[Forumlucca] programma SFE

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Autor: marcantonio
Temat: [Forumlucca] programma SFE
vi invio programma SFE

European Social Forum - Programme approved by Assembly of 5-6 october in


1. Liberism:

a) From the European Union shaped by neoliberal globalisation to the
Europe and the global institutions: Wto, Gatts, Imf; Wb, G8. Control over
financial markets and economy and unrestricted investments. Economy and
solidarity. Budgetary and Fiscal polices in Europe.

    Christian Marazzi (Univ. Svizzera),
    Emiliano Brancaccio (Attac Italy )
    Serge Colin (G10 Solidaires, Fr.)
    Barry Coates (England)
    Denise Cormanne (Cadtm Belgium)
    Frank Bsirske (Ver.Di, Germany)

Coordination: Antonio Tricarico (Crbm), G2001 Greece

b) Europe and Food Sovereignty
For a joint Agriculture Policy: social and labour based, agro-ecological
opposing Wto¹s policies. A society serving science: patents, GM and research
free of multinational power against the market exploitation of life. Limited
cycle, consumerism and North-South trade: an equal pattern.

    José Bové (Confederation paysanne, French)
    Sergio Marelli (Pres. Ong Italy)
    Hector Mondragon (Colombia, economist)
    Lidia Cerdra (Via Campesina, Galizia, Spain)
    Mamadou Cissoko (Peasent Senegal)

Coordina: Gianni Fabbris (Altragricoltura Italy), Hege Nerland (Via
Campesina- Norway)

2. War and peace:

a) No justice, no peace.
    Conflict prevention. Resistance to war. Building solidarity and
international and decentralized cooperation.

    Johan Galtung
    Lindsay German (Stop the war, Gb)
    Maria Styllou (activist of greek left G2001 Greece)
    Lidia Menapace (Convenz. permanente, Italy
    Hans Abrahamsson (Attac Sweden)

Coordination: Tonio Dell¹Olio (Pax Christi), Stop the war (Gb)

b) Emergency extreme right: social divide in Europe
Social insecurity, chauvinism, nationalism and discrimination.Political
values and ideologies of the extreme and populist right. Fighting social
exclusion to counter the Right.

    Gary Younge (The Guardian, Gb) English Esf
    Tamas Krausz (Attac Hungary) Cees coordination
    Michel Tubiana, Presid. Human rights League, Fr.
    Guido Caldiron (journalist, It)
    Hermann Dworzcak (Austrian documentation center of the Resistence -
    Tania Assulin (Unef, French)

Coordination: Federica Modreghini (Sin. Giovanile), Nouno Tito (Portugal)

3. Rights/Citizenship/Democracy:

a) With the rightless, against social exclusion.
Introduction. Central and local governments¹ initiative and social action
against compassionate liberalism. Young peoples¹ right to future: autonomy,
work, income. Housing rights.

    Christiane Maigre (Shop steward, Euromarch, Belgium)
    Markus Drake (Helsinki disobedients)
    Renzo Fior (Emmaus International)
    Erika Biehn - Bag Shi, Germany)
    Costance Etch (European coordination ³sans papier)
    J. B. Eyrault (Dal Fr.) French delegat.

Coordination: Ilaria Lani (Udu), Migranti social forum

b) Information and culture, humankind¹s resources: from a monopoly based
system to new individual and social rights.
Information monopoly and concentration.Experiences of alternative
information and indipendent media. Intellectual property and knowledge.
Protection of cultural diversity in the global market.

