[Cm-crew] cm book Italy

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Lähettäjä: Giovanni Pesce
Aihe: [Cm-crew] cm book Italy
Hi Chris, how's the ride? Everything allright? I still haven't found the
time to copy and send you the news stories on cm with your interviews. They
are quite good. The CM wave is still growing & growing, throughout Italy.
New cities have joined in. Last thursday in Milan we were more than 300,
maybe the biggest mass so far. we are close to the critical #1000. The
spirit is anarchic as ever, even though in terms of media coverage we have
gone completely mainstream...

Coming to the book, I know you have on-going relations with Shake, maybe
also with other publishers. If you are about to close any deal (nice
expression, em?) let me just inform you that we have just started talking
with Feltrinelli, a large publisher, much larger than Shake, distributed
nationally, good quality, historically left winger. The chief editor
himself, Mr Feltrinelli, said "I want the book, consider it already on
board". Maybe it would be better to slow down talks with Shake a little

As soon as I get an answer from Feltrinelli I will pass the contact to you,
so that you can deal directly with them. Gimme your tel # so that we can
speed up things a little bit. Just note that some of us among the crew of
aficionados would like to take part into the translation... stay in touch.

that's the milanese contribution for potlatch:

here's the flyer for our sept 27th celebration:

here you can find your interview at radio pop, interwoven with cm sounds

The sounds of Cm milan will be on BBC radio
Sept 22nd 11.30 pm. The program is called "Out of the blue radio" by chris
I am not to sure where you'll be able to hear it on streaming. Try on

