[RSF] Fw: informazione

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Autor: iradedeus
Assunto: [RSF] Fw: informazione
Ciao, vedete se volete firmare questa petizione online al consiglio di
sicurezza per bloccare la risoluzione contro l'Iraq.

> Datum:   Sun, 03 Nov 2002 14:55:57 -0800
> An:             wsn@???
> Von:            John Leonard <leonardjp@???>
> Betreff:        Sign & distribute - Petition U.N.: Not
> another Century of
>   Bloodshed!

> Petition to UN Security Council to Halt
> Naked Aggression Against Iraq
> Veto Bid by US-UK for another Century of
> Eurasian Bloodshed
> http://www.petitiononline.com/stoputsh/petition.html
> We petition the members of the United
> Nations Security Council to block the
> US-UK resolution for an unprovoked war
> on Iraq.
> Your Excellencies, Permanent
> Representatives to the Nations, Members
> of
> the Security Council, The Honorable
> Mr. Wang Yingfan, the People's Republic
> of China; M. Jean-David Levitte,
> France; Mr. Sergey Lavrov, the Russian
> Federation; Mr. Stefan Tafrov,
> Bulgaria; M. Martin Belinga-Eboutou,
> Cameroon; Sr. Alfonso Valdivieso,
> Colombia; M. François Lonseny Fall,
> Guinea; Mr. Richard Ryan, Ireland; Mr.
> Jagdish Koonjul, Mauritius; Sr. Adolfo
> Miguel Aguilar-Zinser, Mexico; Mr.
> Ole Peter Kolby, Norway; Mr. Kishore
> Mahbubani, Singapore; Mr. Mikhail
> Wehbe, Syria; Mr. Mohammed Aldouri,
> Iraq,
> Respected Ambassadors,
> The world community faces the threat of
> unbridled military aggression for
> the first time since Adolf Hitler.
> Indeed, the virus of Nazism is still
> alive, and it has broken out in
> Washington. (1)
> The parallels are uncanny. Hitler's
> Reichstag fire, Bush's 9/11.(2)
> Hitler's invasion of the Rumanian oil
> fields, Bush's attack on Afghanistan
> and ultimatum to Iraq. Hitler's
> protectorates, Bush's regime change.
> Hitler's 1000-Year Reich, Bush's New
> American Century and endless War on
> Terror. Hitler's martial law, Bush's
> Patriot Act. Hitler's Gestapo and
> Hollerith-IBM, Bush's Homeland Security
> and Echelon. Hitler's death camps,
> Bush's genotype weapon.(3) Both were
> elected by a minority of votes. Hitler
> repudiated the League of Nations, Bush
> scornfully throws down the gauntlet
> to the United Nations.
> China, France, Russia are three
> countries that suffered the most
> terrible
> losses in the wars of the 20th century.
> These three permanent Security
> Council members could stop Bush now,
> just as the world could have stopped
> Hitler early on. They are also three
> countries that have suffered terribly
>> from the intrigues of US-UK
> slash-and-burn politics.
> Over a century ago, in the 1890s,
> France's brilliant Foreign Minister
> Gabriel Hanotaux attempted to forge a
> peaceful and prosperous Eurasian
> community via an alliance with Germany,
> Russia, Japan and China. Europe
> would be linked with Japan and China by
> infrastructure projects, the
> Trans-Siberian Railroad, economic and
> security treaties - much like today's
> European Community.
> Such a strong, natural alliance
> threatened the imperial hegemony of
> Great
> Britain, who induced the United States
> to join in her acts of sabotage.
> Through intrigues such as the Dreyfus
> affair, the Spanish-American War of
> 1898 and the Russo-Japanese War of 1905,
> this axis engineered the
> disruption of any Eurasian alliance. Two
> world wars, the death camps of
> Stalin and Hitler, and the Great
> Depression were the consequences of that
> vicious interference.(4)
> The Internet has revealed the
> long-suppressed evidence that those
> catastrophes were no accident of
> history, but were fostered by an "elite"
> US-UK cabal of war profiteers. No small
> part was played by the Bush family.
