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>Date: Mon, 4 Aug 2003 16:25:34 -0700 (PDT)
>Subject: [dawn-discuss-dc] brought to you by American Enterprise Institute
>Reply-To: dawn-discuss-dc@???
>Canadian Committee <comitecanadien@???> wrote:
>From: "Canadian Committee"
>Date: Sat, 2 Aug 2003 11:48:38 -0400
>Canadian Committee to Combat Crimes against Humanity
><http://comitecanadien.bizhosting.com/English/home.html>Home |
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>World-wide campaign against "liberal" and "progressives" ONGs is
>undertaken in USA
>( Automatic translation with Babel Fish from an article in Spanish
>in the mexican journal La Jornada)
>Original article:
>Mexico D.F. Saturday 2 of August of 2003
> It looks to undermine "opposite actions" to Bush and multinationals
>foreign policy
>World-wide campaign against "liberal" and "progressives" ONGs is
>undertaken in USA
> In the sight, Amnesty International, Oxfam, CARE and Friends of the Earth
>In order to resist the world-wide influence of some international
>nongovernmental organizations (NGO) "opposed to USA foreign policy
>and the multinational companies", experts close to the George W.
>Bush administration sent a world-wide campaign of monitoring the
>activities of these organizations.
>The American Enterprise Institute (AEI) announced recently, along
>with the rightist Federalist Society of Studies on Laws and Public
>Policies, the launching of a new site in Internet, in which they
>will expose information on these civil organisms (habitually with
>broken ties with the governments, as its name indicates). "NGOwatch"
>will watch with special attention those organizations with
>progressive "and" liberal "agenda" who promote the "global
>government" and other concepts also endorsed by the United Nations
>and some multilateral agencies.
>The alternative agencies of information Ecoceanos News and IPS have
>reviewed the plans of the american government to fight the ONGs,
>because presumably they represent a "program of global and
>antinational left".
>AEI expressed their preoccupation over what it considers a "naivete"
>of the government of Bush and several companies, when providing
>financing for the ONG. "In many cases, ingenuous reformers of
>the private sector, as well as companies and civil employees of
>government, receive them as if nothing", affirmed John Entine, of
>the mentioned enterprise institute.
>When presenting/displaying its site, AEI gave a conference with the
>title The ONG: the growing power of a few chosen ones, in which it
>portray these organizations as "a great threat" to the government of
>Bush, the capitalism of free market and Washington's foreign policy.
>The conference was also cosupported by the rightist Australian
>Institute of International Affairs. "The ONG created their own rules
>and now they want that the governments and the corporations are put
>under them. Enterprise and political leaders are forced to respond
>to the mediatic machinery of the ONG, and the resources of the
>contributors and investors are used to aims what that they never
>guaranteed ", indicated the organizers of the conference.
>"The extraordinary growth of the ONG in liberal states has the
>potential to undermine the sovereignty of the constitutional
>democracies", added.
>In the conference participated about 40 civil employees of foreign
>policy , judicial authorities and prominent figures, like the ex-
>head of the political advisers of the Pentagon, Richard Per, and
>Lynne Cheney, wife of vice-president Dick Cheney. This suggests
>Washington prepares a true attack against the ONG.
>The message was that some ONG, like Amnesty International, CARE,
>Oxfam and Friends of Earth International "have made a valuable work
>in the promotion of the human rights, the development and the
>protection of the atmosphere, but their policies, in particular the
>international, could undermine the interests of the United States
>and the principles of the free enterprise".
>The international ONG promote "a new and penetrating form of
>conflict" against the multinational corporations or "biz-war" (of
>English bussiness, businesses, and to war, war), maintained the
>professor of Political Sciences of the University George Washington,
>Jarol Manheim. The ONG work with institutional investments like
>union and ecclesiastical pension funds in the denominated movement
>"social investment", that sponsors respectful enterprise policies of
>the atmosphere and the human rights in assemblies of shareholders.
>Those efforts, said Manheim, must be considered "part of a greater
>anticompany campaign ", that also includes boicots and other
>measures to influence the behavior of corporations.
>On the other hand, indicates this analyst more bushian than Bush
>himself, the companies participate in joint projects with the ONGs,
>they appeal to advisers of such organisms and they even contract
>their employees "to protect themselves against negative publicity".
