R: [NuovoLaboratorio] Giornata per Rachel in Palestina

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Autor: Giovanna Caviglione
Assumpte: R: [NuovoLaboratorio] Giornata per Rachel in Palestina
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cerco di tradurre il testo in giornata.
giovanna caviglione

Il giorno 22-03-2003 4:20, Lars, lorenzo.ingenito@??? ha scritto:

Ely non posso che ringraziarti per il tuo impegno
-----Messaggio originale-----
Da: forumgenova-admin@???
[mailto:forumgenova-admin@inventati.org]Per conto di Elisabetta Filippi
Inviato: gioved=EC 20 marzo 2003 8.30
A: forumgenova@???
Oggetto: [NuovoLaboratorio] Giornata per Rachel in Palestina

L'attacco stanotte non deve far dimenticare che la guerra che sconvolge il
mondo, ancora di pi=F9 sconvolger=E0 il medio - oriente. La Palestina
dimenticata, rischia di essere dimenticata ancora di pi=F9.

Rachel =E8 morta perch=E8 non voleva questo. Non voleva che la Palestina fosse

Se qualcuno ha tempo di tradurrre .... io non ne ho. E' il resoconto della
giornata organizzata in Palestina in memoria di Rachel. In allegato alcune
delle foto.=20


Dear all,=20

Today we held a memorial ceremony for Rachel Corrie in Rafah. ISMers from
Nablus and Jenin and activists from the Christian Peacemaker Team in Hebron
arrived in Rafah to pay respects to our murdered friend and to support the
group here.=20

We marched in silence through the city, 15 internationals with more and mor=
Palistinians joining in on the route. By the time when we arrived to the
spot where the IOF-Bulldozer took Rachels life we numbered about 200. We
held a ceremony where laying and planting flowers on the ground next to a
small memorial-monument. I planted three flowers - from ISM Jenin, ISM
Sweden and the third from a close friend of Rachel.

The IOF was notified in advance that we would hold this ceremony to honour
our friend whom they murdered two days ago, still they couldn't respect us
enough to stay away. Less than 15 minutes after we arrived they sent out an
APC that drove up to us and started to cover the area with thick white
smoke. We ignored them and continued our ceremony by walking out in the
3-400 meters wide desert-landscape that is the so called security-zone on
the Egyptian border. The APC followed us as we walked all the way up to the
barbed-wire fence and hung an ISM-banner and lay more flowers on the ground=

Provoked by the present APC activists and Palestinians (who has not been
able to enter this area for many years) started to confront the vehicle,
putting flowers and posters of Rachel on it. The soldiers acted somewhat
restrained in the beggining, one activist was even able to climb the APC an=
hand over a Rachel poster through the lid on top of the APC. Then after hal=
an hour several more vehicles approached, three bulldozers and two more
APCs. When we saw that one of the bulldozers, 949-623, was the very same on=
that killed Rachel things got very emotional, we were all outraged and many
activists was crying.

The soldiers now took a more aggressive approach and drove around the crowd
in high speed, again putting lifes of activists and Palestinians in great
danger. Some activists tried to stand in front of them but had to jump out
of their path not to get run over. They threw some percussion-grenades and
some tear-gas (that dispirsed in seconds in the dusty Rafah-wind) and
activists responded by covering them in flowers and pictures of Rachel.
Eventually they all left except for the first APC and we decided to end our
session with a sit-in. We all sat in a minute of silence and we held some
speaches before we marced together out of the no-mans land that is normally
entered only by the occupation-armys killer-machines.

We must never forget Rachel Corrie, the sacrifice she made, nor the other
international Aid/Press workers that the Israelis have killed.

We must never forget the over 2100 Palestinians that have been slaughtered
by the IOF and we must never forget the over 22000 that they have injured.