    Luciana Castellina (It)
    Rainer Rilling (Rosa Luxembourg Found. Germany)
    Antonio Martins (Ciranda - Porto Alegre)
    Giorgios Tsiakalos (Nico Poulantis foundation, Greece)
    Valery Peugeot (World social agenda)

Coordination: Anna Pizzo (Carta)


1. Liberism:

a) Central and East Europe into the globalised world: alternatives to
neoliberalism. Results of privatisation and liberalisations. Enlarging the
European Union to the East. Social problems and common alternatives

    Jacek Kuron (former dissident, Solidarity)
    Andrej Grubacic (Yu)
    Karoly Lorant (Attac Hungray)
    Alexander Buzgalin (Russia Alternatives)
    Cathrine Samary (Le monde diplomatique)
    Silvya Anders (International association on world economic, Germany)

Coordination: Giulio Marcon (Ics Italy), Elena Putivtseva (Defense of
Labour Russia)

b) Europe is not for sale: new rights for a new social system.
Decline and renewal of the welfare state in Europe: health care, school and
pension systems. No to privatisation and liberalisation: preserving and
changing of the public service. Family centred policies and rights for men
and women.

    Cesare Ottolini (Hic, Italy)
    Mirem Etxezarreta (Univ. Barcelona)
    Manuel Carvalho da Silva (Cgtp Portugal)
    Pierre Khalfa (Attac Fr.) French del.
    Bettina Shwarzmayer (student) Austria
    Bernard Thibault (Segr. Gen. Cgt France)

Coordination: Catherine Varin (Reseau S.P. Fr.), Pino Giampietro (Cobas

2. War and peace

a) Europe security zone? Social control, repression and denied rights
Restricting individual and social rights.Criminalisation of social
conflict.Militarisation of the borders and repressive measure against
migrants.Euro police, euro justice: which polcies?

    Eva Forest (Human right activist, imprisoned various times, Basque
    Luigi Ciotti, (Gruppo Abele Italy)
    Alessandro Dal Lago (Univ. Genova, Italy)
    Fatos Lubonja, Albanian intellectual
    Tony Bunyam (Editor Statewatch, Gb)
    Dolores Jiuliano (Univ. feminist, Catalunya)

Coordination: Bruno Paladini (Mat), Greece social forum

b) Europe in the new world (dis) order.
    UN and international law. Europe, Nato and joint European defence
policies (euroarmy). Subordination or antagonism towards the USA: any

    Rossana Rossanda (journalist, Italy)
    Alex Callinicos (Univ. Gb)
    Tobias Pflüger (Imi, antimilitarismo assoc. Germany)
    Flavio Lotti (Peace table italy)
    Johana Ruziczkova (Ceka republic)

Coordination: Piero Maestri (Bastaguerra), Susan George (Attac France)

3. Rights/Citizenship/Democracy:

a) From the Declaration of Nice to the European Convention: the crisis of
democracy in Europe and the struggle for universal citizenship.
The process leading to a politics driven Europe. Universal Citizenship and
European Democracy. A different European integration. Participatory
democracy to establish a democratic Europe.

    Boaventura Sousa Santos (Univ. Coimbra, Portugal
    Luigi Ferraioli, (giurist) Italy
    Pierre Barge, (Citizenship and fundamental rights commette French)
    Guglielmo Epifani, (Cgil Italy)/
    Carmen San José  (Carta derechos sociales, Spanish state)
    Antonis Manitakis (Univ. Athen, Greece)

Coordination: Franco Russo (Roma Social forum), Sophie Zafari (Fsu French)

b) Men and women: necessary conflict for common future
Introduction. Labour-jobs. Patriarchal family, sexuality and violence.Power
and political representation.

    Christine Delphy (Marches Women)
    Laura Gonzales de Txabarri - Ela
    Sianou Fotini, president comittee women Etuc
    Pragna Patel (Black sisters, Gb)
    Wanda Nowiczka (Federation for women planning, Pl) -
    Lidia Cirillo (March. Women, Italy)

Coordination: Nadia De Mond (Rete delle Marce), Angelika Psara (journalist


1. Liberism:

a) Water, air and earth: Europe opposing unsustainable development.
Living standards and consumer patterns. Privatisation of public goods and
ecological debt. Alternatives: right to quality life, health and well being.
Energy question.

    Wolfgang Sachs (
    Riccardo Petrella (Water campaign, Italy)
    Gus Massiah (Crid, fr)
    Zoltan Endreffy (Pax romana, Hungray)
    Tony Juniper (Vice presid, Friend of Earth)
    Luigi Mara (Medicina Democratica, Cub, Italy)?

