[Cerchio] UN Bombing: Terrorism or National Liberation? . FD…

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Strepitoso pezzo assolutamente radicale! Da non perdere e se ci sono =
problemi con l'inglese, fare un fischio, se mi va lo traduco, ce ne =
sarebbe veramente bisogno. In questo siamo menzionati pure noi, altro =
che W Italia!



UN Bombing: Terrorism or National Liberation?
by Kurt Nimmo

August 21, 2003

Is it a surprise unknown persons have bombed the United Nations building =
in Baghdad? No, the bombing was inevitable, considering the United =
Nation's role in the occupation of Iraq. It is surprising, however, that =
the bombers were able to so easily drive a cement truck filled with =
explosives into the lobby of the hotel converted into an office =

Considering the UN imposed various resolutions on Iraq after Bush the =
Elder's brutal invasion (specifically, resolutions 661 and 687) - which =
eventually resulted in 600,000 children under the age of five dying of =
entirely preventable diarrhea, pneumonia, and respiratory and =
malnutrition-related diseases -- is it any wonder more than a few Iraqis =
are motivated to kill UN employees?

Moreover, the UN building in Baghdad also housed the World Bank. Back in =
May, the World Bank sent "a senior Bank official" along with Sergio =
Vieira de Mello (who died in the bombing), UN Special Representative in =
Iraq, "to assess reconstruction and development needs on the ground," =
according to the World Bank's website. The IMF and the World Bank "stand =
ready to play their normal role in Iraq's re-development at the =
appropriate time," the said the IMF and World Bank in a press =
statementafter their Spring Meetings, held April 12-13 in Washington, =

So, what is the "normal role" played by the World Bank and IMF?

Imposing poverty, that's what.

"Structural adjustment programs are a set of economic policies required =
by the World Bank and the IMF as a condition of loans these institutions =
make to developing countries," explains CorpWatch. "These programs often =
include austerity measures such as high interest rates and reduced =
access to credit, which result in slower economic growth as well as =
increased poverty and unemployment. Other adjustment policies include =
cuts in government spending on health care and education, increases in =
the cost of food, health care and other basic necessities, mandates to =
open markets to foreign trade and investment, and privatization of =
state-run enterprises... structural adjustment has exacerbated poverty =
in most countries where it has been applied, contributing to the =
suffering of millions and causing widespread environmental degradation. =
And since the 1980s, adjustment has helped create a net outflow of =
wealth from the developing world, which has paid out five times as much =
capital to the industrialized countries of the North as it has =

In other words, the IMF and World Bank are rackets designed by immoral =
bankers and loan sharks to rape the Third World.

The United Nations is essentially a handmaiden of the IMF, World Bank, =
and the United States. So, from the point of view of many Iraqis, the =
lightly protected UN complex in Baghdad was an appropriate target, as =
were the main northern oil export pipeline into Turkey and warehouses =
scattered around Baghdad. Undoubtedly, the idea is to make Iraq so =
dangerous, violent, and unprofitable that the parasites on Wall Street =
and in Washington will think twice about implementing and supporting an =
occupation engineered to steal its oil and "privatize" its ravaged =

The murder of a Kellogg, Brown and Root (a subsidiary of Cheney's =
Halliburton) employee north of Tikrit on August 5 served as a warning of =
things to come for these corporate looters and profiteers.

Increasingly, Iraqis involved in the resistance are targeting =
"civilians," who are in fact working for military contractors and =
organized theft operations such as the World Bank. The Kellog, Brown, =
and Root employee killed by an anti-tank mine was working on something =
call Material Command Logcap III. According to a CNBC business snapshot, =
Logcap III's purpose is to "deliver Combat Support and Combat Service =
Support (CS/CSS)" to the US Army. In other words, this anonymous =
employee was providing support to the occupation forces and was =
undoubtedly regarded as a legitimate military target by Iraqi guerilla =
forces. No doubt these same guerilla forces, if they are indeed =
responsible for the United Nations compound bombing, also considered =
Sergio Vieira de Mello a legitimate military target. Not only US =
soldiers are targets in Iraq, but so are the corporate enablers of the =

Once again, the corporate media has shifted into speculative overdrive: =
is it possible this was the handiwork of al-Qaeda? "There was no =
immediate claim of responsibility for the attack," reports the Bush =
Ministry of Propaganda (read: Fox News). "But its careful orchestration =
and very public, Western-world target immediately evoked past strikes by =
Usama bin Laden's terrorist network."

