[Cerchio] 9/11 and US-Led Neo-Fascism . FWD . M

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9/11 and US-Led Neo-Fascism=20
by Ed Rippy
17 August 2003


The "War on Terrorism" and legislation such as the "PATRIOT" Act are =
the latest phase of a plan for US-led global neo-fascism which has been =
in the works for decades at least. Powerful elements in the US =
government wanted to take over Afghanistan and the surrounding area, =
with its oil, natural gas, minerals, and opium, to further worldwide US =
military and economic dominance. The terrorist attacks on 9/11/01 are =
reminiscent of previous "arranged" attacks including the Boston =
Massacre, Pearl Harbor, and the Gulf of Tonkin "incident."

Of course, this is not the "classic" fascism of the 1930s; history =
never repeats itself exactly. There is no need for the Brown Shirts and =
the Black Shirts of the '30s, since there is no longer any strong =
Communist movement to defeat. Overt racism is out these days; "Islamic =
fundamentalists" (patiently built up by the US and allies) fill the bill =
now. But the essential elements (as identified by Prof. Bertram Gross1) =
of big business-big government cooperation, authoritarianism, and =
militarism are still there.

Powerful elements in US business, political, and military circles have =
wanted a global fascist order for a long time. (For example, in the =
mid-1930s, vice-president of General Motors Graeme K. Howard wrote a =
book titled America and a New World Order.) IBM, ITT, Standard Oil of =
New Jersey, Ford, General Motors, The Chase Bank, the National City Bank =
of New York (now Citibank/Citigroup), and other US businesses and banks =
funded Hitler before and during World War II.2 (Prescott Bush, G. W. =
Bush's grandfather, funneled money to the Nazis from New York.3) They =
also supplied trucks, oil, aircraft engines, communications equipment, =
transportation, and propaganda to the fascist powers.=20

Allen Dulles and John Foster Dulles, who later became head of the CIA =
and Secretary of State respectively, were heavily involved in this =
collaboration. Some of these fascists actually plotted a military coup =
against President Roosevelt, but it was discovered.=20

Hitler was planning to attack the US when he had developed bombers =
with enough range, and besides if Britain fell he would be able to take =
South America and Canada. Japan was also becoming a threat.4=20

Roosevelt decided it was necessary to get the US into the war, so he =
provoked the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. (People have argued this =
for decades, but recently declassified US documents leave no room for =
doubt.5 This is a common ploy of governments when they want to start =
unpopular wars; the Boston Massacre6 and the Gulf of Tonkin "incident"7 =
are other examples.)=20

The Tripartite Pact between Germany, Italy, and Japan ensured that =
when the US declared war on Japan, Germany and Italy would declare war =
on the US. After the war, the US fascists saw to it that most of the =
Nazi industrialists remained in place.8

The Office of Naval Intelligence recruited the Mafia to control the =
New York waterfront and help plan the invasion of Italy. The US military =
also installed Mafia chiefs as mayors of many towns and cities in Italy =
(they had set them up as an occupation force to release US troops for =
the European theater of war). Under Lucky Luciano, the Mafia rebuilt its =
heroin trade, expanding into Marseille.=20

The Mafia also kept the Socialist and Communist parties under control, =
a great aid to US foreign policy.9 In 1945 Roosevelt made a secret deal =
with King Ibn Saud of Saudi Arabia to guarantee his family's throne in =
return for privileged access to oil.10=20

The Saudis also got filthy rich from oil sales, and put most of their =
money in US banks and businesses - an estimated $750 billion.11 Ibn Saud =
had supported Hitler; the CIA, which adopted hundreds of Nazi spies, =
scientists, and military officers, set up a fascist network in the =
Middle East to assure control of oil supplies and to counter Soviet =
influence. It also brought many Nazis to the US and to South America.

