[Badgirlz-list] --Digitales (Women and technology)--Brussels…

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Aihe: [Badgirlz-list] --Digitales (Women and technology)--Brussels 4-7 Dec 2002--
> http://www.digitales-online.org (in evolution)
> 4-7 December 2002
> Full days (9am - 9pm) of meetings/participation on
> work, knowledge, skills,
> experiences, dreams and questioning; this time of
> technological and feminist
> activity and continual exchange could give birth to
> a virtual network.
> *
> The place:
> Interface3, Rue du Méridien 30, 1210 Brussels, and
> Amazone, Rue du Méridien 10, 1210 Brussels
> *Contact and info: info@ digitales-online.org
> Digitales 2002 will continue to reveal, initiate and
> analyse by exploring
> women's image, role, place, tools, work and art in
> new technologies. This
> event combines professional, reflexive and artistic
> practices to feed
> political action.
> Women and machines have a long common history. Women
> created machines, named
> them or were named after them : computers, the
> Spinning, perforatrices
> (punch card operators), etc The machines were
> adapted to women and vice
> versa, women appropriated the machines and sometimes
> identified themselves
> to them. However; this common history has been
> largely overlooked. Digitales
> tries to discover this history with those who lived
> through it and with
> sociologists and historians, in order to understand
> the present better and
> to imagine the future.
> Where is the body - biological, gendered, foreign -
> in technology and
> raising the issue of racial discrimination in new
> technologies sector.
> What is it that the machine and machine-woman images
> have ignored and still
> deny: our female body, our skin, its colour?
> Digitales is inviting local and
> international artists, theoreticians and technicians
> who are reintroducing
> the idea and images of the body, skin and origins
> into machines and
> technologies which have often been thought as
> virtual or abstract.
> Sociologists and historians will also be invited to
> take us back to the
> reality and the images of work and labour in the
> past for a better
> understanding of these things today.
> What kind of machine behaviour do employers,
> trainers and vocational
> training organisations want us to adopt, integrate
> and carry forward ? Do
> they actually foresee the same jobs, motions and
> gestures in the future
> workplace ? Employers, women workers, labour
> researchers and vocational
> guidance organisations have been invited to speak of
> their present
> circumstances and debate about their expectations.
> What are machines, the
> tools and the trades for tomorrow's women ? The
> debate is open with the
> social partners.
> We must also introduce the context, the end product,
> the computer tools used
> and the data to be processed, by discovering what a
> database, a research
> engine, the public domain, the peer-to-peer, a
> portal, free and free access
> software and language are. Will our strength come
> from property rights over
> the object, the language and the information rather
> than from sharing,
> dialogue, information processing and analysis and
> the network ? Digitales
> will invite lawyers , artists, economists,
> programmers, policy makers and
> civil servants who think about their/our tools,
> their/our language,
> their/our production in the context of the public
> field and cultural
> heritage.
> How can we influence the rules of the game? Would
> changing the "operating
> system", tools, software, having access to source
> codes of technology, be a
> means of interaction between work, product and
> workers and users ?
> Digitales keeps "traces" of the days of meeting,
> discussion, workshops and
> lectures, organising the records and their
> distribution, creating its own
> audio and visual archiving spaces and tools. A radio
> web will be installed
> by the Interface 3 trainees in collaboration with
> members of Brussels free
> radio stations and with links to web radios run by
> women in vocational
> training and integration centres in Europe. It will
> also be an opportunity
> to have access to Digitales 2001 traces.
> Digitales also provides an opportunity for
> inter-generation and
> inter-training meetings: it makes room for
> neighbouring schools and the
> children and mothers of women in work placement and
> training schemes.
> *Partners
> Four organising associations, three in Brussels and
> one in Antwerp
> - Interface3 asbl: a centre and a team for
> vocational training and
> integration of women in new technologies
> http://www.interface3.be
> - Sophia: a coordination network for feminist/gender
> studies
> http://www.sophia.be
> - Constant vzw: an organisation linking artistic and
> theoretical thinking on
> the Internet and digital communication
> http://www.constantvzw.com
> - The Policy Research Centre on Equal Opportunities:
> a consortium of the
> University of Antwerp (UA) and the University Centre
> of Limburg (LUC). The
> Centre occupies an intermediary position between a
> research institute,
> public administration and civil society.
> http://www.steunpuntgelijkekansen.be
> *Objectives
> Finding a common language to provoke thoughts and to
> work out a practice
> which will stimulate women's action in contemporary
> society and bring
> awareness of the concept of gender to the debates on
> new technologies
> through:
> - technological and creative initiation
> - understanding of the work tool
> - the critical analysis of new technologies
> - the discovery and the construction of new images
> and interactions
> - constructing history, means of transmitting
> experience
> Bringing together those who:
> - have or want to use technologies to earn their
> living and to provide for
> the needs of a family
> - have professional and technical skills on the
> cutting edge of information
> and communication technology and alternative systems
> - undertake university research in various
> disciplines and in various
> countries,
> - create their artistic work by using 'traditional'
> or 'new' media (film,
> video, Internet, digital support)
> - are interested by feminist thought on contemporary
> society.
> The Digitales project is part of the ADA Belgian
> network which aims to
> create an exchange, thought and action network on
> the subject of women and
> NTICs. Led by Interface3asbl in partnership with
> women's training
> organisations in computer information technology,
> @ron, ATEL, Sofft, NFTE,
> this project is supporte by the Belgian ministry of
> Labour and Employment
> and the ESF, and involves a wider collaboration with
> companies, guidance
> centres, schools, etc.