It's as if the entire history of "terrorism" -- the title given to all =
national liberation movements directed against US hegemony - has =
disappeared since 9/11. Predictably, Fox trots out the same old shopworn =
"experts" to pin the blame on al-Qaeda. According to one such expert, =
Dia'a Rashwan, an expert on radical Islam at Egypt's Al-Ahram Center for =
Political and Strategic Studies, the UN bombing fits "the ideology of Al =
Qaeda... They consider the U.N. one of the international actors who =
helped the Americans to occupy Palestine and, later, Iraq."

Of course, the US does not "occupy" Palestine, Israel does, admittedly =
with much assistance -- both financial and military -- from the United =
States. It's true al-Qaeda's "ideology" (or, rather, the pronouncements =
of its apparent titular head, bin Laden) is directed against US =
imperialism, but this ideology is not significantly different from that =
of other national liberation movements over the last fifty years, =
especially those in the Middle East. Fox and its experts assume we =
suffer from both amnesia and stupidity. In fact, unfortunately, many of =
us do.

At the time of the bombing, Dubya was on a golf course in Waco, Texas. =
"The terrorists that struck today again showed their contempt for the =
innocent," said Bush later. "They showed their fear of progress and =
their hatred of peace. They're the enemies of the Iraqi people. They're =
the enemies of every nation that seeks to help the Iraqi people... The =
civilized world will not be intimidated and these terrorists will not =
determine the future of Iraq . they are testing our will, it will not be =

It's ironic, if not criminally insane, of Bush to so disingenuously =
express his concern for "innocent" Iraqis when he is responsible for =
slaughtering nearly eight thousand of them (according to the Iraq Body =
Count Project).

Bremer and Bush may consider the growing Iraqi resistance as consisting =
of little more than "terrorists," but the fact of the matter is Iraq did =
not invade the United States or Britain -- or, for that matter, it did =
not attack Poland, Italy, Spain, Ukraine, Denmark, the Netherlands, =
Bulgaria, and Albania, countries that have sent or will send =
"stabilization" forces to Iraq -- nor did Iraq ask for the World Bank, =
the International Monetary Fund, Halliburton, Bechtel Group, Fluor =
Corp., Parsons Group, Stevedoring Services of America, and other =
corporate leeches to elbow their way into Iraq against the will of the =
Iraq people and line up to make a killing (literally) off oil, water, =
roads, trains, phones, ports, drugs, and anything else they can get =
their avaricious paws on.

So, who are the terrorists here -- average Iraqis fighting a war of =
national liberation or the stockholders of Halliburton and Bechtel?

"Entirely absent from this ["reconstruction"] debate are the Iraqi =
people, who might -- who knows? -- want to hold on to a few of their =
assets," writes Naomi Klein of the Nation. "Iraq will be owed massive =
reparations after the bombing stops, but without any real democratic =
process, what is being planned is not reparations, reconstruction or =
rehabilitation. It is robbery: mass theft disguised as charity; =
privatization without representation."

Mass theft backed up the world's most homicidal war machine.

The IMF and World Bank have done likewise for decades in Latin America. =
But Iraq is not Argentina or Uruguay -- in Iraq there are hundreds of =
thousands of weapons in the hands of ordinary people, many of them with =
years of experience in Saddam's military. In Latin America, US-trained =
thugs and death squads have made sure there is no serious opposition to =
what the swindlers on Wall Street and in Washington have done and =
continue to do. That's not the case in Iraq.