One of the Nazis the US spirited away to South America was Klaus =
Barbie. Known as "The Butcher of Lyons," he helped set up the infamous =
"School of the Americas," a training center for torture and repression, =
for the US army in the Panama Canal Zone.12 (The school later moved to =
Fort Benning, GA, and has changed its name to the "Western Hemispheric =
Institute for Security Co-operation.")=20

Starting in the 1950s, the CIA built up the heroin production in Burma =
(now Myanmar) to fund the Chinese Nationalist Army as a bulwark against =
Chinese Communist expansion. In the 1970s, it expanded the drug racket =
into Laos, largely at the expense of the US troops in Vietnam. The =
troops brought their habits and connections home with them, leading to a =
heroin epidemic in the US.13

The US has used the drug trade to finance its covert armies and =
destabilize and corrupt governments; as late as 1980 the Bolivian =
government hired Barbie to manage a band of mercenaries which protected =
its cocaine shipments.14 The Nicaraguan Contras were another example of =
a US client army supported by CIA-protected drug dealing. Due to the =
outcry over Gary Webb's "Dark Alliance" series exposing this in the San =
Jose Mercury News, the CIA Inspector General investigated the =
allegations and produced a report admitting that it was protecting the =
drug dealers who were supporting the Contras.15

In 1979 Zbigniew Brzezinski, President Carter's National Security =
Advisor and a founding member of the Trilateral Commission, convinced =
Carter to covertly arm the opposition to the socialist government in =
Afghanistan. Brzezinski's plan (which worked very well) was to draw the =
Soviets into a military morass there and thus weaken it.16 Once again, =
the CIA built up a huge drug trade, and eventually Afghanistan became =
the source of about two-thirds of the world's heroin.17

Osama bin Laden, son of an immensely wealthy Saudi family which is =
very close to the royal family, became a major recruiter for the CIA, =
rounding up footloose Arabs and sending them to the US for military =
training. The US then sent them to fight in Afghanistan.18=20

Bin Laden also financed and directed major construction projects for =
the CIA. The Saudi royal family (with CIA guidance) set up madrassas, or =
Islamic religious schools, which taught a particularly conservative =
brand of Islam called "Wahabbism" in Pakistan. (The Saudi royal family =
supports Wahabbism in return for the Wahabbis' religious blessing.) The =
Taliban came from these schools.19 But observers have noted that the =
Taliban emerged able to operate tanks and other sophisticated military =
equipment, suggesting that the Koran was not their only subject of =
study.20 Dana Rohrabacher, a senior member of the House Committee on =
International Relations, says the US saw to it that the Taliban took =
over most of Afghanistan after the Soviets withdrew.21 The CIA and Saudi =
Arabia built up Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence Service and =
established a huge network of terrorist training camps and heroin =
laboratories there.22

The drug trade, and other criminal rackets like prostitution, not only =
bankroll the CIA's covert armies, they feed huge amounts of money into =
US banks and stock markets - the central banks of Colombia, Peru,23 and =
Pakistan24 rely on drug money to repay their loans from US banks, and =
large US companies which trade their stock in certain exchanges are =
exempt from reports designed to detect money laundering.25 International =
crime, protected by governments and their intelligence agencies, =
accounts for an estimated 20% of world trade - a seamy side of =
globalization rarely mentioned in the press - and the US is in the =

Zbigniew Brzezinski,27 Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, Jeb Bush, and =
other US movers and shakers see the US as the rightful ruler of the =
world, with a "decisive arbitrating role" and "constabulary" (police) =
functions - without regard to the wishes of the UN or the people of the =

Control of Eurasia is key to control of the world, and the key to =
Eurasia is Central Asia (Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, =
Afghanistan, etc.)29 - the oil30 and opium31 in the region are some of =
the greatest economic prizes on the planet. But global dominance is =
expensive, both in money and blood, and the hawks recognized (and stated =
publicly) that it would take an attack on the US comparable to Pearl =
Harbor to get the military forces and domestic political control they =
need.32 Given the thousands of terrorists they had trained and financed =
(most of whom didn't know where the money had come from and were, =
ironically, seething with rage at the US), plans for such attacks are =
always in the works. In fact, many FBI agents had been trying to =
investigate al-Qaeda for years, but their superiors stopped them.33 They =
had known since 1995 that terrorists were planning to fly hijacked =
airplanes into US buildings.34

The Clinton Administration drew up detailed plans for an attack on =
Al-Qaeda (and Afghanistan), but they weren't ready until the last month =
of Clinton's term, so he passed them on to the Bush administration, =
which rewrote them for a bigger war (the final version reached Bush's =
desk a few days before 9-11).35 Retired Clinton Administration diplomats =
told their Pakistani counterparts in July 2001 that the US was =
considering a "military option" and might attack Afghanistan in =

