[Cm-milano] Re:HI Giovanni - Re Critical Mass

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Auteur: Pesce
Sujet: [Cm-milano] Re:HI Giovanni - Re Critical Mass
> HI Giovanni, I got your email from Chris Carlsson. I am doing a short =0D=
=0A> radio interview here in Toronto, Canada on CM. One of the questions =
I =0D=0A> will be asked is about CM in other countries. I was wondering =
if there =0D=0A> is something you could share that I could talk about for=
the interview. =0D=0A> Just something brief and unique for Milan.=0D=0A>=
=0D=0A> Thank you, Darren Stehr=0D=0A> torontocranks.com=0D=0A> =0D=0A=0D=
=0Ahi darren, thanks for asking. One thing I can tell you is that yestrda=
y's mass=0D=0Awas wonderful. Here it's very hot so a lot of riders decide=
d to shup up in=0D=0Aswimming suits. we rode around all the fountins of t=
he city, diving as childern=0D=0Ain to the fresh water. by 12 PM some rid=
ers got naked. we finally got to the=0D=0Acanal district in which we dive=
d. the Critical Mass sound system was playing=0D=0Aloud ska music. people=
around and most of the motorists were dilighted in such=0D=0Aview. it wa=
s really cool and peaceful and joyfull and full of immagination. It=0D=0A=
was so pleasant and "freeminding" to ride half naked in the motorized cit=
y.=0D=0A=0D=0AYesterday there was also a commemoration for a 20 year ald =
girl died in the=0D=0Astreet while riding alone. Some cm activists brough=
t about old bycicle pieces=0D=0Aand disegned a 30 feet metal crown with i=
t, wich we deposited on the asphalt=0D=0Awhere the girl died the day befo=
re yesterday. The was a long and raged applause,=0D=0Awith cars honking a=
s crazy in the background. Then we hit the road. and went on=0D=0Afor the=
fountins' tour.=0D=0A=0D=0AIn wintertime things are very different. Mila=
no can become really freezing, with=0D=0Atemperature often below zero C=B0=
in genuary anf february. The atmophere changes=0D=0Adramattically, numbe=
rs shrinken, but the mass does not stop, ever. =0D=0A=0D=0AOther backgrou=
nd info: we started riding in feb 2002. by now there are some=0D=0A500-60=
0 riders every week (we ride weekly, every thursday in Milan, elsewhere i=
n=0D=0AItaly they ride monthly, either thursday of friday) We've got plea=
nty of=0D=0Aforegner riders. Apparetely cm is is wondurfuil way of gettin=
g to know the city=0D=0Abetter for new comers. I could go on for ours tal=
king about the mjass, but got=0D=0Ato go back to work. Have fun and ride =
on.=0D=0A=0D=0AGiovanni=0D=0A=0D=0ANB Darren, please, would you please fo=
rward this whole message to chris? I=0D=0Ahaven't got his address here in=
my work place. Thanks:=0D=0A=0D=0AHi Chris! Yesterday there was the cm b=
ook presentation. In my opinion it was=0D=0Agood, even though some "activ=
ists" were not completely satisfied with the debate=0D=0Abeing too much o=
ver bicycle-friendly policy making and too little about all the=0D=0Aothe=
r revolutionary aspects of the book and the cm phenomenon. Ciao and hope =
to=0D=0Asee you soon. Take care