Coordination: Claire Person (Oxfam Belgium), Maurizio Gubbiotti

b) Europe of workers between global production and social fragmentation.
Impact of finance driven economy on the corporate system and
precarization.Labour, jobs and fights for rights. Women and the youth facing
the changes in work organization and labour market. Education, training and

    Gianni Rinaldini (General secretary Fiom-Cgil)
    Paolo Sabbatini (Sin.Cobas Italy)
    Gerard Aschieri (Segr. Gen. Fsu, fr)
    Maria Helena Hendré (Segre. Conf. Ces)
    Giorgios Orfanos (General Confederation of workers Greece)
    Doro Zinke (European transport trade unions)

Coordination: Mario Agostinelli (Forum mondiale alternative), Angela Klein

2. War and peace

a) People¹s Europe against the never ending war.
September 11th: the Bush doctrine, the Afghan War and the war on terrorism.
Western World and Islam, dialogue or clash? Creating the enemy: media power.
Iraqi: the next war?

    Pietro Ingrao
    Fabio Alberti (Un ponte per...,Italy)
    Tariq Ali (New Left Review Gb)
    Yannis Banias (Initiative for the Greece social forum)
    Patriche Cohen Seat (president Espace Marx, French)
    Irene Khan (Amnesty International)

Coordination: Gc/disobedients + Leo Gabriel (Austria)

b) War nourished economy
    Production and transformation. Defence budget, social spending and
global market. War economy, mafia smuggling and power.Weapons in action: war
when living under the bombs.

    Brian Wood - Amnesty International (Military and security policy sector)
    Gino Strada (Emergency, It) - Italy
    Giorgio Beretta (Missionary, Italy)
    Giuliano Pontara (Univ. Stoccolma, Sweden)
    Caroline Lucas (International Forum on globalisation)

Coordination: Pierpaolo Leonardi (Rdb-Cub), Angeles Maestro (Antiwar
mouvement Spain)

3. Rights/Citizenship/Democracy:

a) Gay, Lesbian, Transex

b) Immigrants and Fortress Europe: apartheid, social conflict and universal
Migrants and refugees, the way to universal citizenship. Racism and
xenophobia in Europe. Exemplary work of immigrants. Migrations between the
two Europes: inclusion or new discrimination.

    Annamaria Rivera, (Univ. di Bari, It)
    Odile Schwartz ( Fédération associations de soutien aux travailleurs
immigrés, Fr)
    Christopher Nsoh KanackAttac membership, Germany)
    Stella Alfieri (G2001 Greece)
    Asad Rehman - Amnesty International
    Ioanna Kourtovic (lawyer, antiracist mouvement, Greece)

Coordination: Rosa Mendes (Tavolo migranti), Mamadou Ba (Sos Racisme,

Dialogs, alternatives and Windows (Timetable 18-21)

Thursday 7 November

Mouvements and trade unions¹ struggle

Jean Lapeyre segr. CES
Annick Coupé (Sud, Fr)
Piero Bernocchi (Cobas It)
Bob Crow (Rmt, Gb)
Marco Bersani (Attac It)
Mag Wompel chief editor of Labournet (Germany)
Paul Nicholson (Via Camp)
Jose María Fidalgo(Cc.OO

Chair: Carla Casalini

Mouvements and institutions

Claudio Martini (Toscana)
J. Brezouack, S.Denise(Fr.)
Tarso Genro (Port Alegre
Elena Paciotti
Alfio Nicotra
Marie Paul Connai (Belg.)
Attac Sweden
Franco Gesualdi (lilliput)

Chair: Piero Sansonetti

Non violence, disobedience and social conflicts

Alex Zanotelli (llilliput,)
Luca Casarini (Disobb)
Heidi Giuliani
Petros Constantinou (Gr)
Giorgio Cremaschi (Fiom)
Monica Lanfranco (Marea)
Christophe Aguiton