Israeli, Russian, German, Jordanian, and Egyptian intelligence =
services warned the US of upcoming attacks before 9/11/01, and many =
individuals did as well.37 Even the Director of the CIA, George Tenet =
(who appears not to have been "in the loop"), warned Congress shortly =
before the 9-11 attacks that something like them would happen soon.38 =
Before 9-11, John Ashcroft,39 George Schulz, Donald Rumsfeld, and Dick =
Cheney quit flying on commercial airliners due to a "security alert,"40 =
San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown received warnings not to fly,41 and a =
group of high-ranking Pentagon officials canceled their travel plans =
without explanation.42

Although it has been standard operating procedure for years to =
intercept flights as soon as air traffic controllers lose contact with =
them,43 no intercepts happened on 9-11, and one fighter which was on a =
routine training mission near New York after the first airplane hit the =
World Trade Center was ordered back to its base.44



1. Bertram Gross, Friendly Fascism. Boston: South End Press, 1980.

2. Charles Higham, Trading With the Enemy. New York: Barnes & Noble, =
Inc., 1983.

3. Webster G. Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin George Bush: The Unauthorized =
Biography (1991). http://www.tarpley.net/bushb.htm=20

4. Higham, Trading With the Enemy.

5. Robert B. Stinnett, Day of Deceit. New York: Touchstone, 2000.

6. John C. Miller, Sam Adams: Pioneer in Propaganda. Stanford =
University Press, 1936.

7. Daniel Ellsberg, Papers on the War. New York: Touchstone, 1972.

8. Higham, Trading With the Enemy.

9. Michael Zezima, Saving Private Power. New York: Soft Skull Press, =
Inc., 2000.

10. Daniel Yergin, The Prize. New York: Touchstone, 1991.

11. (London) Daily Telegraph, "Saudi Threat to Withdraw Billions in US =
Investments" 8/20/02 http://www.dailytelegraph.co.uk=20

.12. Zezima, Saving Private Power.

13. Alfred W. McCoy, The Politics of Heroin. Brooklyn: Lawrence Hill =
Books, 1991.

14. Peter Dale Scott and Jonathan Marshall, Cocaine Politics. =
Berkeley: University of California Press, 1991.

15. Gary Webb, Dark Alliance. New York: Seven Stories Press, 1998; see =
also http://home.attbi.com/~gary.webb/wsb/html/view.cgi-home.html-.html=20

16. Le Nouvel Observateur, "The CIA's Intervention in Afghanistan." =
Interview with Zbigniew Brzezinski, 15-21 January 1998 =

17. McCoy, The Politics of Heroin.

18. Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, interview with Michael =
Springman 1/19/02 =

19. Richard Labeviere, Dollars for Terror. New York: Algora =
Publishing, 2000.

20. Amnesty International, Grave abuses in the name of religion =
11/12/96. http://www.web.amnesty.org/ai.nsf/index/ASA110121996=20

21. Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, Was U.S. Aiding the Taliban? Guest =
Commentary: 9/18/01 =

22. Labeviere, Dollars For Terror.

23. Peter Andreas and Coletta Younger, "'Busting' the Andean Cocaine =
Industry." World Policy Journal Summer 1989.

24. B. Raman, Heroin, Taliban, and Pakistan. South Asian Analysis =
Group, 2001 http://www.saag.org/papers3/paper288.html=20

25. Bank Secrecy Act/Anti-Money Laundering -- Comptroller's Handbook. =
12//00. http://www.occ.treas.gov/handbook/bsa.pdf=20

26. Christian de Brie, "Thick As Thieves." Le Monde Diplomatique =
4/5/00 http://mondediplo.com/2000/04/05debrie=20

27. Zbigniew Brzezinski, The Grand Chessboard. New York: Basic Books, =

28. Project for the New American Century, Statement of Principles =
6/3/97 (http://www.newamericancentury.org/statementofprinciples.htm); =
see also Rebuilding America's Defenses =

29. Brzezinski, The Grand Chessboard.

30. House Committee on International Relations, Testimony of John J. =
Maresca, Vice President of Unocal Oil, 2/12/1998 =

31. Ed Rippy, Where the Narcodollars Go, 4/27/02 =

32. Brzezinski, The Grand Chessboard; see also The Project for the New =
American Century, Rebuilding America's Defenses.

