[Cm-milano] MayDay & CM a Londra

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Autor: Anonymous
Temat: [Cm-milano] MayDay & CM a Londra
Thursday May 1st, 2003

>> 2pm

Main meet up at:
LockHeed Martin - the biggest arms company in the world -
Berkshire House, corner of High Holborn & Endell St, WC1.

>> 2pm

Critical Mass meet at:
the Home Office Birdcage Walk, SW1

>> 4pm

All converge at:
Shell U.K., The Strand, WC2

in particolare, x quanto riguarda CM...

Critical Mass...
will start at the South Bank at 11am.
They will then ride up to Queen Anne's gate
for a Mayday Picnic at 1pm.
At 2pm they will reassemble at the Home Office (vedi sopra)
to continue the ride and Mayday actions.

purtroppo il nuovo sito di cm-london
non e' al momento raggiungibile.