[NuovoLaboratorio] come richiesto vi nvio

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Autor: Paola Manduca
Temat: [NuovoLaboratorio] come richiesto vi nvio
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International Peace Conference 19 - 21 May 2003 in Jakarta on
"International Solidarity in the era of Globalisation and Militarism:


We the undersigned, peace activists representing social movements and
networks from 26 countries in Asia, Europe, Australia, Africa, Latin
and North America, have come together in Jakarta, Indonesia. Over the
last three days we have voiced our outrage at the escalating military
aggression led by the U.S. government, most recently against Iraq.

We declare the war and invasion of Iraq to be unjust, illegal and
illegitimate and call on the international community to condemn this
US-led aggression. We demand an immediate withdrawal of all foreign
troops from Iraq and that Iraqis be allowed to determine their future
in line with the principle of self-determination. This conference
calls on all governments to withhold recognition from any regime set
up in Iraq by the US occupiers.

We propose to the peace movement the establishment of an
international People´s Tribunal to pass judgement on the perpetrators
of the war and investigate war crimes. The war allies must take
political, moral and economic responsibility for their crimes. This
includes the payment of war reparations directly to the Iraqis, who
should administer the reconstruction of their country independently
of the control of foreign corporations, the World Bank and UN.
Permanent members of the UN security council must take similar
responsibility for the effects of more than 10 years of sanctions. We
call for the scrapping of all Iraqi debt. At the same time we note
the hypocrisy of the US government in calling for this cancellation
to serve its objectives, while demanding payment of onerous debts
from all other developing countries.

While tanks and bombs destroyed Iraq, in nearby Palestine the
US-backed Israeli armed forces continued to murder, harass and
incarcerate the Palestinian people in measures reminiscent of
Apartheid South Africa. We commit ourselves to the international
struggle for the end of the colonial occupation of Palestine, and
call for the dismantling of all Israeli settlements and the right of
return for all Palestinian refugees. We condemn the continued US
interference in Palestine and demand the recognition of Palestinian
national rights as a precondition for a just and therefore lasting
peace in the region.

We see the invasion of Iraq as part of the on-going economic war
against peoples of the South. Under the rules of the IMF/World Bank
and WTO our world is becoming increasingly unjust and unequal. The
WTO meeting in Cancun, Mexico, in September will be another forum at
which the leaders of the imperialist world will plan their
strategies. They are plunging the world into a series of wars in the
quest for oil, for economic and political hegemony and to ensure the
subjugation of the working class and impoverished masses.

In the name of fighting "terrorism" the US government has created the
indefensible concept of pre-emptive war. Beneath this banner it has
attacked Afghanistan yesterday, Iraq today and tomorrow's targets
may be Syria, Iran, North Korea, Venuezuela, Colombia, Cuba or any
other nation that is seen as opposing the US government's political
and economic interests.

We note with concern the growing militarisation of the world, which
is expressed both in open and covert wars and the proliferation of US
military bases, increasing military expenditure and military
operations. We also oppose acts of aggression whether they be against
the people of Aceh, Mindanao, Kashmir or Kurdistan. In this
atmosphere of militarism, police harassment of marginalised
communities, migrants and ethnic minorities is escalating. We call
for global disarmament. In particular we demand the decommissioning
of all nuclear weapons. We support the call for the Middle East to
become a zone free of weapons of mass destruction, not least in
Israel, the state with the most destructive capacity.

We resolve to continue to build the international peace movement,
which showed its strength so dramatically on 14-16 February, 2003,
where millions marched against the war in Iraq.

Our principles include building a genuine internationalism from
below, where we establish a new international community based on
equality and democracy. While our work is international, we will also
challenge our own national governments where their policies
contribute to war, militarism and neo-liberalism. We oppose war in
all forms whether open, declared, interstate war, war against social
movements, economic war against the poor peoples of the world or war
against political activists and opponents of the dominant order. We
aim to maintain the broadest possible unity among our diverse
organisations including organisations from the Islamic community,
environmental groups, and movements opposing racism and sexism. Our
work will be linked to the growing social and class movements
resisting neo-liberal globalisation, as war through guns and bombs is
only the bloodiest expression of domination by neo-liberalism and

We believe that a world free of war, exploitation, inequality,
poverty and repression is possible. We see the reality of this
alternative visible within the the growing movements of youth, women,
workers, students, migrants, the unemployed, human rights and peace
activists and citizens who are bringing their spirit, energy and work
together in the fight for genuine peace based on global justice for
all the world`s peoples.

