[Badgirlz-list] Queer for peace is leaving

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Aihe: [Badgirlz-list] Queer for peace is leaving
> Queer for peace
> On Tuesday June the 10th a delegation of gays,
> lesbians and transgenders will leave for Palestine
> for a peace mission.
> Aim of the mission is to support whom in Israel
> fight against the occupation and the war and to
> insert the fight for the right of sexual
> orientation in the struggle for independence of the
> Palestinian people.
> Behind the banner “Make love your only
> occupation” we will take part to the Jerusalem
> Pride Parade “love without borders” on the 13th
> of June, that will be celebrated for the second time
> in the history of Jerusalem GLBT community.
> The first attempt took place last year and it was a
> great challenge, given that only thanks to the
> presence of massive police forces the parade has
> survived after the furious protests led by Israeli
> extremists. The election of the ultra-orthodox mayor
> of Jerusalem has made things even worse and this
> year’s Pride can take place only thanks to the
> money that the city council will have to pay to the
> Jerusalem Open House for last year’s Pride as
> imposed by the Court. It is undoubtedly a hard
> challenge, most of all due to the scarce
> participation to the parade which is not caused only
> by the fear for the terror attacks. In this
> situation is implied also the “famous” Israeli
> democracy that is too often confused with the
> liberalism of Tel Aviv that nevertheless it does not
> represent Israel and its reality of social relations
> in a militarised and ultra-religious society.
> In this contradiction we see the link of the
> struggles against every form of oppression with
> particular attention for the fight for human rights
> and against war, that in Palestine is called
> occupation. We think that the fight for homosexual
> liberation is part of this struggle.
> In fact during the mission we will meet some
> Palestinian civilians and some politicians to talk
> about homosexuality, gender identity and human
> rights and to propose them a project of
> international cooperation that intends to set up a
> centre for gays, lesbians and trans in Ramallah. We
> strongly believe that the fight for independence is
> much stronger if it reckons within itself the right
> for individual self-determination even as regards
> sexual identity.
> The list of meetings in Palestine includes among the
> others: Mustafa Bargouthi, who is coordinator of
> Palestinian NGOs, Michael Tarazi, who is lawyer of
> OLP, some representatives of the law faculty of
> Birzeit, of the Palestinian syndicate and of the
> university of Al Quds and of some associations for
> human rights.
> In Israel we will meet Michael Eden, member of the
> city council of the Merez in Tel Aviv and militant
> lesbian, Tamar Gozansky, ex-parliament member for
> the communist party of the Knesset, Agoudà, the
> main Israeli GLBT association, the Jerusalem Open
> House, the GLBT association that has organised the
> Pride in Jerusalem, the Black Laundry, the Queer
> movement against the occupation and several members
> of associations and pacifist groups and for human
> rights.
> The delegation is composed by:
> Massimo Farinella and Francesco Falzetta – Circ.
> Mario Mieli Rome
> Massimo Mele and Paolo Giuliani – Movimento
> Omosessuale Sardo
> Gianuario Muntoni and Claudio Casu – Cir. Arci
> Borderline Sassari
> Renato Bussarello, Marco Geremia and Cristian
> Loiacono – Antagonismo gay of Bologna and Turin
> Antonella D’Annibale – Circ Maurice Torino
> Renato Sabbadini – Arci Gay nazionale
> Riccado Bettini – Azione gay e lesbica Florence
> Valerie – Movimento Italiano Transessuali (MIT)
> Marco Sanna – Circ. Arci Noir Sassari
> Helena Velena, Andrea Iannetta and other people
> The program
> 10 Giugno - 20 giugno 2003
> 11 June – Tel Aviv
> meeting with Black Laundry, pranzo insieme
> meeting with Michal Eden Member of Tel Aviv city
> council and lesbian activist (merez)
> 12 June – Ramallah
> h12:00 – meeting Mustafà Bargouthi, coordinatore
> ONG palestinesi
> 12 June – Gersalemme
> meeting Hagai El-Ad Presidente del Jerusalem Open
> House
> h16:00 – Museum on the Seam, K’hel HaHanedesah
> #4, Jerusalem
> meeting with Jerusalem Open House to present
> jerusalem Pride "Love without borders" e Queer for
> peace, and other human rights organisation
> 13 June – Gerusalemme
> We join the Pride parade
> 14 Giugno – Gerusalemme
> Tour in the city
> 15 June – Ramallah (West Bank)
> meeting with caileen univ. of law Birzeit
> jerusalem
> evening: meeting with Michael Tarazi, loyer advisor
> of OLP
> 16 june – Tel Aviv
> meeting with Shaul Gonen dell’associazione Agudà.
> 17 June – Gaza
> meeting with Jamal Zaqud
> meeting with palestinian trade union
> 18 June – Jenin
> Visit to the refugee camp
> 19 June – Tel Aviv
> meeting with Tamar Gozansky, ex member of knesset
> for Comunist party
> 21 Giugno – Ramallah
> meeting with Hanan Ashrawi
> We are still waiting answers from: Sari Nusseibe,
> dir. Univ. Al Quds; from Arafat and Muqata; From
> trhe center for human rights in gaza
> This is the adress of our daily report:
> www.hypertalk.com/blog
> Our telefon number: 00972 (0) 55709487 (Massimo
> Mele) or 00972 (0) 58990905 (Eshel herzog)
> www.queerforpeace.org

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