Bush had his chance to hire the Ba'athists to do what they have done =
since the early 60s -- terrorize and keep the Iraqi people in check -- =
but thanks to the neocon aversion of anything even remotely Arab or =
Muslim, that opportunity has vanished. The Bushites have "de-nazified" =
their way into a completely untenable situation.

"We're still, needless to say, much closer to the beginning than the =
end," said Rumsfeld of the situation in Iraq back in March. Needless to =
say, that situation is far worse now. It gets worse every day. It will =
be worse next week and even worse next month.

Like Vietnam, the "beginning" will stretch out forever, consuming an =
undetermined number of human lives and billions of dollars. There will =
be no "light at the end of the tunnel," as General Westmoreland would =
have liked to have it. In the months ahead, as the psychopathic Bushites =
attempt to redouble their efforts to eliminate the "bitter enders" and =
"Saddam remnants" in Iraq, support for an immediate and unconditional =
end of the occupation will grow in the United States. The Bushites know =
this and that's why they devised and rushed through the Patriot Act. =
Patriot II waits in the wings.

In fact, since nearly the whole of the federal government and Congress =
is "Bush territory," the only political solution to the murderous =
insanity currently on tap in Iraq will likely come from the people, as =
it did during the Vietnam War.

Civil disobedience and direct may be required -- again. But this time =
around the stakes will be much higher. In fact, considering the severity =
of the mental illness afflicting the Bushites, it may be cataclysmic.

Kurt Nimmo is a photographer, multimedia artist and writer living in New =
Mexico. To see his photo work and read more of his essays, visit his =
excellent "Another Day in the Empire" weblog: =


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<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
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<BODY bgColor=3D#ffffff><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>
<DIV>Strepitoso pezzo assolutamente radicale! Da non perdere e se ci =
problemi con l'inglese, fare un fischio, se mi va lo traduco, ce ne =
veramente bisogno. In questo siamo menzionati pure noi, altro che W=20
<DIV><BR>UN Bombing: Terrorism or National Liberation?<BR>by Kurt =
<DIV>August 21, 2003</DIV>
<DIV>Is it a surprise unknown persons have bombed the United Nations =
building in=20
Baghdad? No, the bombing was inevitable, considering the United =
Nation=92s role in=20
the occupation of Iraq. It is surprising, however, that the bombers were =
able to=20
so easily drive a cement truck filled with explosives into the lobby of =
hotel converted into an office building.</DIV>
<DIV>Considering the UN imposed various resolutions on Iraq after Bush =
Elder's brutal invasion (specifically, resolutions 661 and 687) =96 =
eventually resulted in 600,000 children under the age of five dying of =
preventable diarrhea, pneumonia, and respiratory and =
diseases -- is it any wonder more than a few Iraqis are motivated to =
kill UN=20
<DIV>Moreover, the UN building in Baghdad also housed the World Bank. =
Back in=20
May, the World Bank sent "a senior Bank official" along with Sergio =
Vieira de=20
Mello (who died in the bombing), UN Special Representative in Iraq, "to =
reconstruction and development needs on the ground," according to the =
Bank's website. The IMF and the World Bank "stand ready to play their =
role in Iraq's re-development at the appropriate time," the said the IMF =
World Bank in a press statementafter their Spring Meetings, held April =
12-13 in=20
Washington, D.C.</DIV>
<DIV>So, what is the "normal role" played by the World Bank and =
<DIV>Imposing poverty, that's what.</DIV>
<DIV>"Structural adjustment programs are a set of economic policies =
required by=20
the World Bank and the IMF as a condition of loans these institutions =
make to=20
developing countries," explains CorpWatch. "These programs often include =

austerity measures such as high interest rates and reduced access to =
which result in slower economic growth as well as increased poverty and=20
unemployment. Other adjustment policies include cuts in government =
spending on=20
health care and education, increases in the cost of food, health care =
and other=20
basic necessities, mandates to open markets to foreign trade and =
investment, and=20
privatization of state-run enterprises... structural adjustment has =
poverty in most countries where it has been applied, contributing to the =

