[Cm-crew] [NoviGlob] Newz from NowHere

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Autor: schizOperator
Betreff: [Cm-crew] [NoviGlob] Newz from NowHere
::: NoviGlob ::: http://schizo.dyndns.org/mason/noviglob-cmp.html

>> Police Bicycle Use in Crowd Control Situations

The Seattle Police Department started using bicycles in police work in 1987
and has employed them in a variety of ways.
It recent years, it has begun to use the bike patrol to handle crowds.
As described in the article by Don Hudson,
bikes have proven to be very effective in crowd management and crowd control.
With the type of training available through the
International Police Mountain Bike Association (IPMBA),
departments can become familiar with the techniques
and use the information to develop their own bicycle mobile forces.

[traduzione della parte + gustosa]
... La cosa piu' difficile consiste nel fatto che
* agenti devono mantenere un comportamento professionale
e devono emanare un senso di controllo;
non devono fumare, mangiare, bere o giocare tra di loro
o con * manifestanti...



>> May Day Critical Mass Bike Ride (Vancouver)

Make traffic and resist the capitalist/car system.
Autonomy from automobile-dominated city planning!
Strike against the work/war machine!
Cancel the commute on International Workers Day!


> Amenita' varie (un po' OT)
>> Guerrilla Garden Collective

The Guerrilla Garden Collective
has proclaimed that all empty city space
is rightfully the property of the people,
and should be converted into productive growing space,
in order to benefit the people...
