R: [NuovoLaboratorio] Giornata per Rachel in Palestina


著者: Elisabetta Filippi
題目: R: [NuovoLaboratorio] Giornata per Rachel in Palestina

>From: Giovanna Caviglione <caviglione@???>
>Reply-To: forumgenova@???
>To: forumgenova@???
>Subject: Re: R: [NuovoLaboratorio] Giornata per Rachel in Palestina
>Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2003 11:25:21 +0100
>cerco di tradurre il testo in giornata.
>giovanna caviglione
>Il giorno 22-03-2003 4:20, Lars, lorenzo.ingenito@??? ha scritto:
>Ely non posso che ringraziarti per il tuo impegno
>-----Messaggio originale-----
>Da: forumgenova-admin@???
>[mailto:forumgenova-admin@inventati.org]Per conto di Elisabetta Filippi
>Inviato: giovedì 20 marzo 2003 8.30
>A: forumgenova@???
>Oggetto: [NuovoLaboratorio] Giornata per Rachel in Palestina
>L'attacco stanotte non deve far dimenticare che la guerra che sconvolge il
>mondo, ancora di più sconvolgerà il medio - oriente. La Palestina
>dimenticata, rischia di essere dimenticata ancora di più.
>Rachel è morta perchè non voleva questo. Non voleva che la Palestina fosse
>Se qualcuno ha tempo di tradurrre .... io non ne ho. E' il resoconto della
>giornata organizzata in Palestina in memoria di Rachel. In allegato alcune
>delle foto.
>Dear all,
>Today we held a memorial ceremony for Rachel Corrie in Rafah. ISMers from
>Nablus and Jenin and activists from the Christian Peacemaker Team in Hebron
>arrived in Rafah to pay respects to our murdered friend and to support the
>group here.
>We marched in silence through the city, 15 internationals with more and
>Palistinians joining in on the route. By the time when we arrived to the
>spot where the IOF-Bulldozer took Rachels life we numbered about 200. We
>held a ceremony where laying and planting flowers on the ground next to a
>small memorial-monument. I planted three flowers - from ISM Jenin, ISM
>Sweden and the third from a close friend of Rachel.
>The IOF was notified in advance that we would hold this ceremony to honour
>our friend whom they murdered two days ago, still they couldn't respect us
>enough to stay away. Less than 15 minutes after we arrived they sent out an
>APC that drove up to us and started to cover the area with thick white
>smoke. We ignored them and continued our ceremony by walking out in the
>3-400 meters wide desert-landscape that is the so called security-zone on
>the Egyptian border. The APC followed us as we walked all the way up to the
>barbed-wire fence and hung an ISM-banner and lay more flowers on the
>Provoked by the present APC activists and Palestinians (who has not been
>able to enter this area for many years) started to confront the vehicle,
>putting flowers and posters of Rachel on it. The soldiers acted somewhat
>restrained in the beggining, one activist was even able to climb the APC
>hand over a Rachel poster through the lid on top of the APC. Then after
>an hour several more vehicles approached, three bulldozers and two more
>APCs. When we saw that one of the bulldozers, 949-623, was the very same
>that killed Rachel things got very emotional, we were all outraged and many
>activists was crying.
>The soldiers now took a more aggressive approach and drove around the crowd
>in high speed, again putting lifes of activists and Palestinians in great
>danger. Some activists tried to stand in front of them but had to jump out
>of their path not to get run over. They threw some percussion-grenades and
>some tear-gas (that dispirsed in seconds in the dusty Rafah-wind) and
>activists responded by covering them in flowers and pictures of Rachel.
>Eventually they all left except for the first APC and we decided to end our
>session with a sit-in. We all sat in a minute of silence and we held some
>speaches before we marced together out of the no-mans land that is normally
>entered only by the occupation-armys killer-machines.
>We must never forget Rachel Corrie, the sacrifice she made, nor the other
>international Aid/Press workers that the Israelis have killed.
>We must never forget the over 2100 Palestinians that have been slaughtered
>by the IOF and we must never forget the over 22000 that they have injured.
>We must continue our work to resist the occupation in any possible way
>it is no longer needed.
>in grief and solidarity,
>Ti ringrazio veramente tanto.


>Tobias Karlsson
>Jenin area
>+972 (0)57-836527
>MSN Extra Storage: piena libertà di esprimersi e comunicare

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