[NuovoLaboratorio] Delegazione di giuristi in palestina

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Autor: dario rossi
Temat: [NuovoLaboratorio] Delegazione di giuristi in palestina
vi comunico che si sta progettando un viaggio dal 1-4 maggio con una
delegazione di giuristi democratici, della quale dovrei fare parte, per
assistere all'udienza del processo a Marwan Barghuti.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Elisabetta Filippi" <elisabettafilippi1@???>
To: <forumgenova@???>
Sent: Sunday, April 06, 2003 3:31 PM
Subject: [NuovoLaboratorio] ferito pacifista in Palestina

> Un altro pacifista dell?ISM colpito, ferito da uno sparo in pieno volto a
> Jenine. I sodlati israeliani hanno ormai deciso che gli attivisti non sono
> più intoccabili .......il problema è che i governi non fanno nulla. Chi va
> in Palestina per proteggere i palestinesi si trova suo malgrado carne da
> macello. Forse gli israeliani pensano di scoraggiare l'invio di altri
> pacifisti .... ma si sbagliano. La morte di Rachel ha sensibilizzato che

> volta gli occhi da un altra parte, e a Pasqua partiranno dall'Italia due
> gruppi per un totale di 15 persone ed altri 8 si sono aggiunti in questi
> giorni. In Palestina sono solo un centinaio in questo momento gli

> presenti.
> Se qualcuno (Giovanna caviglione) ha tempo e voglia di tradurre l'articolo
> qua sotto che parla di quello quello che sembra destinato ad essere uno

> tanti attacchi a chi vuole la pace.
> Elisabetta
> Today at about 6.30 pm Brian Avery, 24, of New Mexico was shot in the face
> by a burst of machine gun fire from an Israeli Armoured Personnel Carrier.
> The circumstances surrounding his injury are as follows:
> Today the Israeli army of occupation operating in the Jenin area imposed

> second day of curfew on the people of the city. Groups of young men and
> boys continued their resistance to the curfew by venturing out onto the
> streets to throw stones at tanks and other military vehicles.
> At about 6.30 pm Brian and another ISM activist were at the ISM's Jenin
> headquarters when they heard the sound of gunfire coming from the centre

> the city, about two blocks away. They left the apartment to investigate

> had traveled about a hundred metres when they arrived at a major crossroad
> and saw two armoured personnel carriers advancing towards them at low
> speed. There were no Palestinians on the streets in the area, armed or
> otherwise.
> At the sight of the armoured vehicles both activists stood still and

> their hands above their heads.
> When the first armoured personnel carrier was 50 metres from them it fired

> burst of machine gun fire (an estimated 15 rounds) at the ground in front

> them so that they were sprayed by a shower of broken bullets and stones.
> Tobias, Brian's companion, leapt aside. He had fled about three steps when
> he looked back to see Brian lying face down on the road in a pool of

> Tobias and Brian were then joined by four other ISM activists who had
> arrived at the scene of the shooting by a different route. All six of them
> rushed to help him as the two armoured vehicles rolled past without
> stopping. He was conscious but when he raised himself from the ground they
> saw that his left cheek has been almost totally shot off.
> The activists then performed first aid on him and phoned for an ambulance
> which took him to the Martyr Doctor Khalil Suleiman Hospital in Jenin

> he was treated for shrapnel wounds to his face including bone fractures
> below the eyes, lacerations of the tongue and lacerations of his left
> cheek. A specialist was called in to examine his injuries and recommended
> that he be transferred immediately to a hospital in Afula in Israel but

> departure was delayed because the Israeli military refused to grant his
> ambulance safe passage for more than an hour.
> From Afula Brian was transported to a hospital in Haifa by helicopter.
> Under the Israeli Army's own rules of engagement soldiers are not

> to fire warning shots with mounted weapons. They may fire warning shots
> with light hand held weapons and must aim away from the people they are
> warning.
> When he was shot Brian was wearing a fluorescent red vest with a

> white cross on its back and front.
> For further information contact:
> * Tobias on: 057 836 527 or 067 437 690 or
> * Lasse on: 059 386 896
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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