We call upon all organisations, social movements and persons who
share our analysis and plan of action to join our common efforts
oriented towards the creation of a worldwide Solidarity Network for
Global Peace at a future time, particularly during the meetings in
Evian (G-8 summit), Cancun (WTO-Conference), the regional Social
Forums and the World Social Forum in Bombay.
Paola Manduca
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<html><head><style type="text/css"><!--
blockquote, dl, ul, ol, li { margin-top: 0 ; margin-bottom: 0 }
--></style><title>come richiesto vi nvio</title></head><body>
<div><font face="Times New Roman" size="+3"
color="#000000"><i><b>International Peace Conference 19 ­ 21 May
2003 in Jakarta on<br>
³International Solidarity in the era of Globalisation and
</b></i></font><font face="Times New Roman" color="#000000">We the
undersigned, peace activists representing social movements and
networks from 26 countries in Asia, Europe, Australia, Africa, Latin
and North America, have come together in Jakarta, Indonesia. Over the
last three days we have voiced our outrage at the escalating military
aggression led by the U.S. government, most recently against Iraq.<br>
We declare the war and invasion of Iraq to be unjust, illegal and
illegitimate and call on the international community to condemn this
US-led aggression. We demand an immediate withdrawal of all foreign
troops from Iraq and that Iraqis be allowed to determine their future
in line with the principle of self-determination. This conference
calls on all governments to withhold recognition from any regime set
up in Iraq by the US occupiers.<br>
We propose to the peace movement the establishment of an international
People´s Tribunal to pass judgement on the perpetrators of the war
and investigate war crimes. The war allies must take political, moral
and economic responsibility for their crimes. This includes the
payment of war reparations directly to the Iraqis, who should
administer the reconstruction of their country independently of the
control of foreign corporations, the World Bank and UN. Permanent
members of the UN security council must take similar responsibility
for the effects of more than 10 years of sanctions. We call for the
scrapping of all Iraqi debt. At the same time we note the hypocrisy of
the US government in calling for this cancellation to serve its
objectives, while demanding payment of onerous debts from all other
developing countries.&nbsp;<br>
While tanks and bombs destroyed Iraq, in nearby Palestine the
US-backed Israeli armed forces continued to murder, harass and
incarcerate the Palestinian people in measures reminiscent of
Apartheid South Africa. We commit ourselves to the international
struggle for the end of the colonial occupation of Palestine, and call
for the dismantling of all Israeli settlements and the right of return
for all Palestinian refugees. We condemn the continued US interference
in Palestine and demand the recognition of Palestinian national rights
as a precondition for a just and therefore lasting peace in the
We see the invasion of Iraq as part of the on-going economic war
against peoples of the South. Under the rules of the IMF/World Bank
and WTO our world is becoming increasingly unjust and unequal. The WTO
meeting in Cancun, Mexico, in September will be another forum at which
the leaders of the imperialist world will plan their strategies. They
are plunging the world into a series of wars in the quest for oil, for
economic and political hegemony and to ensure the subjugation of the
working class and impoverished masses.<br>
In the name of fighting ³terrorism² the US government has created
the indefensible concept of pre-emptive war. Beneath this banner it
has attacked Afghanistan yesterday, Iraq today and&nbsp; tomorrow¹s
targets may be Syria, Iran, North Korea, Venuezuela, Colombia, Cuba or
any other nation that is seen as opposing the US government¹s
political and economic interests.<br>
We note with concern the growing militarisation of the world, which is
expressed both in open and covert wars and the proliferation of US
military bases, increasing military expenditure and military
operations. We also oppose acts of aggression whether they be against
the people of Aceh, Mindanao, Kashmir or Kurdistan. In this atmosphere
of militarism, police harassment of marginalised communities, migrants
and ethnic minorities is escalating. We call for global disarmament.
In particular we demand the decommissioning of all nuclear weapons. We
support the call for the Middle East to become a zone free of weapons
of mass destruction, not least in Israel, the state with the most
destructive capacity.&nbsp;<br>
We resolve to continue to build the international peace movement,
which showed its strength so dramatically on 14-16 February, 2003,
where millions marched against the war in Iraq.</font></div>
<div><font face="Times New Roman" color="#000000"><br>
Our principles include building a genuine internationalism from below,
where we establish a new international community based on equality and
democracy. While our work is international, we will also challenge our
own national governments where their policies contribute to war,
militarism and neo-liberalism. We oppose war in all forms whether
open, declared, interstate war, war against social movements, economic
war against the poor peoples of the world or war against political
activists and opponents of the dominant order. We aim to maintain the
broadest possible unity among our diverse organisations including
organisations from the Islamic community, environmental groups, and
movements opposing racism and sexism. Our work will be linked to the
growing social and class movements resisting neo-liberal
globalisation, as war through guns and bombs is only the bloodiest
expression of domination by neo-liberalism and imperialism.<br>
We believe that a world free of war, exploitation, inequality, poverty
and repression is possible. We see the reality of this alternative
visible within the the growing movements of youth, women, workers,
students, migrants, the unemployed, human rights and peace activists
and citizens who are bringing their spirit, energy and work together
in the fight for genuine peace based on global justice for all the
world`s peoples.<br>
We call upon all organisations, social movements and persons who share
our analysis and plan of action to join our common efforts oriented
towards the creation of a worldwide Solidarity Network for Global
Peace at a future time, particularly during the meetings in Evian (G-8
summit), Cancun (WTO-Conference), the regional Social Forums and the
World Social Forum in Bombay.&nbsp;</font></div>

<div>-- <br>
Paola Manduca</div>