> Prescott Bush, father of George Sr.,
> financed the rise of Hitler, and ran
> the Thyssen steel works near Auschwitz
> on slave labor. Blood money from the
> Holocaust launched the political careers
> of Senator Prescott Bush and both
> Bush presidents, (1) but their old boy
> Yale school ties have prevented any
> whisper of this horror in the mainstream
> media. Bush fraternity brother
> Averell Harriman co-financed both
> dictators, Hitler and Stalin, through
> the
> Harriman family bank. (5) Not
> surprisingly, it was a Bush
> family-linked
> bank headed by top CIA official Krongard
> that booked the put options on
> airline stocks, seeking to profit from
> 9/11.(6)
> We now know that the anthrax scare,
> which the Bush clique attempted to pin
> on Iraq, and timed to pass their
> totalitarian Patriot Act, came from US
> Army sources. (7) The first Gulf War was
> launched on fake evidence - Bush
> Sr. fabricated a build up of Iraqi tanks
> on the Saudi border, and a
> Washington PR agency was hired to invent
> an atrocity story (8) - that old
> trick of British psychological warfare.
> Now Bush Jr. is going on the
> attack, even though he has not been able
> to come up with a single shred of
> evidence that Iraq supports terror. The
> message is an absolutist "Amerika
> über alles." Even Hitler was able to
> fabricate some spurious evidence of
> Polish terrorism!
> In spite of the media barrage of war
> drums, the majority of the British and
> American people still oppose Bush's plan
> of naked aggression - but we are
> disenfranchised by our politicians, just
> as were Germany's voters in the
> thirties.
> Distinguished Members of the Security
> Council - please help us!
> Americans for Peace and for Prosecution
> of the Plotters behind the
> September 11 Atrocities
> Footnotes
> (1) "Heir to the Holocaust - Prescott
> Bush, 1.5 Million Dollars, and
> Auschwitz: How the Bush Family Wealth is
> Linked to the Jewish Holocaust,"
> by Toby Rogers.
> http://www.clamormagazine.org/features/i
> ssue14.3_feature.html
> (2) For copious evidence of a Bush
> cabinet plot behind the 9/11 attacks,
> see the book The War on Freedom,
> www.thewaronfreedom.com, the timeline at
> www.cooperativeresearch.org/completetime
> line/index.htm, or www.copvcia.com.
> (3) Scotland Sunday Herald, "Bush
> planned Iraq 'regime change' before
> becoming President," Sept. 15, 2002,
> http://www.sundayherald.com/print27735.
> Quotes plan by Bush circle
> condoning genocide: "advanced forms of
> biological warfare that can 'target'
> specific genotypes may transform
> biological warfare from the realm of
> terror to a politically useful tool."
> Drawn up by militarists Cheney,
> Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, and Jeb Bush in the
> year 2000. The full text of their
> plan is at
> www.newamericancentury.org/RebuildingAme
> ricasDefenses.pdf.
> (4) Sources:
> http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Shadowla
> nds/6583/secret068.html or
> http://www.bilderberg.org/skulbone.htm,
> and
> http://members.tripod.com/~american_alma
> nac/hanot91.htm.
> (5) See also Anthony Sutton, Wall Street
> and the Bolshevik Revolution,
> http://reformed-theology.org/html/books/
> bolshevik_revolution/index.html.
> Guaranty Bank, a J.P. Morgan bank with
> close links to the Harrimans,
> financed the Bolshevik takeover.
> (6) The options were handled by Deutsche
> Bank Alex Brown, a cousin of the
> Brown Brothers, Harriman bank, that
> hired Prescott Bush to finance Thyssen
> and Hitler and invest in Auschwitz. See
> http://www.newsmakingnews.com/lm7,2,02ha
> rvardtoenronpt6.htm
> (7) The Observer, Oct. 14, 2001, "Iraq
> 'behind US anthrax outbreaks'
> - Pentagon hardliners press for strikes
> on
> Saddam,
> http://www.observer.co.uk/international/
> story/0,6903,573893,00.html. See
> also the anthrax timeline at
> http://www.cooperativeresearch.org/compl
> etetimeline/index.htm.