33. Ed Rippy, 9-11 and US Global Hegemony =

34. PublicEdCenter.com, Terrorist Plan to Use Planes as Weapons Dates =
to 1995 http://www.publicedcenter.org/faaterrorist.htm=20

35. Reuters, Plan to Fight Al Qaeda Approved Week Before 9/11, 8/4/02 =

36. Jonathan Steele, Ewen MacAskill, Richard Norton-Taylor and Ed =
Harriman, "Threat of US strikes passed to Taliban weeks before NY =
attack." Guardian (UK) 9/22/01 =
http://www.guardian.co.uk/Archive/Article/0,4273,4262511,00.html .

37. Michael C. Ruppert, "Oh Lucy! You Got a Lotta 'Splainin to Do." =
>From the Wilderness 9/4/02 =


38. NPR, Morning Edition 9/11/01 =
http://www.npr.org/ramfiles/me/20010911.me.18.ram The statement cited =
is at 1 hour, 5 minutes, 40 seconds from the start. Russ Kick has =
archived the statement http://www.thememoryhole.org/tenet-911.mp3=20

39. CBS News, Ashcroft Flying High, 7/26/01 =

40. John Judge, The Strategy of Tension. Lecture at Fellowship of =
Humanity, Oakland, Ca 9/19/02.

41. Phillip Matier and Andrew Ross, "Willie Brown got low-key early =
warning about air travel." SF Chronicle 9/12/01 =

42. Michel Hirsch, "'We've Hit the Targets'" Newsweek 9/13/01 =

43. Air Traffic Control Intercept Procedures =

44. Judge, The Strategy of Tension.

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<H2 align=3Dcenter><FONT face=3DArial color=3D#800000>9/11 and US-Led=20
<H2 align=3Dcenter><FONT face=3DArial>by Ed Rippy</FONT></H2>
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style=3D"PADDING-RIGHT: 35px; PADDING-LEFT: 45px; TEXT-INDENT: 0pt; =
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<P><FONT face=3DArial>The "War on Terrorism" and legislation such as =
"PATRIOT" Act are the latest phase of a plan for US-led global =
which has been in the works for decades at least. Powerful elements in =
the US=20
government wanted to take over Afghanistan and the surrounding area, =
with its=20
oil, natural gas, minerals, and opium, to further worldwide US =
military and=20
economic dominance. The terrorist attacks on 9/11/01 are reminiscent =
previous "arranged" attacks including the Boston Massacre, Pearl =
Harbor, and=20
the Gulf of Tonkin "incident."</FONT></P>
<P><FONT face=3DArial>Of course, this is not the "classic" fascism of =
the 1930s;=20
history never repeats itself exactly. There is no need for the Brown =
and the Black Shirts of the =9130s, since there is no longer any =
Communist movement to defeat. Overt racism is out these days; "Islamic =

