[Cm-crew] CAR BUSTERS BULLETIN #47 addenda

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Autor: toni_i
Assumptes vells: [Cm-crew] CAR BUSTERS BULLETIN #47
Assumptes nous: [Cm-crew] un automobilista geniale...
Assumpte: [Cm-crew] CAR BUSTERS BULLETIN #47 addenda
Six more announcements that you just can't live without... (Apologies=20
for having left them out of the bulletin a couple hours ago; won't=20
happen again, promise. You don't pay us well enough, you know...)

[submitted by Brian Richards, in Paris]

Sunday, June 1 was Carfree Day on the Champs Elysees in Paris. The=20
entire avenue was filled with pedestrians from end to end. Also the=20
day when French Railway celebrated 150 years of rail in France by=20
holding at the same time an exhibition of their historic trains also=20
along one side of the avenue.
The big event started at mid-day when a train with three carriages=20
full of passengers ran along one side of the avenue, crossing at a=20
point just above Place de la Concorde. The mayor made an annoumcement=20
to the press stressing how much people were enjoying themselves on=20
the avenue which the day before had been carrying six lanes of=20
traffic. This summer he intends to repeat the closure of the motorway=20
on the right bank of the Seine during August and convert it for the=20
second year running into a beach with sand and palm trees - Paris=20

[submitted by R. Isible in Los Angeles, <info@???>]

CICLE.ORG is a Los Angeles-based website which aims to increase the=20
numbers of commuting cyclists in this vast metropolis by encouraging=20
This experiment is in its infancy, but is already providing a=20
forum for commuters to exchange information about safe cycling=20
routes, and more importantly to encourage cyclists to meet up with=20
each other to learn biking "folkways" from experienced commuters=20
through the use of "bike pooling."
The site also contains general discussion forums,=20
artwork/propaganda and reviews of bike equipment and bike-related=20
culture. The maintainers encourage participation as a community=20
member on all levels and eagerly await your submissions and comments.=20

[submitted by Jelena Curcic in Novi Sad, <jelc@???>]

Hey! If you have 3 weeks of free time, bike, sleeping bag, some money=20
in your pockets, and wish to explore exotic land of Serbia and=20
Montenegro... you are welcome. So, that's an unofficial announcement=20
for an event which may happen in the middle of July. If everything=20
goes as it should be we will start July 15, from Novi Sad through=20
Eastern Serbia full of lakes and rivers, finishing at Mt. Kopaonik in=20
central Serbia... It will last for about 3 weeks; costs are covered=20
all by yourself but it shouldn't be expensive. For more information=20
you are free to contact me the above e-mail.

[submitted by Ayleen in Portland; only Americans will understand this=20
one perhaps...]

The Multnomah County Bike Fair, Portland, Oregon, USA. June 28, 2003,=20
2-7 pm at Colonel Sumner Park, SE 20th at Belmont.
Tractor-trailer pulls? Try Bike-trailer pulls! It's the authentic=20
county fair from your childhood, with a bike twist. Funnel cakes,=20
washed-up country singers, freak bikes, carnival games, free hay=20
rides and more. Events every half hour in the center arena and an=20
authentic midway experience. Bring your bike and leave your hog=20
behind. To get involved as a volunteer or to host an activity at the=20
event e-mail <CountyFair@???>. For more info, see=20
Mainstage events: 2:00 Opening Ceremony, 2:30 Bike Trailer Pull,=20
3:00 Pepto Dizmal Clowns, 3:15 Track Stand Competition, 3:45 Foot=20
Down, 4:15 Cavalcade of Bikes, 4:30 Slow Race, 4:45 Car Free=20
Ceremony, 5:00 Derby, 5:30 Crowning of County Fair King + Queen, 5:45=20
Lariat/Lassoing, 6:00 Clowns, 6:15 Tall Bike Jousting, 7:00 Closing.
Live Music All Day: Trash Mountain Boys, American Nightmare, Randy=20
Pants. Games, Food, Bike Marriage Ceremonies, and more. Competitions=20
are open to all County Fair attendees.

[submitted by (none other than) David Engwicht,=20

+ Is your city looking for new low-cost tools to calm traffic around=20
schools and in residential neighborhoods?
+ Is your city ready to become a world-leader in innovative new ways=20
to calm traffic?
+ Are you ready to discover how your city can use intrigue and=20
uncertainty to slow traffic?
We are seeking cities committed to innovation to host an Event as=20
part of this year's Intrigue and Uncertainty World Tour. Events vary=20
from 1-5 days and are facilitated by David Engwicht, world traffic=20
guru and inventor of the Walking School Bus and Neighborhood Pace=20
Car. Intrigued but Uncertain? Then order the nine-page "Intrigue and=20
Uncertainty Tour Information eBooklet": <events@creative-

And finally, Bridget Brown in Indiana, USA notes...
There are now Hummer bicycles available to civilians. (They fold up=20
to fit in=20
the back of a Hummer, an extraordinarily large, militaristic=20
vehicle.) I don't know if the Hummer name in large type on the bike's=20
body earns cyclists any more respect on the road. I'm contemplating=20
what a Critical Mass ride full of them would be like...=20

Kratka 26, 100 00 Praha 10, Czech Republic
tel: +(420) 274-810-849 - fax: +(420) 274-816-727
<info@???> - <http://www.carbusters.org>

Car Busters Worldwide Contact Directory
Register your group on-line now:
"La bicicletta =E8 il veicolo pi=F9 rapido nella via della delinquenza;=
la passione del pedale trascina al furto, alla truffa, alla grassazione!"

-Cesare Lombroso-