[Cm-crew] car buster n°37

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Vanhat otsikot: [Cm-crew] 27 settembre 2002: 10 anni di CM! e micro-reportino tra le righe
Aihe: [Cm-crew] car buster n°37
- -- -- CAR BUSTERS BULLETIN -- -- -- -
Edition no. 37 - August 2002 - English version
CARBUSTERS Magazine and Resource Centre
Kratka 26, 10000 Praha 10, Czech Republic
tel: +(420) 2-7481-0849 ; fax: +(420) 2-7481-6727
<carbusters@???> - <www.carbusters.org>

1) Greenhouse Gases Bill Causes Consternation In Wealthy Part of the World
2) Mont Blanc Latest
3) Paris Streets Reclaimed

4) Road Alert: New UK Disorganisation/Web Site
5) Car-Free Seattle Day : August 24
6) San Francisco on September 27
7) Put Michael Schumacher In Prison
8) Critical Mass Book and Tour
9) Shell Stories Request

10) Serve Us (Two Jobs!)
11) Towards Car-Free Cities III Conference
12) Worldwide Contact Directory Update
13) World Car-Free Days 2002 Reminder




1) Greenhouse Gases Bill Causes Consternation In Wealthy Part Of The World
[submitted by Todd Edelmann]

Car manufacturers are warning of "more deaths on the road, higher
taxes and petrol costs, the outlawing of the popular SUV [4 x 4],"
floods, war, famine and compulsory vegetarianism if a bill is passed
by the Californian governor which will at some point in the future
require cars to produce less greenhouse gases. The new law
directs another board to draw up legislation by 2005 for
implementation in 2009. The bill was championed by the
environmental movement and many Californian celebrities, as a
rebuff for Bush's failure to sign the Kyoto treaty, and supported by
81 percent of Californians (including 77 percent of SUV drivers).
The powerful car lobby is expected to challenge the bill every step
of the way, mounting civil actions, stamping their feet and
complaining that they don't want to make minor modifications to
their beautiful cars.

2) Mont Blanc Latest
[submitted by Frank van Schaik]

Trucks are now back into the Mont Blanc tunnel, and charging
through at quite a rate, according to locals. The police say they've
not got enough people to enforce the speed limits, but managed to
spare 150 men to prevent a group of 10 Italian activists from helping
to enforce them. A peaceful sit-in at the tunnel access road was
tear gassed on June 25, and local residents trying to calm the
lorries by driving slowly in front of them had their car confiscated.
Next big international demo: October 5 at Courmayeur. See
www.retealternative.org (Italian) or contact info@???

3) Paris Streets Reclaimed
[submitted by Ivana Jakubkova, on the road]

The mayor of Paris, Bertrand Delanoe, closed 3.8 km of the busy
Georges Pompidou Expressway (which normally sees 200,000
cars/day), and turned it over to engineless transport and people.
The road was covered with sand, turf, palm trees and
entertainment, drawing 600,000 people coming to sit on the
reclaimed banks of the Seine on the first day. An inspired piece of
street reclaiming and a huge success; only 300 deckchairs were
provided. And the scheme plans to get more ambitious next


4) Road Alert: New UK Disorganisation/Web Site
[submitted by Owl]

After the End of the Road Gathering in the UK, discussing the
future of the anti-road movement in the light of the new UK road
building program, a web site has been set up to help organise and
inform people about the next wave of developments and protests.
It's at www.roadalert.org.uk. Have a look.

5) Car-Free Seattle Day: August 24
[submitted by Mark Watson]

Just a month too early to be participating in World Car-Free Days,
Seattle announced by mayoral proclamation their second Car-Free
Day for August 24. Events and festivals will be taking place all over
the city all day, for more info or to volunteer, contact organiser
Robert Zverina, on (206) 547-6433.

6) San Francisco on September 27
[submitted by Susan Vaughan]

By a hopefully happy coincidence, San Francisco's first official Car-
Free Day will coincide with the upcoming Critical Mass festivities.
Part of a street in the central business district will be closed off to
cars, and the city will be conducting a media campaign to
persuade people to leave their cars at home for a day.

And the 10th anniversary ride would love to hear from your 'Mass:
They're asking for Critical Masses worldwide to send birthday cards
to them at 1095 Market St, Suite 210, San Francisco, CA 94103.
The birthday ride will be carrying 300+ signs naming all the cities
worldwide in which Critical Mass has happened in the 10 years.