fundamentalists" (patiently built up by the US and allies) fill the =
bill now.=20
But the essential elements (as identified by Prof. Bertram =
of big business-big government cooperation, authoritarianism, and =
are still there.</FONT></P>
<P><FONT face=3DArial>Powerful elements in US business, political, and =
circles have wanted a global fascist order for a long time. (For =
example, in=20
the mid-1930s, vice-president of General Motors Graeme K. Howard wrote =
a book=20
titled <I>America and a New World Order.</I>) IBM, ITT, Standard Oil =
of New=20
Jersey, Ford, General Motors, The Chase Bank, the National City Bank =
of New=20
York (now Citibank/Citigroup), and other US businesses and banks =
funded Hitler=20
before and during World War II.<SUP>2</SUP> (Prescott Bush, G. W. =
grandfather, funneled money to the Nazis from New York.<SUP>3</SUP>) =
They also=20
supplied trucks, oil, aircraft engines, communications equipment,=20
transportation, and propaganda to the fascist powers. </FONT></P>
<P><FONT face=3DArial>Allen Dulles and John Foster Dulles, who later =
became head=20
of the CIA and Secretary of State respectively, were heavily involved =
in this=20
collaboration. Some of these fascists actually plotted a military coup =
President Roosevelt, but it was discovered. </FONT></P>
<P><FONT face=3DArial>Hitler was planning to attack the US when he had =
bombers with enough range, and besides if Britain fell he would be =
able to=20
take South America and Canada. Japan was also becoming a =
<P><FONT face=3DArial>Roosevelt decided it was necessary to get the US =
into the=20
war, so he provoked the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. (People have =
this for decades, but recently declassified US documents leave no room =
doubt.<SUP>5</SUP> This is a common ploy of governments when they want =
start unpopular wars; the Boston Massacre<SUP>6</SUP> and the Gulf of =
"incident"<SUP>7</SUP> are other examples.) </FONT></P>
<P><FONT face=3DArial>The Tripartite Pact between Germany, Italy, and =
ensured that when the US declared war on Japan, Germany and Italy =
declare war on the US. After the war, the US fascists saw to it that =
most of=20
the Nazi industrialists remained in place.</FONT><SUP><FONT=20
<P><FONT face=3DArial>The Office of Naval Intelligence recruited the =
Mafia to=20
control the New York waterfront and help plan the invasion of Italy. =
The US=20
military also installed Mafia chiefs as mayors of many towns and =
cities in=20
Italy (they had set them up as an occupation force to release US =
troops for=20
the European theater of war). Under Lucky Luciano, the Mafia rebuilt =
heroin trade, expanding into Marseille. </FONT></P>
<P><FONT face=3DArial>The Mafia also kept the Socialist and Communist =
under control, a great aid to US foreign policy.<SUP>9</SUP> In 1945 =
made a secret deal with King Ibn Saud of Saudi Arabia to guarantee his =

family=92s throne in return for privileged access to oil.<SUP>10</SUP> =

<P><FONT face=3DArial>The Saudis also got filthy rich from oil sales, =
and put=20
most of their money in US banks and businesses =97 an estimated $750=20
billion.<SUP>11</SUP> Ibn Saud had supported Hitler; the CIA, which =
hundreds of Nazi spies, scientists, and military officers, set up a =
network in the Middle East to assure control of oil supplies and to =
Soviet influence. It also brought many Nazis to the US and to South=20
<P><FONT face=3DArial>One of the Nazis the US spirited away to South =
America was=20
Klaus Barbie. Known as "The Butcher of Lyons," he helped set up the =
"School of the Americas," a training center for torture and =
repression, for=20
the US army in the Panama Canal Zone.<SUP>12</SUP> (The school later =
moved to=20
Fort Benning, GA, and has changed its name to the "Western Hemispheric =