suffering of millions and causing widespread environmental degradation. =
since the 1980s, adjustment has helped create a net outflow of wealth =
from the=20
developing world, which has paid out five times as much capital to the=20
industrialized countries of the North as it has received."</DIV>
<DIV>In other words, the IMF and World Bank are rackets designed by =
bankers and loan sharks to rape the Third World.</DIV>
<DIV>The United Nations is essentially a handmaiden of the IMF, World =
Bank, and=20
the United States. So, from the point of view of many Iraqis, the =
protected UN complex in Baghdad was an appropriate target, as were the =
northern oil export pipeline into Turkey and warehouses scattered around =

Baghdad. Undoubtedly, the idea is to make Iraq so dangerous, violent, =
unprofitable that the parasites on Wall Street and in Washington will =
twice about implementing and supporting an occupation engineered to =
steal its=20
oil and "privatize" its ravaged economy.</DIV>
<DIV>The murder of a Kellogg, Brown and Root (a subsidiary of Cheney's=20
Halliburton) employee north of Tikrit on August 5 served as a warning of =
to come for these corporate looters and profiteers.</DIV>
<DIV>Increasingly, Iraqis involved in the resistance are targeting =
who are in fact working for military contractors and organized theft =
such as the World Bank. The Kellog, Brown, and Root employee killed by =
anti-tank mine was working on something call Material Command Logcap =
According to a CNBC business snapshot, Logcap III's purpose is to =
Combat Support and Combat Service Support (CS/CSS)" to the US Army. In =
words, this anonymous employee was providing support to the occupation =
and was undoubtedly regarded as a legitimate military target by Iraqi =
forces. No doubt these same guerilla forces, if they are indeed =
responsible for=20
the United Nations compound bombing, also considered Sergio Vieira de =
Mello a=20
legitimate military target. Not only US soldiers are targets in Iraq, =
but so are=20
the corporate enablers of the occupation.</DIV>
<DIV>Once again, the corporate media has shifted into speculative =
overdrive: is=20
it possible this was the handiwork of al-Qaeda? "There was no immediate =
claim of=20
responsibility for the attack," reports the Bush Ministry of Propaganda =
Fox News). "But its careful orchestration and very public, Western-world =
immediately evoked past strikes by Usama bin Laden's terrorist =
<DIV>It's as if the entire history of "terrorism" -- the title given to =
national liberation movements directed against US hegemony =96 has =
since 9/11. Predictably, Fox trots out the same old shopworn "experts" =
to pin=20
the blame on al-Qaeda. According to one such expert, Dia'a Rashwan, an =
expert on=20
radical Islam at Egypt's Al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic =
the UN bombing fits "the ideology of Al Qaeda... They consider the U.N. =
one of=20
the international actors who helped the Americans to occupy Palestine =
later, Iraq."</DIV>
<DIV>Of course, the US does not "occupy" Palestine, Israel does, =
admittedly with=20
much assistance -- both financial and military -- from the United =
States. It's=20
true al-Qaeda's "ideology" (or, rather, the pronouncements of its =
titular head, bin Laden) is directed against US imperialism, but this =
is not significantly different from that of other national liberation =
over the last fifty years, especially those in the Middle East. Fox and =
experts assume we suffer from both amnesia and stupidity. In fact,=20
unfortunately, many of us do.</DIV>
<DIV>At the time of the bombing, Dubya was on a golf course in Waco, =
Texas. "The=20
terrorists that struck today again showed their contempt for the =
innocent," said=20
Bush later. "They showed their fear of progress and their hatred of =
They're the enemies of the Iraqi people. They're the enemies of every =
that seeks to help the Iraqi people... The civilized world will not be=20
intimidated and these terrorists will not determine the future of Iraq =
=85 they=20
are testing our will, it will not be shaken."</DIV>
<DIV>It's ironic, if not criminally insane, of Bush to so disingenuously =
his concern for "innocent" Iraqis when he is responsible for =
slaughtering nearly=20
eight thousand of them (according to the Iraq Body Count Project).</DIV>
<DIV>Bremer and Bush may consider the growing Iraqi resistance as =
consisting of=20
little more than "terrorists," but the fact of the matter is Iraq did =
not invade=20
the United States or Britain -- or, for that matter, it did not attack =
Italy, Spain, Ukraine, Denmark, the Netherlands, Bulgaria, and Albania,=20
countries that have sent or will send "stabilization" forces to Iraq -- =
nor did=20
Iraq ask for the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, =
Bechtel Group, Fluor Corp., Parsons Group, Stevedoring Services of =
America, and=20
other corporate leeches to elbow their way into Iraq against the will of =
Iraq people and line up to make a killing (literally) off oil, water, =
trains, phones, ports, drugs, and anything else they can get their =
paws on.</DIV>
<DIV>So, who are the terrorists here -- average Iraqis fighting a war of =