7) Put Michael Schumacher In Prison
[submitted by Raoul Anvélaut]

Casseurs de Pub (translates as "Adbusters"), French anti-
consumerism activists, are spearheading a second-annual
campaign to ban Formula One racing because of the immense
amount of pollution generated, for one reason. If you're French, or
adept in that tongue, you can read about this and the indictment
against Formula 1 racer Michael Schumacher for crimes against
humanity. See the Casseurs de Pub web site:

8) Critical Mass Book and Tour
[submitted by Craig O'Hara, AK Press]

To launch the book "Critical Mass, Bicycling's Defiant Celebration,"
a two-month bike tour will kick off at the end of Bike Summer in
Portland, Oregon, USA (with a video screening and specially
produced Bike Summer beer), and visit cities all over the US. The
tour stops in on the San Francisco Critical Mass 10th Birthday ride
during World Car-Free Days before going on to the East Coast. Let
us know if you'd like the itinerary of dates in eleven cities (states:
CA, OH, OR, PA, DC, WI, MN, and IL) as it currently stands.

9) Shell Stories Request
[submitted by Jack Doyle by way of Domenica Settle]

I'm currently working on a short book on Royal Dutch Shell, trying
to obtain information, news stories, case studies, government
reports, etc, on Shell's environmental, human rights, worker and
community safety record -- including spills, refinery and terminal
accidents, fires, explosions, political activities, encroachment on
biodiversity, fines, court actions, etc... Any information that could
be sent either electronically or by hard-copy mail would be most
welcome and appreciated. Thanks very much.

Send any info or recommendations you have to us, and we'll pass
it on.


10) Towards Car-Free Cities III Conference

The dates for the long-hoped-for third Towards Car-Free Cities
conference are now decided: March 17- 21, 2003, taking place at
Toucluv Dvur Ecologicke Centrum in Prague. You want to come,
you say? Well, e-mail us, then. More news will be steadily trickling
out about this as time goes by.

11) Serve Us (Two Jobs!)

Here's a chance to do just that: In order to accomodate the
organisation of the above mentioned Towards Car-Free Cities III
conference as well as everything else we do, Car Busters is going
to select TWO LUCKY VOLUNTEERS (apply separately or
together if you have a good working partnership already) for three
months to get the glory and acclaim for organising it. The easy bit
will be the liasing with transport activists and researchers
internationally to invite, solicit lectures and workshops, help obtain
visas, sort out accommodation and travel needs, and oversee the
running of the conference itself that you'll have to do. The hard bit
will be putting up with my cooking every Friday.

So the ideal candidates (and we know you're out there) will not only
be well organised and motivated with a strong interest in transport
activism, and some prior knowledge of the movement, perhaps with
some previous experience of organising conferences
internationally, but will also have a strong stomach.

Accommodation in Prague provided if required, plus pocket money
of 5,000 CZK/month.

12) Worldwide Contact Directory

Our team of computer monkeys assure me that, barring an
interruption to peanut supply, the eagerly awaited Worldwide
Contact Directory will be on-line by the end of tomorrow,
Wednesday, August 7, 2002CE. Go list your group on this
amazing searchable wonder-tool, and then find all the groups
working on the same issues. Send us feedback about how you
think it should be different, and the first person to break it wins a

13) ...and we hope you're all planning to do at least SOMETHING
for World Car-Free Days 2002, September 13 - 27. Don't forget to
tell us about it. Thanks to all of those of you who have registed on
the web site already: interest from as far flung places as Cameroon
and Tajikistan so far. Info will be posted up soon, why aren't YOU a
part of it? And the World Car-Free Days 2002 poster will be up and
downloadable around the end of the week.


Car Busters will only accept responsibility for this bulletin if you
just hit "reply" and ask us to, without needing to write
carbusters@???. Now that this is, at long last, half as much
effort, we expect twice as many e-mails from you all. And finally,
as they say, an Iowa woman has been using the same single-
speed bike as her sole mode of transport for 44 years, can anyone
top that? Anyone know anyone who's been using a car day-to-day
for 44 years? I think not.
This bulletin was composed by Richard (Randy thinks I ought to
say that)

CAR BUSTERS Magazine and Resource Centre
Kratka 26, 100 00 Praha 10, Czech Republic
tel: +(420) 2-7481-0849 - fax: +(420) 2-7481-6727
<carbusters@???> - <http://www.carbusters.org>

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