Institute for Security Co-operation.") </FONT></P>
<P><FONT face=3DArial>Starting in the 1950s, the CIA built up the =
production in Burma (now Myanmar) to fund the Chinese Nationalist Army =
as a=20
bulwark against Chinese Communist expansion. In the 1970s, it expanded =
drug racket into Laos, largely at the expense of the US troops in =
Vietnam. The=20
troops brought their habits and connections home with them, leading to =
heroin epidemic in the US.<SUP>13</SUP></FONT></P>
<P><FONT face=3DArial>&nbsp;The US has used the drug trade to finance =
its covert=20
armies and destabilize and corrupt governments; as late as 1980 the =
government hired Barbie to manage a band of mercenaries which =
protected its=20
cocaine shipments.<SUP>14</SUP> The Nicaraguan Contras were another =
example of=20
a US client army supported by CIA-protected drug dealing. Due to the =
over Gary Webb=92s "Dark Alliance" series exposing this in the San =
Jose Mercury=20
News, the CIA Inspector General investigated the allegations and =
produced a=20
report admitting that it was protecting the drug dealers who were =
the Contras.</FONT><SUP><FONT face=3DArial>15</FONT></SUP></P>
<P><FONT face=3DArial>In 1979 Zbigniew Brzezinski, President =
Carter=92s National=20
Security Advisor and a founding member of the Trilateral Commission, =
Carter to covertly arm the opposition to the socialist government in=20
Afghanistan. Brzezinski=92s plan (which worked very well) was to draw =
Soviets into a military morass there and thus weaken it.<SUP>16</SUP> =
again, the CIA built up a huge drug trade, and eventually Afghanistan =
the source of about two-thirds of the world=92s =
<P><FONT face=3DArial>Osama bin Laden, son of an immensely wealthy =
Saudi family=20
which is very close to the royal family, became a major recruiter for =
the CIA,=20
rounding up footloose Arabs and sending them to the US for military =
The US then sent them to fight in Afghanistan.<SUP>18</SUP> =
<P><FONT face=3DArial>Bin Laden also financed and directed major =
projects for the CIA. The Saudi royal family (with CIA guidance) set =
madrassas, or Islamic religious schools, which taught a particularly=20
conservative brand of Islam called "Wahabbism" in Pakistan. (The Saudi =
family supports Wahabbism in return for the Wahabbis=92 religious =
blessing.) The=20
Taliban came from these schools.<SUP>19</SUP> But observers have noted =
the Taliban emerged able to operate tanks and other sophisticated =
equipment, suggesting that the Koran was not their only subject of=20
study.<SUP>20</SUP> Dana Rohrabacher, a senior member of the House =
on International Relations, says the US saw to it that the Taliban =
took over=20
most of Afghanistan after the Soviets withdrew.<SUP>21</SUP> The CIA =
and Saudi=20
Arabia built up Pakistan=92s Inter-Services Intelligence Service and =
a huge network of terrorist training camps and heroin laboratories=20
there.</FONT><SUP><FONT face=3DArial>22</FONT></SUP></P>
<P><FONT face=3DArial>The drug trade, and other criminal rackets like=20
prostitution, not only bankroll the CIA=92s covert armies, they feed =
amounts of money into US banks and stock markets =97 the central banks =
Colombia, Peru,<SUP>23</SUP> and Pakistan<SUP>24</SUP> rely on drug =
money to=20
repay their loans from US banks, and large US companies which trade =
stock in certain exchanges are exempt from reports designed to detect =
laundering.<SUP>25</SUP> International crime, protected by governments =
their intelligence agencies, accounts for an estimated 20% of world =
trade =97 a=20
seamy side of globalization rarely mentioned in the press =97 and the =
US is in=20
the lead.</FONT><SUP><FONT face=3DArial>26</FONT></SUP></P>
<P><FONT face=3DArial>Zbigniew Brzezinski,<SUP>27</SUP> Donald =
Rumsfeld, Dick=20
Cheney, Jeb Bush, and other US movers and shakers see the US as the =
ruler of the world, with a "decisive arbitrating role" and =
(police) functions =97 without regard to the wishes of the UN or the =
people of=20
the US.<SUP>28</SUP> </FONT></P>
<P><FONT face=3DArial>Control of Eurasia is key to control of the =
world, and the=20
key to Eurasia is Central Asia (Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan,=20
Afghanistan, etc.)<SUP>29</SUP> =97 the oil<SUP>30</SUP> and =
in the region are some of the greatest economic prizes on the planet. =
global dominance is expensive, both in money and blood, and the hawks=20
recognized (and stated publicly) that it would take an attack on the =
comparable to Pearl Harbor to get the military forces and domestic =
control they need.<SUP>32</SUP> Given the thousands of terrorists they =
trained and financed (most of whom didn=92t know where the money had =
come from=20
and were, ironically, seething with rage at the US), plans for such =
are always in the works. In fact, many FBI agents had been trying to=20
investigate al-Qaeda for years, but their superiors stopped =
They had known since 1995 that terrorists were planning to fly =
airplanes into US buildings.</FONT><SUP><FONT =
<P><FONT face=3DArial>The Clinton Administration drew up detailed =
plans for an=20
attack on Al-Qaeda (and Afghanistan), but they weren=92t ready until =
the last=20
month of Clinton=92s term, so he passed them on to the Bush =
which rewrote them for a bigger war (the final version reached =
Bush=92s desk a=20
few days before 9-11).<SUP>35</SUP> Retired Clinton Administration =
told their Pakistani counterparts in July 2001 that the US was =
considering a=20
"military option" and might attack Afghanistan in=20
mid-October.</FONT><SUP><FONT face=3DArial>36</FONT></SUP></P>
<P><FONT face=3DArial>Israeli, Russian, German, Jordanian, and =
intelligence services warned the US of upcoming attacks before =
9/11/01, and=20
many individuals did as well.<SUP>37</SUP> Even the Director of the =
George Tenet (who appears not to have been "in the loop"), warned =
shortly before the 9-11 attacks that something like them would happen=20
soon.<SUP>38</SUP> Before 9-11, John Ashcroft,<SUP>39</SUP> George =
Donald Rumsfeld, and Dick Cheney quit flying on commercial airliners =
due to a=20
"security alert,"<SUP>40</SUP> San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown =
warnings not to fly,<SUP>41</SUP> and a group of high-ranking Pentagon =