> ***Contents
> *Workshops
> -Cybermilk
> - Linux Install Party en Opensource koffieklets,
> Garrels Machtelt,
> - Mongrel Linker Workshop Jarman mervin, Lewis
> Marlene
> - Présentation mode d'emploi : Dress for Success
> Massu Isabelle, Pierrot
> Peggy,
> - Filmer les Digitales (Vidéo), Rabadan Inès avec
> l'aide de/met de steun van
> Marie Vermeiren, Ella Elesse
> - WebRadio (pré-Digitales avec/met De Jaeger Pierre,
> Malevé Nicolas, Van
> Wynsberghe Wendy)
> - Server Debian (pré-Digitales avec Brodesser
> Jens-Ingo)
> *Forums/Tools
> - Les corps rêvés des femmes-machines - Memento
> cinématographique Andrin
> Muriel
> - Women's strategies - ICTs and communicating as a
> political project Björk
> Malin, Bracke Sarah
> - Beyond the Headlines: How do Web-based
> Alternatives Challenge Corporate
> News? Boler Megan
> - Gender en ICT: De digitale kloof in Vlaanderen,
> Broos Agnetha
> - Verscheidenheid in websites: toegankelijkheid,
> personalisering en gender,
> Claeys Laurence
> - Histoire de l1informatique: Genres de machines, 1.
> La machine à écrire, 2.
> La naissance de l1ordinateur, 3. La Place des
> Femmes, Collet Isabelle,
> Ingarao Maud
> - There's always more than one route to Rome or
> there's more than one way to
> skin a cat....., De Geuzen
> - AS/400 Operations Teamleader, Demeulenaere
> Fabienne
> - Stéréotypes,discrimination, norme masculine :
> théorie et pratique, Dumont
> Elisabeth
> - Les nouvelles technologies, Internet et le droit,
> Dusollier Séverine
> - Engager les techniques dans la pensée de la
> domination, Gardey Delphine
> - Presentatie van het STIVA-project, Geets Sara,
> - a href=½http://www.vifu.de½>vifu: some strategies
> in undermining the
> gendered digital divide </a>, Guerses Seda
> - Comment Amnesty international utilise la
> technologie et l1adapte aux
> droits des femmes? Guillitte Françoise, Rifflart
> Vincent
> - Stereotypen, discriminatie en mannelijkheid als
> norm: theorie en praktijk,
> Haesendonck Ilse, Klooster Marlies
> - Je m'appelle Mouchette
> - Verschillende (migranten)vrouwenorganisaties aan
> en in ICT Kotkamp Erna,
> Pierik Charlot
> - What do cyberfeminists Eat? And more importantly,
> what operating system do
> they use?, Mac Carty Diana
> - Organisation du travail dans le secteur des
> nouvelles technologies, Martin
> Jacqueline
> avec la visie/met de film van D'Hallivillée
> Christophe, 300 appels par jour
> - Discrimination raciale à l'embauche (sous
> réserve-o.v), Patel Jyostma,
> - Etat des lieux de l'utilisation de linux et des
> logiciels libres dans le
> secteur, Schneider Oliver
> non marchand, l'administration publique et les
> sociétés commerciales
> - Votre pc vu de l1intérieur, Section Help desk -
> IF3
> - Time to Hack, Sollfrank Cornelia
> - L1informatique va-t-elle continuer à faire mauvais
> genre?, Valenduc Gérard
> - Werk in uitvoering: genderaspecten van de
> carrièreopbouw in de ICT-sector,
> Valgaeren Elke
> - ZORRA Media Meldpunt, Van Hellemont Corine
> - How can Free Software promote personal freedom and
> development ?,
> Vandenabeele Peter
> - L'usage du CD Rom dans la formation en milieu
> bancaire, Woussen Cathy
> *Lectures
> - Hostages to Hospitality: The Case of
> Undercurrents, Aristarkhova Irina,
> - Globalization and women's networks, Fernandez
> Maria
> - Foreign bodies-www.mongrelx.org, Jarman mervin
> - Crossing Boundaries, Building Bridges, Oldenziel
> Ruth
> - Las Narrativas del trabajo Romani Montse, Ruido
> Maria, Villaplana Virginia
> - ŒUsing1 applications in office work: Stories about
> gender-technology
> relations, Stepulevage Linda
> -Le genre ignoré de la santé au travail, Vogel
> Laurent
> -------------
> 4/12 " De informatiedag rond de Electronica en ADA
> projecten "
> 14u00 Voorstelling van het Electronica-project
> 15u15 Voorstelling van het ADA- en Digitales-project
> 16u15 Debat
> 17h00 Toespraak van de Europese Commissie,
> Eenheid 3Kennismaatschappij2
> 17u30 Toespraak van de Vice-Eerste Minister,
> Minister van Werkgelegenheid,
> belast met het Gelijke Kansenbeleid Laurette
> Onkelinx
> 4/12 " Journée d1information des projets Electronica
> et ADA "
> 14h00 Présentation du projet Electronica
> 15h15 Présentation des projets ADA et Digitales
> 16h15 Débat
> 17h00 Intervention de la Commission européenne,
> Unité 3Société de la Connaissance2
> 17h30 Allocution de la Vice-Première Ministre,
> Ministre de l1Emploi
> chargée de la Politique d1égalité des chances,
> Laurette Onkelinx
> -----------------
> http://www.constantvzw.com/cyberf
> -----------------
> constant vzw wordt gesteund door de Vlaamse
> Gemeenschapscommissie en de
> Vlaamse Minister van Cultuur.

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