>That position was shared by Entine, of AEI, for whom the movement of
>social investment is "a disguised wolf in lamb". The ONG "which
>oppose the free market extend their reach even to the the meetings
>of the corporations", he said.
>On the other hand, the professor of Government Affairs Jeremy
>Rabkin, of the Cornell University, questioned the companies that try
>to maintain good relations with the ONGs. "Their program is to
>the left. It is global and antinational ". For Rabkin, just the
>notion of nongovernmental organization is a "stalinist concept".
><http://comitecanadien.bizhosting.com/English/home.html>Home |
>2000 |
><http://comitecanadien.bizhosting.com/English/PRESS/index.html>Press Room |
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Paola Manduca
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<html><head><style type="text/css"><!--
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--></style><title>Fwd: [dawn-discuss-dc] brought to you by American
<blockquote type="cite" cite><br></blockquote>
<blockquote type="cite" cite>Date: Mon, 4 Aug 2003 16:25:34 -0700
Subject: [dawn-discuss-dc] brought to you by American Enterprise
Reply-To: dawn-discuss-dc@???<br>
<blockquote type="cite" cite><br>
<i><b>Canadian Committee <comitecanadien@???></b></i>
<blockquote>From: "Canadian Committee"<br>
Date: Sat, 2 Aug 2003 11:48:38 -0400<br>
<blockquote align="right"><font face="Arial Black" size="+4"
<blockquote align="right"><font face="Arial" size="-1"
color="#CCCC00"><u><b>Canadian Committee to Combat Crimes against
<blockquote align="right">&nbsp;<br>
<blockquote align="right"><a
face="Arial" size="-2" color="#0000FF"><b>Home</b></font></a><font
face="Arial" size="-2"><b> |</b></font> <a
><font face="Arial" size="-2" color="#0000FF"><b>Humanity

2000</b></font></a><font face="Arial" size="-2"><b> |</b></font> <a
face="Arial" size="-2" color="#0000FF"><b>Press
Room</b></font></a><font face="Arial" size="-2"><b> |</b></font><a
href="mailto:comitecanadien@post.com"><font face="Arial" size="-2"
color="#0000FF"><b> Contact us</b></font></a><font face="Arial"
size="-2"><b> |</b></font> <a
face="Arial" size="-2" color="#0000FF"><b>VersiÛn en
EspaÒol</b></font></a><font face="Arial" size="-2"><b> |</b></font> <a
face="Arial" size="-2" color="#0000FF"><b>Version en
<blockquote><font face="Arial" size="+3" color="#FF0000"><b>World-wide
campaign against "liberal"&nbsp; and "progressives"
ONGs&nbsp;is undertaken in USA</b></font><br>
<blockquote>(<font face="Arial" size="-1" color="#000080"><b>
Automatic translation with Babel Fish from an article in Spanish in
the mexican journal La Jornada)</b></font><br>
<blockquote><font face="Arial" size="-1" color="#000080"><b>Original
<blockquote><font size="-1"

<blockquote align="center"><font face="Arial" size="-1"
<blockquote align="right">Mexico D.F. Saturday 2 of August of 2003<br>
<blockquote><img src="http://www.jornada.unam.mx/bull.gif"
width="14"><font face="Times New Roman" size="+1"><b>It looks to
undermine "opposite actions" to Bush and multinationals
foreign policy</b></font><br>
<blockquote><font face="Times New Roman" size="+2"><b>World-wide
campaign against "liberal"&nbsp; and "progressives"
ONGs&nbsp;is undertaken in USA</b></font><br>
<blockquote><img src="http://www.jornada.unam.mx/bull.gif"
width="14"><font face="Times New Roman" size="+1">In the sight,
Amnesty International, Oxfam, CARE and Friends of the Earth</font><br>
<blockquote><font face="Times New Roman"><b>HERMANN
<blockquote><font face="Times New Roman">In order to resist the
world-wide influence of some international&nbsp; nongovernmental
organizations (NGO) "opposed to USA foreign policy and the
multinational companies", experts&nbsp;close to&nbsp;the George
W. Bush administration sent a world-wide campaign of monitoring the
activities of these organizations.</font><br>
<blockquote><font face="Times New Roman">The&nbsp;American
Enterprise&nbsp;Institute (AEI) announced recently, along with the
rightist Federalist Society of Studies on Laws and Public Policies,
the launching of a new site in Internet, in which they will expose
information on these civil organisms (habitually with broken ties with
the governments, as its name indicates). "NGOwatch" will
watch with special attention those organizations with progressive
"and" liberal "agenda" who promote the