officials canceled their travel plans without =
<P><FONT face=3DArial>Although it has been standard operating =
procedure for=20
years to intercept flights as soon as air traffic controllers lose =
with them,<SUP>43</SUP> no intercepts happened on 9-11, and one =
fighter which=20
was on a routine training mission near New York after the first =
airplane hit=20
the World Trade Center was ordered back to its base.</FONT><SUP><FONT=20
face=3DArial>44</FONT></SUP></P><B><FONT size=3D2>
<P><FONT face=3DArial>Endnotes:</FONT></P></B>
<P><FONT face=3DArial>1. Bertram Gross, <I>Friendly Fascism. =
Boston: South=20
End Press, 1980.</FONT></P>
<P><FONT face=3DArial>2. Charles Higham, <I>Trading With the =
Enemy.</I> New=20
York: Barnes & Noble, Inc., 1983.</FONT></P>
<P><FONT face=3DArial>3. Webster G. Tarpley<B> </B>and<B> </B>Anton =
George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography (1991). <A=20
<P><FONT face=3DArial>4. Higham, </FONT><I><FONT face=3DArial>Trading =
With the=20
<P><FONT face=3DArial>5. Robert B. Stinnett, <I>Day of Deceit.</I> New =
Touchstone, 2000.</FONT></P>
<P><FONT face=3DArial>6. John C. Miller, <I>Sam Adams: Pioneer in =
</I>Stanford University Press, 1936.</FONT></P>
<P><FONT face=3DArial>7. Daniel Ellsberg, <I>Papers on the War. =
New York:=20
Touchstone, 1972.</FONT></P>
<P><FONT face=3DArial>8. Higham, </FONT><I><FONT face=3DArial>Trading =
With the=20
<P><FONT face=3DArial>9. Michael Zezima, <I>Saving Private Power.</I> =
New York:=20
Soft Skull Press, Inc., 2000.</FONT></P>
<P><FONT face=3DArial>10. Daniel Yergin, T<I>he Prize.</I> New York: =
<P><FONT face=3DArial>11. (London) <I>Daily Telegraph,</I> "Saudi =
Threat to=20
Withdraw Billions in US Investments" 8/20/02 <A=20
<P><FONT face=3DArial>.12. Zezima, </FONT><I><FONT face=3DArial>Saving =
<P><FONT face=3DArial>13. Alfred W. McCoy, <I>The Politics of =
Brooklyn: Lawrence Hill Books, 1991.</FONT></P>
<P><FONT face=3DArial>14. Peter Dale Scott and Jonathan Marshall, =
Politics. </I>Berkeley: University of California Press, =
<P><FONT face=3DArial>15. Gary Webb, <I>Dark Alliance.</I> New York: =
Stories Press, 1998; see also <A=20
<P><FONT face=3DArial>16. <I>Le Nouvel Observateur,</I> "The CIA=92s =
in Afghanistan." Interview with Zbigniew Brzezinski, 15-21 January =
<P><FONT face=3DArial>17. McCoy, </FONT><I><FONT face=3DArial>The =
Politics of=20
<P><FONT face=3DArial>18. Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, interview =
Michael Springman<B> </B>1/19/02 <A=20
<P><FONT face=3DArial>19. Richard Labeviere, <I>Dollars for Terror. =
York: Algora Publishing, 2000.</FONT></P>
<P><FONT face=3DArial>20. Amnesty International, <I>Grave abuses in =
the name of=20
religion</I> 11/12/96. <A=20
<P><FONT face=3DArial>21. Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, <I>Was U.S. Aiding =
the Taliban?=20
</I>Guest Commentary: 9/18/01 <A=20
<P><FONT face=3DArial>22. Labeviere, </FONT><I><FONT =
face=3DArial>Dollars For=20
<P><FONT face=3DArial>23. Peter Andreas and Coletta Younger, =
"=91Busting=92 the=20
Andean Cocaine Industry." <I>World Policy Journal </I>Summer =
<P><FONT face=3DArial>24. B. Raman, <I>Heroin, Taliban, and =
Pakistan.</I> South=20
Asian Analysis Group, 2001&nbsp; <A=20
<P><FONT face=3DArial>25. <I>Bank Secrecy Act/Anti-Money Laundering -- =

