[Cm-crew] ML...+car busters

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Author: Toni i
Date: 2002-03-27 11:35 -000
Subject: [Cm-crew] ML...+car busters
sotto vi forwardo uno scambio di mail con car buster...
qualcuno vuole aggiungere qlc??
diamo una puntamento all'uomo?
per il commento explicatorio alle mailinglist mi pare vadan bene.

baci e bici e sempre +bici +kontatti +kaos

Subject:         Re: Critical Mass Italy
   Date:         Wed, 27 Mar 2002 13:32:43 +0100
   From:         "Car Busters" <carbusters@???>
CC:         jym@???, CriticalMass@???
cc: Critical-Mass.org, CriticalMassHub.com

Hi Toni,
Thanks for the Critical Mass Italy news. I'm sending this to two web
sites that list worldwide Critical Mass websites. Please send us
news about these rides. The China Town Milan issue sounds
interesting. I will be in Rome probably next month, perhaps passing
through Milan. Let me know if there are particularly good times to
Good luck,
Randy Ghent

hi you!
so here in italy we have a brand new critical mass website:
some action are currently done weekly in milan, soon in rome (1 of
june the next one), some in napoli. the 13 of april a meeting of critical
mass italy +anarcociclisti + legambiente (a "green" association) + biciG8
(http://www.bicig8.org/ those who went to Genova G8 summit by bike) will be
held in milan and there will be a critical mass from Bulk CSO (where a bike
workshop is currently under costruction) to the milan city china town
to defend chinese bike lanes (and to promote italian ones still

baci e bici
kisses and bikes

CAR BUSTERS Magazine and Resource Centre
Kratka 26, 100 00 Praha 10, Czech Republic
Tel: +(420) 2-7481-08-49 ; Fax: +(420) 2-7481-67-27
<carbusters@???> <http://www.carbusters.org>

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