[Badgirlz-list] European Summerschool Women's Studies

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Autore: Errata Errata
Data: 2003-03-09 13:45 -000
Oggetto: [Badgirlz-list] European Summerschool Women's Studies
> To the contacts of the International
> Office Women's Studies at Utrecht university,
> In the summer of 2003 the International Office
> Women's Studies in Utrecht
> and the Women's Studies Centre at the University of
> Antwerp are organizing
> a two-week Summerschool in women's studies. The
> summerschool will take
> place from September 8 - 19 in Antwerp city centre.
> The theme of the summerschool will be New European
> Identities and Mediated
> Cultures: Revisiting the Politics of Location.
> Registration for this summerschool is open until May
> 15th. Applicants will
> be informed by June 15th if their application is
> accepted.
> The tuition fee for the course is 450 Euro.
> Accomodation can be arranged
> through the organisation of the school in Antwerp
> and will be cheap.
> Students from Belgium can participate at a
> discounted price.
> Students enrolled in partner universities of the
> NOISE summerschools can
> obtain a grant for tuition fees and accomodation.
> The school is open to students of all countries and
> continents, but the
> focus of the programme will be on European women's
> studies from a
> multicultural and interdisciplinary perspective.
> Participants are expected to attend the full
> programme; it is not possible
> to make a selection.
> More information and an application form for the
> summerschool can be found
> on the website

> This website will be updated regularly in the course
> of the coming months.
> With kind regards,
> Prof. Rosi Braidotti
> Janny Nieboer, coordinator summerschool 2003
> International Office Women's Studies
> Utrecht University
> Trans 10, 3512 JK Utrecht
> The Netherlands
> Tel +31 30 253.6013,
> Fax +31 30 253.6695
> athena@???
> http://www.let.uu.nl/womens_studies/athena.htm

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