of starvation and ethnic cleansing. Internationals
> accompanying Palestinian farmers helped ensure access to fields and grove=

> in some cases and helped highlight Israel=92s war on Palestinian survival i=

> cases were access was violently denied.
> This year we are again calling on you to join us for the olive harvest in
> Palestine.
> The Olive Harvesting Campaign, part of the Palestinian people's resistanc=

> to the occupation, will be from October 5 - November 20, 2003. ISM will b=

> working in conjunction with the Palestinian Environmental Network (PENGON=

> the Union of Palestinian Agricultural Committees, the Union of Palestinia=

> Farmers, and the Land Defense Committee to welcome you. Orientation and
> training will be held on October 3rd and 4th, and every Friday/Saturday
> throughout the campaign. Please register to join us at
> http://www.palsolidarity.org . For more information, please contact
> info@??? or see: http://www.palsolidarity.org. For more
> information on the wall and its impact on the Palestinian people, please
> see: http://www.palsolidarity.org, http://www.pengon.org,
> http://www.stopthewall.org
> The olive is the lifeline of the Palestinian people. Come to Palestine an=

> help Palestinians endure by joining them in concert with their land.
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