We must continue our work to resist the occupation in any possible way unti=
it is no longer needed.

in grief and solidarity,


Tobias Karlsson
Jenin area
+972 (0)57-836527

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<TITLE>Re: R: [NuovoLaboratorio] Giornata per Rachel in Palestina</TITLE>
cerco di tradurre il testo in giornata.<BR>
giovanna caviglione<BR>
Il giorno 22-03-2003 4:20, Lars, lorenzo.ingenito@??? ha scritto:=
posso che ringraziarti per il tuo impegno <BR>
<FONT COLOR=3D"#0000FF"><FONT SIZE=3D"2"><FONT FACE=3D"Arial">Lorenzo<BR>
</FONT></FONT></FONT><BLOCKQUOTE><FONT SIZE=3D"2">-----Messaggio originale---=
<B>Da:</B> forumgenova-admin@??? [mailto:forumgenova-admin@invent=
ati.org]<B>Per conto di </B>Elisabetta Filippi<BR>
<B>Inviato:</B> gioved=EC 20 marzo 2003 8.30<BR>
<B>A:</B> forumgenova@???<BR>
<B>Oggetto:</B> [NuovoLaboratorio] Giornata per Rachel in Palestina<BR>
</FONT>L'attacco stanotte non deve far dimenticare che la guerra che sconvo=
lge il mondo, ancora di pi=F9 sconvolger=E0 il medio - oriente. La Palestina dim=
enticata, rischia di essere dimenticata ancora di pi=F9. <BR>
Rachel =E8 morta perch=E8 non voleva questo. Non voleva che la Palestina fosse =
dimenticata. <BR>
Se qualcuno ha tempo di tradurrre .... io non ne ho. E' il resoconto della =
giornata organizzata in Palestina in memoria di Rachel. In allegato alcune d=
elle foto. <BR>
Dear all, <BR>
Today we held a memorial ceremony for Rachel Corrie in Rafah. ISMers from N=
ablus and Jenin and activists from the Christian Peacemaker Team in Hebron a=
rrived in Rafah to pay respects to our murdered friend and to support the gr=
oup here. <BR>
We marched in silence through the city, 15 internationals with more and mor=
e Palistinians joining in on the route. By the time when we arrived to the s=
pot where the IOF-Bulldozer took Rachels life we numbered about 200. We held=
a ceremony where laying and planting flowers on the ground next to a small =
memorial-monument. I planted three flowers - from ISM Jenin, ISM Sweden and =
the third from a close friend of Rachel. <BR>
The IOF was notified in advance that we would hold this ceremony to honour =
our friend whom they murdered two days ago, still they couldn't respect us e=
nough to stay away. Less than 15 minutes after we arrived they sent out an A=
PC that drove up to us and started to cover the area with thick white smoke.=
We ignored them and continued our ceremony by walking out in the 3-400 mete=
rs wide desert-landscape that is the so called security-zone on the Egyptian=
border. The APC followed us as we walked all the way up to the barbed-wire =
fence and hung an ISM-banner and lay more flowers on the ground. <BR>
Provoked by the present APC activists and Palestinians (who has not been ab=
le to enter this area for many years) started to confront the vehicle, putti=
ng flowers and posters of Rachel on it. The soldiers acted somewhat restrain=
ed in the beggining, one activist was even able to climb the APC and hand ov=
er a Rachel poster through the lid on top of the APC. Then after half an hou=
r several more vehicles approached, three bulldozers and two more APCs. When=
we saw that one of the bulldozers, 949-623, was the very same one that kill=
ed Rachel things got very emotional, we were all outraged and many activists=
was crying. <BR>
The soldiers now took a more aggressive approach and drove around the crowd=
in high speed, again putting lifes of activists and Palestinians in great d=
anger. Some activists tried to stand in front of them but had to jump out of=
their path not to get run over. They threw some percussion-grenades and som=
e tear-gas (that dispirsed in seconds in the dusty Rafah-wind) and activists=
responded by covering them in flowers and pictures of Rachel. Eventually th=
ey all left except for the first APC and we decided to end our session with =
a sit-in. We all sat in a minute of silence and we held some speaches before=
we marced together out of the no-mans land that is normally entered only by=
the occupation-armys killer-machines. <BR>
We must never forget Rachel Corrie, the sacrifice she made, nor the other i=
nternational Aid/Press workers that the Israelis have killed. <BR>
We must never forget the over 2100 Palestinians that have been slaughtered =
by the IOF and we must never forget the over 22000 that they have injured. <=
We must continue our work to resist the occupation in any possible way unti=
l it is no longer needed. <BR>
in grief and solidarity, <BR>
tobias <BR>
Tobias Karlsson<BR>
Jenin area<BR>
+972 (0)57-836527<BR>
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