[Forumlucca] I: [ANSWER]: 500, 000 March on Washington Again…

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Autor: Marcucci Gian Paolo
Betreff: [Forumlucca] I: [ANSWER]: 500, 000 March on Washington Against War With Iraq
Anche se in inglese, si capisce da questo comunicato della
organizzazione pacifista" Answer "  che le manifestazioni di Washington
 500.000  persone ) e  San Francisco ( 200.000 persone)   contro la guerra
sono state un successo nel cuore dell' Impero. Bene !   In Italia - dove
l'articolo 11 della Costituzione non è ancora stato abolito-  ci stiamo
dimenticando della missione di guerra che  coinvolgerà ( i primi reparti per
la logistica sono già partiti) gli alpini ....... forse per le mobilitazioni
antiguerra siamo un po' come gli Stati Uniti che - al di là di quanto
dichiarato - nei fatti non riescono a condurre  due guerre
contemporaneamente .
                                              A stasera,

Gian Paolo

----- Original Message -----
From: A.N.S.W.E.R. <answer.general@???>
To: <answer.general@???>
Sent: Sunday, January 19, 2003 6:55 PM
Subject: [ANSWER]: 500,000 March on Washington Against War With Iraq

> 500,000 Anti-War Protesters Demonstrate in Washington
> 200,00 March in San Francisco
> Hundreds of Thousands More Demonstrate Around the World
> To Oppose U.S. War With Iraq
> Half a million people marched through the streets of
> Washington Saturday and 200,000 demonstrated in San
> Francisco in the largest U.S. demonstrations yet against
> war with Iraq.
> Sponsored by the International A.N.S.W.E.R. (Act Now to
> Stop War & End Racism) Coalition, the protests were
> endorsed by thousands of organizations. Similar
> demonstrations were held in at least 30 other countries.
> "Today's demonstrations shattered the myth of consensus
> for war," said Mara Verheyden-Hilliard of the Partnership
> for Civil Justice, one of the groups in A.N.S.W.E.R.
> "Throughout the whole world, demonstrations today showed
> the kind of people's power it's going to take to stop the
> war in its tracks."
> January 18 was a day of global protest based in the U.S.,
> with coordinated demonstrations held in more than 30
> countries -- including Japan, Ireland, Egypt, Spain,
> Argentina, South Africa, Jordan, Belgium, Syria, Hong
> Kong, Russia, Germany and Britain.
> Announcing a week of anti-war protest for the week of
> February 13-21 -- and culminating with a Student and Youth
> Day of Action on the anniversary of the assassination of
> Malcolm X -- organizers of the January 18 demonstration
> joined the call of the European movement to make Februrary
> 15 the next step in the worldwide anti-war movement.
> The morning of the demonstration, train and subway
> stations in D.C. were jammed as hundreds of buses --
> including 20 from New York's 1199/SEIU Health and Hospital
> Workers Union, 20 from Winston-Salem South Carolina, eight
> from Rochester and six from the Chicago Teachers Union --
> arrived in the city for the massive protest.
> The rally featured such speakers as former U.S. Attorney
> General Ramsey Clark, civil rights activist Mahdi Bray,
> actors Jessica Lange and Tyne Daly, Representative John
> Conyers, Reverend Jesse Jackson, former Congresswoman
> Cynthia McKinney, author and Vietnam vet Ron Kovic, singer
> Patti Smith, Reverend Herbert Daughtry, and Elizabeth
> McAllister.
> The program -- with musical performances by British pop
> group Chumbawumba, singer Patti Smith, and a capella duet
> Pam Parker and Lucy Murphy -- was opened by Moonanum James
> of United American Indians of New England.
> Speakers included A.N.S.W.E.R. leaders Elias Rashmawi,
> Free Palestine Alliance; Peta Lindsay, A.N.S.W.E.R. Youth
> & Student Coordinator; Larry Holmes and Brian Becker,
> International Action Center; Mara Verheyden-Hilliard,
> Partnership for Civil Justice; Marie Hilao Enriquez,
> BAYAN; Macrina Cardenas, Mexico Solidarity Network; Chuck
> Kaufman, Nicaragua Solidarity Network; Yoomi Jeong, Korea
> Truth Commission; Cheri Honkala, Kensington Welfare Rights
> Union; and Ismail Kamal, Muslim Students Association
> National. Reverend Lucius Walker read an anti-war
> statement from Rep. Charles Rangel.
> Also addressing the rally were representatives of groups
> such as New York City Labor Against the War, Maryland and
> D.C. AFL-CIO, Colombia Trade Unionists in Exile, Queers
> for Peace and Justice, United for Peace and Justice, Not
> In Our Name, and representatives of the Committee for the
> Rescue and Development of Vieques. Speakers reminded the
> crowd that the fight against war and racism included the
> struggles to free political prisoners Mumia Abu Jamal,
> Leonard Peltier, Jamil Al Amin, and the Cuban Five.
> end
> ------------------
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