[Cerchio] immigrazione dall'independent

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Autor: leonid ilijc brezhnev
Assunto: [Cerchio] immigrazione dall'independent
Odyssey of despair: and not a twitch of conscience by Europe's leaders

Only three African refugees survived when a crammed boat sank off Italy.
Today, EU leaders will discuss ways of stemming the human tide. But what
about the reasons for the exodus?

By Peter Popham in Palermo, Sicily

19 June 2003

All that was left of the nameless boat was a rubber tyre bobbing in the
water. Clinging to it, at their last gasp, two women and a man - the only
evidence that perhaps 60, perhaps 70 would-be immigrants to the European
Union had gone to a watery grave.

The boat had no name, the victims who drowned off Sicily were among dozens
of anonymous black people.

The story hardly figured in the world's media.

In the Greek city of Thessaloniki today, leaders of EU - a foothold for
which the victims had paid out their life savings to gain - will turn away
without a twitch of conscience. Rather than address the underlying reasons
that send "illegal immigrants" to Europe's shores - EU heads of state will
instead contemplate ways of speeding up ways of deporting them to transit
camps or "protection zones" outside Europe.

They are doing this because the wretched of the earth - from war zones and
economies that have been hollowed out by decades of misrule and
underdevelopment - are clawing their way into Europe. They come from all
directions: from the westernmost extreme of the Mediterranean, where
yesterday 116 immigrants were picked up when their boat got into trouble in
the Straits of Gibraltar, to the tiny lumps of rock that are the last
Italian possessions short of Tunisia, far to the south, where more than
1,000 immigrants have made landfall in the past month.

And in Thessaloniki, subject at the top of the agenda - perhaps the one
political issue on the importance of which all European leaders agreed - is
how to raise the walls of Fortress Europe higher.

This week, one of the most powerful politicians in Italy gave his answer.
Umberto Bossi, a minister in the government that is about to assume the
presidency of the EU, said: "I want to hear the roar of the canon. The
immigrants must be hunted down, for better or worse ... At the second or
third warning - boom! Fire the canons at them! Otherwise this will never stop."

An embarrassed colleague dismissed Mr Bossi as a "caveman". But the
sentiment is rife: exasperation bordering on fury at the constant drip-drip
of the arrivals, limping out of Africa for a few crumbs from the rich man's

Once in a while a face emerges from the fog of unwanted arrivals. For
example, Sahro Axnad, a Somali woman of 20, tumbled ashore at Lampedusa
last week clutching her three-year- old daughter, Sorania, weighing 7kg,
one-third of the normal weight. Now they are in hospital in Palermo. By
foot, by lorry, by leaky, stinking, overloaded boat she had come carrying
her tiny parcel. "I fled because in Somalia they are killing everybody. I
left my husband and my parents behind. Sorania is not well. I left home to
save her."

The latest disaster to strike the desperate "clandestini", as the Italians
call them, who pack tiny wooden craft in the Tunisian ports of Kelibia and
Nabeul and set off for the southernmost rock of Europe less than 300km
away, swallowed everything. Recovering in hospital in Palermo yesterday,
the three survivors report that the boat gave "a sudden shudder". It was no
more than 15 metres long, and crammed so tight that the gunwhale was barely
above the water line. Then a hole opened up in the side and within minutes
it sank.

It happened some time on Monday night in the treacherous Sicily Channel,
graveyard for hundreds of migrants. Their journey was almost done: when a
Tunisian fishing boat, the Almahdia, picked up the survivors, they were
32km south of their destination, Lampedusa. An air and sea rescue operation
was launched, but the results were meagre: seven corpses recovered so far.
Sicilians nod grimly at the news: the channel is like that, they say. In
1996 a boat with 300 immigrants on board went to the bottom, not one body
came to the surface.

But after the waves closed, normal traffic resumed with barely a pause. At
1am yesterday morning, another 42 people rolled into Lampedusa; a few hours
later, seven North Africans in a rubber dinghy clambered ashore at
Marettimo in the Egadi islands, off Sicily's west coast. The Italian
government says fewer than 6,000 clandestini have arrived this year, about
half the total for the same period last year. But recent calm seas have
encouraged an armada of desperate vessels, and over the past three weeks
more than 1,000 have arrived.

As the permanent population of the southernmost Italian island is only
4,000, and the immigrant reception centre there can take only 192, the
islanders are alarmed. The hotel owners and restaurateurs are in revolt:
this week 30 of them protested to the government.

"We are not racists, but I'm concerned for our health," said Angela
Maraventano, one of the 30 and local secretary of the Northern League,
Umberto Bossi's party. "Lampedusa is not equipped to take such an influx."
Her words were mild compared to Mr Bossi's.

It is because Italians understand the reasons why migrants keep coming that
Mr Bossi's voice resonates only with a lunatic fringe. "We were emigrants
ourselves until a few years ago," one man in Palermo told me. "Our
grandfathers sailed to England or America."

While penned, those who crave a portion of what we take for granted in such
abundance sit and swelter. And the sea is dark with other desperate little
craft, heading this way.