national liberation or the stockholders of Halliburton and =
<DIV>"Entirely absent from this ["reconstruction"] debate are the Iraqi =
who might -- who knows? -- want to hold on to a few of their assets," =
Naomi Klein of the Nation. "Iraq will be owed massive reparations after =
bombing stops, but without any real democratic process, what is being =
planned is=20
not reparations, reconstruction or rehabilitation. It is robbery: mass =
disguised as charity; privatization without representation."</DIV>
<DIV>Mass theft backed up the world=92s most homicidal war =
<DIV>The IMF and World Bank have done likewise for decades in Latin =
America. But=20
Iraq is not Argentina or Uruguay -- in Iraq there are hundreds of =
thousands of=20
weapons in the hands of ordinary people, many of them with years of =
in Saddam's military. In Latin America, US-trained thugs and death =
squads have=20
made sure there is no serious opposition to what the swindlers on Wall =
and in Washington have done and continue to do. That=92s not the case in =

<DIV>Bush had his chance to hire the Ba=92athists to do what they have =
done since=20
the early 60s -- terrorize and keep the Iraqi people in check -- but =
thanks to=20
the neocon aversion of anything even remotely Arab or Muslim, that =
has vanished. The Bushites have =93de-nazified=94 their way into a =
untenable situation.</DIV>
<DIV>"We're still, needless to say, much closer to the beginning than =
the end,"=20
said Rumsfeld of the situation in Iraq back in March. Needless to say, =
situation is far worse now. It gets worse every day. It will be worse =
next week=20
and even worse next month.</DIV>
<DIV>Like Vietnam, the "beginning" will stretch out forever, consuming =
undetermined number of human lives and billions of dollars. There will =
be no=20
"light at the end of the tunnel," as General Westmoreland would have =
liked to=20
have it. In the months ahead, as the psychopathic Bushites attempt to =
their efforts to eliminate the "bitter enders" and =93Saddam remnants=94 =
in Iraq,=20
support for an immediate and unconditional end of the occupation will =
grow in=20
the United States. The Bushites know this and that=92s why they devised =
and rushed=20
through the Patriot Act. Patriot II waits in the wings.</DIV>
<DIV>In fact, since nearly the whole of the federal government and =
Congress is=20
"Bush territory," the only political solution to the murderous insanity=20
currently on tap in Iraq will likely come from the people, as it did =
during the=20
Vietnam War.</DIV>
<DIV>Civil disobedience and direct may be required -- again. But this =
around the stakes will be much higher. In fact, considering the severity =
of the=20
mental illness afflicting the Bushites, it may be cataclysmic.</DIV>
<DIV>Kurt Nimmo is a photographer, multimedia artist and writer living =
in New=20
Mexico. To see his photo work and read more of his essays, visit his =
=93Another Day in the Empire=94 weblog: <A=20
