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rave against the machine
>From the 6th to the 10th of November many Italian cyclo-activists will
gather in Florence on their pedal machines for the European Social Forum
The idea is to get down to Florence from Bologna via the Appennini mountins
in two days. Nothing too demanding. Some people will carry their bicycles
straight to Florence by train. In Florence we will have a mass ride, a big
street pedaling parade, a surge of rebellion against the oil-absorbing &
space-abusing car machines, against oil consumption, against oil lobbies,
against every oil war. An act of mass desertion.
If you want to know the times and places of the meeting points please
contact the crew at cm-crew@???
It will be a imaginative polifonic concerto, where sounds of cycle bells an=
every other cyclable instrument will spread over the ancient streets of
Florence. Don't miss it.
Content-type: text/html; charset="ISO-8859-1"
Content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable
<TITLE>Mass CycleDesertion in Florence </TITLE>
<TT> &nbs=
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rave against &n=
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>From the 6th to the 10th of November many Italian cyclo-activists will gath=
er in Florence on their pedal machines for the European Social Forum (
The idea is to get down to Florence from Bologna via the Appennini mountins=
in two days. Nothing too demanding. Some people will carry their bicycles s=
traight to Florence by train. In Florence we will have a mass ride, a big st=
reet pedaling parade, a surge of rebellion against the oil-absorbing & s=
pace-abusing car machines, against oil consumption, against oil lobbies, aga=
inst every oil war. An act of mass desertion.<BR>
If you want to know the times and places of the meeting points please conta=
ct the crew at cm-crew@???<BR>
It will be a imaginative polifonic concerto, where sounds of cycle bells an=
d every other cyclable instrument will spread over the ancient streets of Fl=
orence. Don't miss it.<BR>