[Cerchio] I: [Cm-crew] justice department

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=E2=80=98Scorched Earth=E2=80=99 Tactics Used on Traficant


The full force of the FBI and the Justice Department is now being deployed=
the expense of thousands of taxpayers nationwide who admire Jim Traficant=
against the wife and daughter of the imprisoned ex-congressman.


Exclusive to American Free Press

By Michael Collins Piper


Not content with railroading former Rep. Jim Traficant (D-Ohio) into an=20
eight-year prison term on trumped-up corruption charges, the federal=20
authorities are moving quickly to collect a $150,000 fine levied against=20
Traficant following his conviction.

The government is also trying to collect nearly $100,000 in additional funds=
that the FBI and the Justice Department claim Traficant accepted in bribes=20
and on which he failed to pay taxes.

Since Traficant is no longer receiving a salary, the FBI and the Justice=20
Department are trying to squeeze the money out of Traficant=E2=80=99s wife,=20=
Tish, who=20
works as a beautician, and from his daughter, Elizabeth Chahine, who works a=
a clerk for the state of Ohio.=20

The government is suggesting that Traficant=E2=80=99s wife and daughter may=20=
holding assets that belong to Traficant.

Under court order, the two women were subpoenaed to appear before federal=20
authorities with the following wide-ranging list of materials:


=E2=80=A2 Copies of federal income tax returns for the past three years.

=E2=80=A2 All documents showing ownership of personal or real property belon=
ging to=20
Jim Traficant with a value of more than $100.

=E2=80=A2 All titles, deeds, mortgages and other documents evidencing their=20=
in real estate and the dates they acquired such ownership.=20

=E2=80=A2 All leases, notes receivable, mortgage, liens, contracts, judgment=
s and=20
other documents evidencing income, dividends or royalties owed or paid to=20

=E2=80=A2 All records, including pay stubs evidencing your gross wages, sala=
ry or=20
commissions for the past six months.=20

=E2=80=A2 All records establishing ownership in all or part of any business=20=
as sole=20
owner, partner or stockholder and the financial condition of such business=20
for the past three years including a statement of assets, inventories,=20
liabilities, gross and net income and the amount of any undistributed profit=
in the business.

=E2=80=A2 All titles and registrations for all motor vehicles owned in whole=
or part=20
by Jim Traficant. All titles and registrations for all motor vehicles=20
transferred to them by him.=20

=E2=80=A2 All receipts, appraisals and other statements or documents establi=
ownership and value of jewelry and furs owned by them and/or their business.=

=E2=80=A2 Statements for all their checking, savings and trust accounts for=20=
the past=20
12 months.=20

=E2=80=A2 All records and statements for certificate of deposit savings bond=
, stocks,=20
bonds, coupons and mutual funds they and/or their business may own,=20
separately or jointly with Jim Traficant.=20

=E2=80=A2 All life insurance policies in effect and all records evidencing t=
heir face=20
value and cash surrender value where the name insured is Jim Traficant and=20
they are the beneficiary.=20

=E2=80=A2 All records establishing them and/or their business interest in an=
y account=20
held by someone else on them and/or on their business=E2=80=99s behalf in an=
y bank,=20
savings institution or credit union.=20

=E2=80=A2 All records evidencing their ownership and/or their business inter=
est in=20
any property, real or personal, in the possession of or name of any person o=

=E2=80=A2 A list of all their and/or their business real property transferre=
d by=20
gift, sale or otherwise since Feb. 1, 2002 and all records establishing the=20
transfer and the value received.=20

=E2=80=A2 All records evidencing their receipt of any pension, disability=20
compensation, retirement pay or other benefits from the United States or any=
other source on behalf of Jim Traficant.=20


Not without good reason, Traficant=E2=80=99s new attorney, Richard M. Kerger=
, says=20
that the ex-congressman is =E2=80=9Ca bit subdued . . . but still Jim Trafic=

Kerger, who will be lead counsel for Traficant=E2=80=99s ongoing appeal of h=
conviction, told a local newspaper in Ohio that Traficant is quite somber an=
not his usual gregarious self.

