Autor: Errata Datum: 2003-08-26 10:57 -000 Betreff: [Badgirlz-list] girls go global
> > One world, 3 billion women and girls-global feminism
> without limits
> Girls Go Global is:
> Funky, clever, edgy, inspired, talented,
> impassioned, empowered.
> How do you see global feminism?
> The Girls Go Global Project is an international
> initiative to bring
> together contemporary and pop culture images of
> global feminism from
> women and girls across the globe.
> Send your words, essays (not more than 3000 words),
> photos, art, web
> images, lyrics, poems, graffiti, and multimedia
> depictions of feminism
> to be a part of a global collection for publication
> and possible
> exhibition. See the website for more details on how
> to enter:
> >
> The goal of Girls Go Global is
> To demystify feminism and promote a positive and
> engaging
> connection with the term. This project aims to
> provide a funky source
> of literature that entices people to become a part
> of the global women's
> movement(s) which will be portrayed as a talented
> and inspiring bunch of
> women throughout the world with different views and
> skills who work
> together for justice.
> We hope the outcomes will:
> . Provide a context that values and celebrates non
> conventional
> and non academic forms of expression of feminism(s)
> which are positive,
> strong and empowering and represent women of
> different ages, cultures
> and backgrounds.
> . Provide a creative book produced by feminist
> activists on their
> own terms and design. It will be compiled and
> reviewed by a panel of
> international experts.
> The Girls Go Global Project received initial funding
> from the
> Association for Women's Rights in Development (AWID)
> and the Ford
> Foundation but requires additional funding and
> assistance. Girls Go
> Global is the initiative of a group of global
> feminists and is run by a
> voluntary Advisory Group. To become active in this
> non-profit venture,
> to receive English language postcards advertising
> the concept, to add
> your organization's weblink to the website, or for
> any further
> information, please contact
> suzette@???
> We would be delighted if you could send this
> information out to your
> electronic networks, include it in your newsletters,
> and even put a link
> to your website. Please join us in creating a
> resource which represents
> us in a way we chose to be represented, not as
> mainstream media would
> like to depict us.
> Many thanks for spreading the word
> Suzette Mitchell
> for the Girls Go Global Project
> Suzette Mitchell
> suzettemitchell2002@???
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