[Cm-crew] CM SF - la visione di chris

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Autor: Giovanni Pesce
Datum: 2002-10-01 16:45 -000
Betreff: [Cm-crew] CM SF - la visione di chris
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da chris ricevo e inoltro

"Critical Mass here was an amazing overwhelming chaotic crazy inexplicable
party! We think there were about 6000-7500 bicyclists, many of them
first-timers who unfortunately are not well versed in the etiquette of
Critical Mass. So, predictably, there were many flaring tempers and a lot of
hostility in both directions all over town. The police broke the ride up
early, splitting it into at least 6 different masses of over 1000 each, some
more like 2500 or more. It depended entirely on which group one ended up in
what kind of experience you had. Some people were attacked by the police
(with batons swinging) and reports are that there were 12 arrests. But
overall, the vast vast majority of people I spoke with during the ride,
afterwards at the Birthday Party at Dolores Park, and over the weekend, had
an absolutely spectacular time. Definitely most of San Francisco was
paralyzed for a few hours Friday night as bicyclists had their way all over
town. A fair amount of hate email since then, but many more happy, glowing
stories. We'll try to write some of it down and send it out in the next few

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<TITLE>CM SF - la visione di chris</TITLE>
<TT>da chris ricevo e inoltro<BR>
"Critical Mass here was an amazing overwhelming chaotic crazy inexplic=
able party! We think there were about 6000-7500 bicyclists, many of them fir=
st-timers who unfortunately are not well versed in the etiquette of Critical=
Mass. So, predictably, there were many flaring tempers and a lot of hostili=
ty in both directions all over town. The police broke the ride up early, spl=
itting it into at least 6 different masses of over 1000 each, some more like=
2500 or more. It depended entirely on which group one ended up in what kind=
of experience you had. Some people were attacked by the police (with batons=
swinging) and reports are that there were 12 arrests. But overall, the vast=
vast majority of people I spoke with during the ride, afterwards at the Bir=
thday Party at Dolores Park, and over the weekend, had an absolutely spectac=
ular time. Definitely most of San Francisco was paralyzed for a few hours Fr=
iday night as bicyclists had their way all over town. A fair amount of hate =
email since then, but many more happy, glowing stories. We'll try to write s=
ome of it down and send it out in the next few days. <BR>