"global government" and other concepts also endorsed by&nbsp;
the&nbsp; United Nations and some multilateral agencies.</font><br>
<blockquote><font face="Times New Roman">The alternative agencies of
information Ecoceanos News and IPS have reviewed the plans of
the&nbsp;american government to fight the ONGs, because presumably
they represent a "program of global and antinational
<blockquote><font face="Times New Roman">AEI expressed their
preoccupation over what it considers a "naivete" of the
government of Bush and several companies, when providing financing for
the ONG. "In many cases, ingenuous reformers of the&nbsp;private
sector, as well as companies and civil employees of government,
receive them as if nothing", affirmed John Entine, of the
mentioned enterprise institute.</font><br>
<blockquote><font face="Times New Roman">When presenting/displaying
its site, AEI gave&nbsp; a conference with the title<i> The ONG: the
growing power of&nbsp; a few chosen ones</i>, in which it portray
these organizations as "a great threat"&nbsp;to the
government of Bush, the capitalism of free market and Washington's
foreign policy. The conference was also cosupported by&nbsp; the
rightist Australian Institute of International Affairs. "The ONG
created their own rules and now they want that the governments and
the&nbsp;corporations are put under them. Enterprise and political
leaders are forced to respond to the mediatic machinery of the ONG,
and the resources of the contributors and investors are used&nbsp;to
aims what that they never guaranteed ", indicated the organizers
of the conference.</font><br>
<blockquote><font face="Times New Roman">"The extraordinary
growth of the ONG in liberal states has the potential to undermine the
sovereignty of the constitutional democracies", added.</font><br>
<blockquote><font face="Times New Roman">In the conference
participated about 40 civil employees of foreign policy&nbsp; ,
judicial authorities and prominent figures, like the ex- head of the
political advisers of the Pentagon, Richard Per, and Lynne Cheney,
wife of vice-president Dick Cheney. This suggests Washington prepares
a true attack against the ONG.</font></blockquote>
<blockquote><font face="Times New Roman">The message was that some
ONG, like Amnesty International, CARE, Oxfam and&nbsp;Friends of
Earth&nbsp;International "have made a valuable work in the
promotion of the human rights, the development and the protection of
the atmosphere, but their policies, in&nbsp;particular the
international, could undermine the interests of the United States and
the principles of the free enterprise".</font><br>
<blockquote><font face="Times New Roman">The international
ONG&nbsp;promote "a new and penetrating form of conflict"
against the multinational corporations or "biz-war" (of
English<i> bussiness</i>, businesses, and<i> to war</i>, war),
maintained the professor of Political Sciences of the University
George Washington, Jarol Manheim. The ONG work with institutional
investments like union and ecclesiastical pension funds in the
denominated movement "social investment", that sponsors
respectful enterprise policies of the atmosphere and the human rights
in assemblies of shareholders. Those efforts, said Manheim, must be
considered "part of a greater anticompany campaign ", that
also includes boicots and other measures to influence the behavior of
<blockquote><font face="Times New Roman">On the other hand, indicates
this analyst more&nbsp;<i>bushian</i> than Bush himself, the companies
participate in joint projects with the ONGs, they appeal to advisers
of such organisms and they even contract their employees "to
protect themselves against negative publicity". That position was
shared by Entine, of AEI, for whom the movement of social investment
is "a disguised wolf&nbsp;in lamb". The ONG&nbsp;
"which oppose the free market extend their reach even to the the
meetings of the corporations", he said.</font><br>
<blockquote><font face="Times New Roman">On the other hand, the
professor of Government&nbsp; Affairs Jeremy Rabkin, of the Cornell
University, questioned the companies that try to maintain good
relations with the ONGs. "Their program is&nbsp;to
the&nbsp;left.&nbsp;It is global and antinational ". For Rabkin,
just the notion of nongovernmental organization is a "stalinist

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