Chair: Salvatore Cannavò

Mediterranean: a sea of conflicts, looking for democracy and peace

Samir Amin - Introduction
Balkans and Cyprus
Panos Garganos (Gr)
Rada Zarcovich (Bosnia)
Igor Seke (YU)
Sonia Licht (YU) ?
Toumazos Tsielepsis (Cyprus social Forum)
Turkish Cypriot (name missing)
Giacomo Scotti (Croatia)
>From one side to another

Asamblea promotora Foro Social Mediterraneo
Repres. Saharaoui
Algerian woman
Attac Tunisia
Kurdish Representative (UIKI)

Coord. Pino Carlino (ETUC)

Latino America: global crisis and social resistence

Miguel Urbano Rodriguez
Estela Carlotto (Abuelas Plaza de mayo-Argentina)
Lucio Garzòn (CUT ­ Colombia)
Pastoral Council (Brasil)
K.Vergapoulos (Greece)
Josè Abargar (Tallèr de multinacionales ­ ES)
Hugo Alberto Pena (Presidente de la Asociacion campesina de Arauca
Indigenous Community)
Via campesina
Hernando Hernandez - USO

Coordin. Mario Lubetkin (Uruguay-IPS)

The role of religions in the critique of globalisation

Giulio Girardi
Monsignor Bettazzi (IT)
Samuel Ruiz (Mexico)
Chief Rabby Florence
Gertrud Knoll (Austria)
Superintendent Evangelisch Church
Women Buddhist Network
Tariq Ramadan
Marseille Muftì

Coord. Firenze Social Forum

Friday 8 november

Social and State Economy

M. Albert(Z Magazine,Usa)
Scalvini (Pres. Cecop)
Ugo Biggeri (Banca Etica)
Marco Revelli (prof.)
Riccardo Bellofiore ?(Prof.)
Carolo Wills (Itaf, Usa)
Carla Rejentes (Spain)
Yannis Milios (Greece)

Chair: Giorgio Del Fiume

Participatory democracy

R. Dominici (Florence)
Maria de Lurdes Pintassiglo (Portugal )
Miriam Giovenzana
Alberto Magnaghi (Univ.)
Raffaella Lamberti
Gigi Sullo (Carta)
Massimo Rossi (Mayor)

Chair: Giampiero Rasimelli

Mouvement and political parties

Elio Di Rupo (Ps Belg)
H.-C Ströbele(Grunen)
Fausto Bertinotti (Prc It)
O. Besancenot (Lcr Fr.)
Rosi Bindi (Catholic dem.)
Vittorio Agnoletto (Ita)
Bernard Cassen (Attac Fr.)
Chris Nineham (Gb)
Naomi Klein

Chair: Tom Benettollo


G.Calchi Novati
Amref (Medical Association)
Samsidin Indrisu (Greek African Community)
Mad.Binta Sarr (Senegal)
Unac Mozambico
Zaki Achmat (S.Africa)
Guinea equatorial (?)
MPL (Sud Africa)?

Coord. Emmaus International


Tiziano Terzani (Italy)
Dita Sari (Indonesia)?
Vandana Shiva (?)
Walden Bello (Philippines)
Rawa (Afghanistan)
Andrej Kolganov (Russia)
Asian social forum (India)
Womens association Timor East

Coord. Giuliana Sgrena (journalist)

Palestine-Israel the conflict, Europe, active solidarity for a just peace

Luisa Morgantini
Hanan Ashrawi ­ Miftah
Leila Chahid ­ ANP
Mustafa Barghouti ­ PINGO
Fadwa Barghouti
Michael Warschanwsy
Peace Now
Bat Shalom center
Jacob Katriel (Haifa University)

Coord. Alessandra Mecozzi

Chairpersons for Assembly 10 november

Raffaella Bolini,
Nicola Fratoianni
Luciano Muhlbauer,
Massimo Cervelli
+ 3 Europa

è ricercando l'impossibile che l'uomo ha sempre realizzato il possibile
Coloro che si sono saggiamente limitati a ciò che appariva loro come
possibile non hanno mai avanzato di un solo passo