Another of Traficant=E2=80=99s attorneys and a personal friend, Percy Squire=
, said of=20
Traficant: =E2=80=9CHe=E2=80=99s very concerned about his family. He=E2=80=
=99s very bitter. He feels=20
he was railroaded. He=E2=80=99s a very proud man, and he=E2=80=99s sucking i=
t up, so to=20

Those who wish to send Traficant messages of support may write: James=20
Traficant, 31213-060, c/o FCI Allenwood (Low), P.O. Box 1000, White Deer, Pa=



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=3D"SANSSERIF" FACE=3D"Arial" LANG=3D"0"><B>=E2=80=98Scorched Earth=E2=80=
=99 Tactics Used on Traficant</B><BR>
The full force of the FBI and the Justice Department is now being deployed=
=E2=80=94at the expense of thousands of taxpayers nationwide who admire Jim=20=
Traficant=E2=80=94against the wife and daughter of the imprisoned ex-congres=
Exclusive to American Free Press<BR>
By Michael Collins Piper<BR>
Not content with railroading former Rep. Jim Traficant (D-Ohio) into an eigh=
t-year prison term on trumped-up corruption charges, the federal authorities=
 are moving quickly to collect a $150,000 fine levied against Traficant foll=
owing his conviction.<BR>
The government is also trying to collect nearly $100,000 in additional funds=
 that the FBI and the Justice Department claim Traficant accepted in bribes=20=
and on which he failed to pay taxes.<BR>
Since Traficant is no longer receiving a salary, the FBI and the Justice Dep=
artment are trying to squeeze the money out of Traficant=E2=80=99s wife, Tis=
h, who works as a beautician, and from his daughter, Elizabeth Chahine, who=20=
works as a clerk for the state of Ohio. <BR>
The government is suggesting that Traficant=E2=80=99s wife and daughter may=20=
be holding assets that belong to Traficant.<BR>
Under court order, the two women were subpoenaed to appear before federal au=
thorities with the following wide-ranging list of materials:<BR>
=E2=80=A2 Copies of federal income tax returns for the past three years.<BR>
=E2=80=A2 All documents showing ownership of personal or real property belon=
ging to Jim Traficant with a value of more than $100.<BR>
=E2=80=A2 All titles, deeds, mortgages and other documents evidencing their=20=
ownership in real estate and the dates they acquired such ownership. <BR>
=E2=80=A2 All leases, notes receivable, mortgage, liens, contracts, judgment=
s and other documents evidencing income, dividends or royalties owed or paid=
 to them. <BR>
=E2=80=A2 All records, including pay stubs evidencing your gross wages, sala=
ry or commissions for the past six months. <BR>
=E2=80=A2 All records establishing ownership in all or part of any business=20=
as sole owner, partner or stockholder and the financial condition of such bu=
siness for the past three years including a statement of assets, inventories=
, liabilities, gross and net income and the amount of any undistributed prof=
its in the business.<BR>
=E2=80=A2 All titles and registrations for all motor vehicles owned in whole=
 or part by Jim Traficant. All titles and registrations for all motor vehicl=
es transferred to them by him. <BR>
=E2=80=A2 All receipts, appraisals and other statements or documents establi=
shing ownership and value of jewelry and furs owned by them and/or their bus=
iness. <BR>
=E2=80=A2 Statements for all their checking, savings and trust accounts for=20=
the past 12 months. <BR>
=E2=80=A2 All records and statements for certificate of deposit savings bond=
, stocks, bonds, coupons and mutual funds they and/or their business may own=
, separately or jointly with Jim Traficant. <BR>
=E2=80=A2 All life insurance policies in effect and all records evidencing t=
heir face value and cash surrender value where the name insured is Jim Trafi=
cant and they are the beneficiary. <BR>
=E2=80=A2 All records establishing them and/or their business interest in an=
y account held by someone else on them and/or on their business=E2=80=99s be=
half in any bank, savings institution or credit union. <BR>
=E2=80=A2 All records evidencing their ownership and/or their business inter=
est in any property, real or personal, in the possession of or name of any p=
erson or corporation. <BR>
=E2=80=A2 A list of all their and/or their business real property transferre=
d by gift, sale or otherwise since Feb. 1, 2002 and all records establishing=
 the transfer and the value received. <BR>
=E2=80=A2 All records evidencing their receipt of any pension, disability co=
mpensation, retirement pay or other benefits from the United States or any o=
ther source on behalf of Jim Traficant. <BR>
Not without good reason, Traficant=E2=80=99s new attorney, Richard M. Kerger=
, says that the ex-congressman is =E2=80=9Ca bit subdued . . . but still Jim=
Kerger, who will be lead counsel for Traficant=E2=80=99s ongoing appeal of h=
is conviction, told a local newspaper in Ohio that Traficant is quite somber=
 and not his usual gregarious self.<BR>
Another of Traficant=E2=80=99s attorneys and a personal friend, Percy Squire=
, said of Traficant: =E2=80=9CHe=E2=80=99s very concerned about his family.=20=
He=E2=80=99s very bitter. He feels he was railroaded. He=E2=80=99s a very pr=
oud man, and he=E2=80=99s sucking it up, so to speak.=E2=80=9D<BR>
Those who wish to send Traficant messages of support may write: James Trafic=
ant, 31213-060, c/o FCI Allenwood (Low), P.O. Box 1000, White Deer, Pa. 1788=
7. <BR>