Comptroller=92s Handbook.</I> 12//00. <A=20
<P><FONT face=3DArial>26. Christian de Brie, "Thick As Thieves." <I>Le =
Diplomatique </I>4/5/00 <A=20
<P><FONT face=3DArial>27. Zbigniew Brzezinski, <I>The Grand =
Chessboard.</I> New=20
York: Basic Books, 1997.</FONT></P>
<P><FONT face=3DArial>28. Project for the New American Century, =
<I>Statement of=20
Principles </I>6/3/97=20
(http://www.newamericancentury.org/statementofprinciples.htm); see =
<I>Rebuilding America=92s Defenses </I><A=20

<P><FONT face=3DArial>29. Brzezinski, </FONT><I><FONT face=3DArial>The =
<P><FONT face=3DArial>30. House Committee on International Relations,=20
<I><STRONG>Testimony of </STRONG>John J.<STRONG> </STRONG>Maresca, =
President of Unocal Oil,</I><STRONG> 2/12/1998 </STRONG><A=20
<P><FONT face=3DArial>31. Ed Rippy, <I>Where the Narcodollars Go, =
4/27/02 <A=20
<P><FONT face=3DArial>32. Brzezinski, <I>The Grand Chessboard; </I>see =
also The=20
Project for the New American Century, <I>Rebuilding America=92s=20
<P><FONT face=3DArial>33. Ed Rippy, <I>9-11 and US Global Hegemony =
<P><FONT face=3DArial>34. PublicEdCenter.com, <I>Terrorist Plan to Use =
Planes as=20
Weapons Dates to 1995</I> <A=20
<P><FONT face=3DArial>35. Reuters,<I> Plan to Fight Al Qaeda Approved =
Before 9/11,</I> 8/4/02 <A=20
<P><FONT face=3DArial>36. Jonathan Steele, Ewen MacAskill, Richard =
and Ed Harriman, "Threat of US strikes passed to Taliban weeks before =
attack." <I>Guardian</I> (UK) 9/22/01 <A=20

<P><FONT face=3DArial>37. Michael C. Ruppert, "Oh Lucy! You Got a =
=91Splainin to Do." <I>From the Wilderness </I>9/4/02 <A=20
<P><FONT face=3DArial>38. NPR, <I>Morning Edition</I> 9/11/01 <A=20
&nbsp; The statement cited is at 1 hour, 5 minutes, 40 seconds from =
the start.=20
Russ Kick has archived the statement <A=20
<P><FONT face=3DArial>39. CBS News, <I>Ashcroft Flying High</I>, =
7/26/01 <A=20
<P><FONT face=3DArial>40. John Judge, <I>The Strategy of Tension. =
Lecture at=20
Fellowship of Humanity, Oakland, Ca 9/19/02.</FONT></P>
<P><FONT face=3DArial>41. Phillip Matier and Andrew Ross, "Willie =
Brown got=20
low-key early warning about air travel." <I>SF Chronicle</I> 9/12/01 =
<P><FONT face=3DArial>42. Michel Hirsch, "=91We=92ve Hit the =
Newsweek</I> 9/13/01 <A=20
<P><FONT face=3DArial>43. Air Traffic Control Intercept Procedures <A=20
<P><FONT face=3DArial>44. Judge, <I>The Strategy of=20