> (8) Christian Science Monitor, Sept. 6,
> 2002, "In war, some facts less
> factual."
> http://www.csmonitor.com/2002/0906/p01s0
> 2-wosc.html
> chinamission_un@???,
> china@???, france@???,
> mission.france@???,
> russia@???,
> mission.Russian@???,
> rf.mission@???, bulgaria@???,
> info@???,
> cameroon@???, colombia@???,
> missionofguinea@???,
> mission.guinea@???,
> ireland@???, mauritius@???,
> mission.mauritius@???,
> mexico@???, mexicoun@???,
> delun@???, singapore@???,
> sgpun@???, syria@???,
> iraq@???
> Addresses of Permanent Missions of 13
> current Security Council Members,
> plus Iraq
> (http://www.un.org/Overview/missions.htm
> #perm)
> The People's Republic of China :
> chinamission_un@???,
> china@???. 350 East 35th Street, New
> York,
> NY 10016 Phone: (212) 689-4498
> France
> france@???,
> mission.france@???, 885 2nd
> Avenue, New York, NY
> 10017, (212) 308-5700
> The Russian Federation
> russia@???,
> mission.Russian@???,
> rf.mission@???,136 East
> 67 Street, New York, N.Y. 10021, Phone:
> (212) 861-4900; 861-4901; 861-4902,
> Fax: (212) 628-0252
> Bulgaria
> bulgaria@???, 11 East 84th Street,
> New York NY 10028, USA, phone (212)
> 737-4790, fax (212) 472-9865
> Cameroon
> info@???,
> cameroon@???, 22 East 73rd Street,
> New York,
> NY 10021, Téléphone : +1(212)-794-2296,
> Fax : +1 (212)-249-0533
> Colombia
> colombia@???, 40 East 57th Street,
> 5th Floor, Nueva York, NY 10022,
> Teléfono: 355-7776 Telefax: 371-2813
> Guinea
> missionofguinea@???,
> mission.guinea@???,140 East 39th
> Street,
> New York, N.Y. 10016; Telephone: (212)
> 687-8115/8116/8117, Fax: (212)
> 687-8248
> Ireland
> ireland@???, One Dag Hammarskjöld
> Plaza, 885 Second Avenue, 19th Floor,
> New York, N.Y. 10017
> Telephone: (212) 421-6934, Telefax:
> (212) 752-4726
> Mauritius
> mauritius@???,
> mission.mauritius@???, 211 East
> 43rd St., 15th
> Floor, New York, N.Y. 10017, Telephone:
> (212) 949-0190/0191, Telefax: (212)
> 697-3829
> Mexico
> mexico@???, mexicoun@???, Two
> United Nations Plaza, 28th Floor, New
> York, N.Y. 10017
> Telephone: (212) 752-0220, Telefax:
> (212) 688-8862
> Norway
> delun@???, 825 Third Avenue, 39th
> Floor, New York, N.Y. 10022,
> Telephone: (212) 421-0280/ 0281/ 0282/
> 0283/0284, Telefax: (212) 688-0554
> Singapore
> singapore@???, sgpun@???, 231
> East 51st Street, New York, N.Y.
> 10022, Telephone: (212)
> 826-0840/0841/0842/0843/0844, Telefax:
> (212) 826-2964
> Syria
> syria@???, 820 Second Avenue, 15th
> Floor, New York, N.Y. 10017,
> Telephone: (212) 661-1313, Telefax:
> (212) 983-4439
> Iraq
> Permanent Mission of Iraq to the United
> Nations, 14 East 79th Street, New
> York, NY 10021 -0106, (212) 737-4433
> Eleonora Barbieri Masini
> Faculty of Social Sciences
> Gregorian University
> Rome
> phone and fax 39-06-8072529

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