[RSF] Alcuni simpatici esempi di psicologia a stelle e stris…

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> Alcuni simpatici esempi di psicologia a stelle e strisce;

> What do you call someone who explodes a bomb and
> kills innocent people?
> - A terrorist.
> What do you call someone who drops a bomb from a plane and kills
> innocent people?
> - A brave American pilot.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> What do you call the form of government where a small elite exploits
> and intimidates the citizens?
> -A dictatorship.
> What do you call the form of government where a small elite exploits
> and intimidates the citizens, and the citizens can choose every few
> years which part of the elite should occupy the government buildings?
> - A democracy.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> What do you call it when a group of people take the law into their own
> hands and kill people without a fair trial?
> - A lynching.
> What do you call it when the US takes the law into its own hands and
> kills people without a fair trial?
> - Operation Enduring Freedom.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> What do you call a weapon that can kill thousands of people?
> - A weapon of mass destruction.
> What do you call a weapon that has killed 1.5 million Iraqis,
> including more than 500,000 children?
> - Sanctions.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> What do you call an attack on the Pentagon, a command and control
> center in the US?
> - A cowardly attack on American freedom and democracy.
> What do you call the destruction of an Afghan village by US bombs?
> - An attack on a Taliban command and control center.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> What do you call it when just over 3 thousand people were killed in
> the September 11 attack on the US?
> - An atrocity.
> What do you call it when nearly 5 million people were killed in the
> Vietnam war?
> - A mistake.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> What do you call it when very rich people exploit poor people?
> - Greed and selfishness.
> What do you call it when very rich countries exploit poor countries?
> - Globalization.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> What do you call a foreign oppressor in the last century that
> controlled the economical and social life of a country?
> - A colonialist power.
> What do you call a foreign oppressor in this century that controls the
> economical and social life of a country?
> - The International Monetary Fund.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> What do you call it when people are slaughtered?
> - A massacre.
> What do you call it when 100.000 to 200.000 Iraqi's are slaughtered by
> the US at a loss to American forces of 148 (46 of which were killed by
> friendly fire)?
> - The Gulf War.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> This problem is an NP and impossible to solve. So, no need to submit
> your resume!

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Antonio Iovanella=20
Dipartimento di Informatica, Sistemi e Produzione=20
Universita' di Tor Vergata - Facolta' di Ingegneria=20
Via del Politecnico, 1 Roma, I-00133 - Italia=20
Tel. +39 06 72597339=20
Email: iovanella@???=20
Web: http://www.disp.uniroma2.it/Users/iovanella/

This communication contains information which=20
is confidential and may also be privileged. It is=20
for the exclusive use of the intended recipients.=20
If you are not the intended recipient, please note=20
that any distribution, copying or use of this=20
communication or the information in it is strictly=20
prohibited. If you have received this communication=20
in error, please notify the sender immediately=20
and then destroy any copies of it. Moreover,
it is no possible to guarantee that the e-mail or=20
any attachments are free from viruses.


Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 6.0.449 / Virus Database: 251 - Release Date: 27/01/2003

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<DIV style=3D"FONT: 10pt arial">> Alcuni simpatici esempi di =
psicologia a=20
stelle e strisce;</DIV>
<DIV style=3D"FONT: 10pt arial"><BR>> <BR>> What do you call =
someone who=20
explodes a bomb and<BR>> kills innocent people?<BR>> - A=20
terrorist.<BR>> What do you call someone who drops a bomb from a =
plane and=20
kills<BR>> innocent people?<BR>> - A brave American pilot.<BR>> =


<BR>> What do you call the form of government where a small elite=20
exploits<BR>> and intimidates the citizens?<BR>> -A =
What do you call the form of government where a small elite =
exploits<BR>> and=20
intimidates the citizens, and the citizens can choose every few<BR>> =
which part of the elite should occupy the government buildings?<BR>> =
- A=20

<BR>> What do you call it when a group of people take the law into =
own<BR>> hands and kill people without a fair trial?<BR>> - A=20
lynching.<BR>> What do you call it when the US takes the law into its =
hands and<BR>> kills people without a fair trial?<BR>> - Operation =

Enduring Freedom.<BR>>=20

<BR>> What do you call a weapon that can kill thousands of =
people?<BR>> -=20
A weapon of mass destruction.<BR>> What do you call a weapon that has =
1.5 million Iraqis,<BR>> including more than 500,000 =
children?<BR>> -=20

<BR>> What do you call an attack on the Pentagon, a command and=20
control<BR>> center in the US?<BR>> - A cowardly attack on =
freedom and democracy.<BR>> What do you call the destruction of an =
village by US bombs?<BR>> - An attack on a Taliban command and =

<BR>> What do you call it when just over 3 thousand people were =
in<BR>> the September 11 attack on the US?<BR>> - An =
What do you call it when nearly 5 million people were killed in =
Vietnam war?<BR>> - A mistake.<BR>>=20

<BR>> What do you call it when very rich people exploit poor =
- Greed and selfishness.<BR>> What do you call it when very rich =
exploit poor countries?<BR>> - Globalization.<BR>>=20

<BR>> What do you call a foreign oppressor in the last century =
controlled the economical and social life of a country?<BR>> - A =
power.<BR>> What do you call a foreign oppressor in this century that =

controls the<BR>> economical and social life of a country?<BR>> - =
International Monetary Fund.<BR>>=20

<BR>> What do you call it when people are slaughtered?<BR>> - A=20
massacre.<BR>> What do you call it when 100.000 to 200.000 Iraqi's =
slaughtered by<BR>> the US at a loss to American forces of 148 (46 of =
were killed by<BR>> friendly fire)?<BR>> - The Gulf War.<BR>>=20

This problem is an NP and impossible to solve. So, no need to =
your resume!<BR><BR><BR><BR>---<BR>Incoming mail is certified Virus=20
Free.<BR>Checked by AVG anti-virus system (<A =
eudora=3D"autourl">http://www.grisoft.com</A>).<BR>Version: 6.0.449 / =
Database: 251 - Release Date: 27/01/2003</DIV><X-SIGSEP>
<P></X-SIGSEP><FONT face=3D"Courier New, Courier"=20
</FONT><FONT face=3DVerdana size=3D2><I>Antonio Iovanella</I> =
face=3DVerdana size=3D1><I>Dipartimento di Informatica, Sistemi e =
<BR><I>Universita' di Tor Vergata - Facolta' di Ingegneria</I> =
<BR><I>Via del=20
Politecnico, 1 Roma, I-00133 - Italia</I> <BR><I>Tel. +39 06 =
<BR><I>Email: </FONT><FONT color=3D#0000ff face=3DVerdana=20
size=3D1><U>iovanella@???</U></I></FONT><FONT =
face=3DVerdana size=3D1>=20
<BR><I>Web: <A href=3D"http://www.disp.uniroma2.it/Users/iovanella/"=20
size=3D1>This communication contains information which <BR>is =
confidential and may=20
also be privileged. It is <BR>for the exclusive use of the intended =
<BR>If you are not the intended recipient, please note <BR>that any=20
distribution, copying or use of this <BR>communication or the =
information in it=20
is strictly <BR>prohibited. If you have received this communication =
error, please notify the sender immediately <BR>and then destroy any =
copies of=20
it. Moreover,<BR>it is no possible to guarantee that the e-mail or =
attachments are free from=20

<P></P><BR>---<BR>Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.<BR>Checked by =
anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).<BR>Version: 6.0.449 / Virus=20
Database: 251 - Release Date: 27/01/2003<BR></BODY></HTML>
